7. Half Of The Truth

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Hell Blooming readers! It's me! Enjoy~~~!!!

PJ's P.O.V

I don't regret what I just said.

"Back~" I said and Fresh turned to me.

"Heyo" He said.

"Yeesh my mom did not want me to leave" I laughed.

"Yeah I saw his face" Fresh chuckled.

Eight months later

I hate being skele-nant. (Get it? Because he's a skeleton-no? Oh alright I'll stop)

"Fresh can you help me?" I asked my boyfriend.

"Sure thing" He helped me up and steady me.

(This is adorable by the way)

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(This is adorable by the way)

"Jammy~~~. Come on" Fresh groaned when I wouldn't take my pills.

"But they taste digusting" I said. He took a pill in his mouth, kissed me and transfered it.

"You troll" I said and he laughed. I couldn't help but smile at that.

We were just watching a movie until I felt something.

"OW!" I yelled and pulled up my shirt. The small little skeleton was kicking me rapidly.

"Guess your due" Fresh glitched us to the hospital, and glitched away before anyone saw him.

When the little baby was delieved

Fresh had glitched to me and I showed him the baby.

He had a black skeleton base like me, and his soul in his left eye and Fresh's right eye color.

"I love him" I said, holding my son close.

"Soooo, what are we gonna name him?" Fresh asked me when we were home.

"Cil!" I said.

"Cil it is" He said.

Like, a week later

I set Cil down for a nap and layed down next to Fresh.

"Tired already?" He asked, opening one eye.

"Yes now shush" I said and he chuckled.

Error's P.O.V

Ink has gone insane with PJ gone.

"I WANT MY BABY BACK!" He sobbed, and I held my husband close.

"Calm down Kiki. He has to come back one day" I said.

"He hasn't come back for ten months!" Ink cried.

"Wait. Maybe someone knows where he is. Gather all the Aus" Guffe said and we did so quickly.

"So what's this master plan of yours?" Lust asked Guffe.

"We all need to summon Fresh" He said.

"WHAT NO!" They yelled.

"He must be keeping PJ or something! Think about it! He disappeared with him!" Guffe said.

"True..." Ink said.

"Alright. Everyone, get ready" We all put our souls out, and used a small bit to summon Fresh.

It worked.

He fell out of the sky and landed on his feet, looking around quickly.

"Pin him down!" My strings wrapped around Fresh, tightening as I held him up.

"LET ME GO!" Fresh yelled.

"Alright listen here Fresh. Where is PJ?" Ink asked.

Fresh never answered.

"WHERE IS HE?!?!" Ink yelled.

"Like I'd tell you" Fresh said.

"We'll do this the hard way then" Cross said and Horror twirled his axe in his hand.

Suddenly a small little baby skeleton with a eyepatch over it's eye came from a black portal, crawling on the ground.

"What the hell?" Geno said.

"Eh whatever" Horror held a axe over the baby, ready to dust it.

"NO!!!!" Fresh yelled.

"We ain't stopping you. We don't know who it is" Lust shrugged when Horror looked us.

"Cil! Teleport to daddy please!" Fresh begged the small baby.

"D-daddy?" The small baby crawled away when Horror slammed his axe down. The baby named Cil glitched away, and was in front of Fresh. Wait a minute....

"Good" Purple liquid poured from Fresh's eye sockets as he easily broke my strings like they were paper. He picked the baby up, a gaster ready.

"You dust my son and I'll dust you all" He growled.

"SON?!?!" We all said.


"For a while" Fresh snarled.

"Great. Another glitch. Dust 'em both" Captain said. (I love these names lmao)

Cil's little arms waved over Fresh's arm, with a pink tongue sticking out. For some reason, I felt like I had to protect him. He reminded me of PJ...

Cross and the other au's began attacking Fresh. So did my family.

Cil gave me a quick look, and I knew it. I had to protect him.

He....if PJ was Fresh's boyfriend, and this is Fresh's kid, then it's PJ's son.

I had to stop this. I suddenly glitched in front of everyone, taking my strings and taking away their weapons and gaster's.

"ERROR WHAT THE HELL?!" Ink yelled. Fresh was the most surprised.

Cil's P.O.V

EHhhhh, I dunno what's going on.

Back to Error's P.O.V

"You can't hurt the kid. Nor.....can you hurt Fresh" I said.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Undyne yelled.

"Yes I am" My strings wrapped around their souls and my kids looked so scared.

"Fresh....take Cil back to PJ. I'll handle this" I told Fresh and he nodded, and glitched away.


"BECAUSE THAT WAS PJ'S SON!" I yelled out. Everyone went quite.

"What?" Ink asked.

"It's complicated to explain" I put everyone done and glitched away.

PJ's P.O.V

"Are you two ok!?" I asked my husband.

"Your dad saved us" He said quitely.

"M-my dad did what?" I asked, and Confetti reached her arms to Cil.

"He saved us from getting dusted"

Ek. I hoped you enjoyed this! Have a great day!

The Colorful Pair(Fresh x PJ)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя