Chapter 32

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The invigilator's voice pierced through the quietness that had been building for the past one hour. "Boy, what is it you have in your hands?"

The boy turned red and began to sweat immediately, "No-Nothing, Sir."

Nodding, the invigilator walked towards him. "Stand up and step out of your seat."

With no choice, the red-haired guy obliged and walked away holding his hands up in surrender as the man searched his body, writing materials and the area around his seat.

While this was happening, other students were whispering to themselves and watching the scene unfold. No one was focused on the exam again, everyone waiting to see what the man's verdict would be.

"Well what do we have here, Mister?" The bulky man questioned as he held a small piece of paper in his hands.

The guy tried to seem unfazed, even as he continuously wiped his hands on his blue sweatpants. "That's not mine, I- I don't know what it ca- came from."

"Oh really? But it's the same handwriting with the one on your answer booklet."

The guy went silent at that.

We watched as the he placed a quick phone call before addressing us. "Someone else will be here to invigilate till I get back."

Another woman entered as the first invigilator and the guy left, his question paper and answer booklets in hand. She seemed to scowl at us as she signalled for us to continue our exam.

Once again, all was quiet as everyone returned to their papers. Luckily, we were almost done when the distraction happened and soon everyone was submitting their papers.

"Go back to your seat, your principal would like to address you after the exam." The woman said to each student who submitted, so at the end of the exam we were all still present waiting for the principal.

"So how was the exam?" Leo started, dragging his seat nearer to us.

"Tough." I and Daisy replied simultaneously.

"Yeah, me too. I really don't blame that guy for cheating, the questions were nothing like I expected." Leo continued.

"No way! What he did was really risky." Daisy admonished as she brought her voice to a lower volume. "I saw Lily cheat as well, she had a piece of paper the whole time."

"What?" I exclaimed. "That can't be right. There's no way anyone could have snuck a paper through the exam without the invigilator knowing."

She shook her head. "But what if he knew? I saw him pass her seat a lot, and he didn't utter a word even as she saw the paper."

"Are you sure, Daisy?"

"Of course, I am. I don't know how and why, but I know he saw her and didn't say anything."

"Well eventually someone else will get her. Let's keep this for later, the principal is here."

At that moment, Mrs. Jones entered wearing a red skirt suit two piece, along with white jewelry to match. Once again, we were all reminded of why she was the principal of a Fashionista school.

"Good afternoon students, I hope you're all staying safe and I trust your first exam went well." She paused to receive affirmative answers before going on. "So you were all witnesses to what happened minutes ago, and I can tell you that your classmate Alaric Seamon was found guilty for examination malpractice and has been expelled from the school."

"Oh my goodness." I said under my breath, even as murmurs filled the entire room.

"Let's be quiet please. I came here to inform the rest of you that cheating in an exam is a serious offence that will not be taken lightly. He served as an example to you all, and I hope this won't have to repeat itself again." She finished before stepping off the elevated podium.

The second invigilator resumed her scowling face once the principal left. "You all can go now, and prepare for your Marketing exam tomorrow."


Thankfully, the rest of the exam week passed by quickly and soon we were officially done with first semester.

Daisy piped up. "One down, five more to go."

Leo groaned as he drove us away from the school premises. "We still have two and a half years to go, where's the fun in that?"

"The fun in that is the fact that we've done half a year already. Now let's get to our spot, I need some ice-cream after all the stress." I answered.

"Yay, ice cream." Camille screamed. She had joined our reading group after Finesse exam and now she was the fourth member of the crew. I briefly wondered if it would stay this way or she would distance herself after this outing. Again.

Soon, we arrived at the familiar building and we were all served our favourite by Daisy's favourite waiter, Henry.

"Is that our favourite?" Daisy purred as Henry appeared. When he nodded she continued slightly touching his fingers, "That's two of my favourite things at once." He turned red immediately and withdrew his hand before scurrying away from the table.

I shook my head and nudged her. In the three times we had been here, she always found a way to flirt with him and the guy would always turn red before vanishing.

She laughed. "Oh come on, he's cute when he turns red. I wonder if he's never been hit on by a girl before."

"Even if he has, you're quite forward with yours. Poor guy has to endure being your object of ridicule." Leo admonished as he scooped a large portion of his three layer cream into his mouth.

"He probably enjoys it. Who wouldn't want to be flirted with? Definitely not Hen-Hen over there." Camille added, supporting her roomie as they did a fist bump.

"What about you Amelia?" Camille asked. Out of all my friends, only she still called me by my full name and that made me feel a bit detached from her.

I shook my head and focused intently on my ice cream which was sadly, nearly finished.

"You should try it Lia. Hit on a guy, I'm sure Leo here would be happy to be the lucky guy. Or even Jason." Daisy said,wriggling her brows.

I coughed, causing a bit of cream to escape through my nose. As I wiped my nose, I gave her an evil glare taking care to not look towards Leo who was staring intently at me.

Way to ruin the casual mood.

Feigning ignorance of the tension Daisy had good-naturedly created, Camille asked. "Hey guys, did you hear about the one week camping trip?"

Leo blinked away, adjusting his focus to Camille who was licking her cup. "What camping trip?"

"I overheard Helene talking about it. Next week is going to be a camping exercise, kind of an exhibition show. We will display all the pieces we've made by modelling them and the winner will get a cash prize."

"That sounds fun. We're all going right?"

"Yea I guess so. From what I heard, it seems mandatory and we're going to be doing a lot more than modelling our clothes. There's going to be camp fires, water sports and the likes."

I wondered aloud. "So that's why my manager gave me a two week break?"

Leo nodded. "Probably. I wonder when they were planning on telling us."

"Right about now. I just received a message forwarded from the principal." Daisy said waving her phone, just as ours rang simultaneously.

Camille smiled. "So we're going camping. More fun."


So they're done with exams and it's camping next. Fun after the stress.
What do you think about Camille's entry? Let me know your thoughts.
I've been thinking of putting in a person's POV, maybe Cole, Jason, Leo or even Lily. Let me know what you think.
Remember to vote and comment ❤❤

NB: So I've entered my other book, Winchester's Secrets/ Snowy Murder in The Passion Awards 2020 and it's time for the readers to vote. It would mean a lot to me if you could follow the link and vote for my book.

Vote as many times as you want. Thanks and much love.

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