Chapter 33

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It was supposed to be a normal day. Just an usual day when he woke up early, went to brush his teeth and change before strolling downstairs to make breakfast.

But the day did go well, with him waking up his siblings as always ( this time Hyunjin was actually alone in his bed so he didn't have to go through a mini heart attack again ) and packing their lunch while Wonpil lively talked in the background.

Jinyoung sometimes wondered how they could be best friends when Wonpil was that energetic while he was the more motherly nagging type of person. And yes, he admitted it.

Though he couldn't see them not being best friends anyways, after all those years they've spent together. It was like Taeyong and Eunjeong, both of them also being childhood friends and inseparable.

If he didn't get married after the age of forty, he'd totally marry Wonpil. They already made an agreement on it anyways but Jinyoung was pretty sure Wonpil's boyfriends would never leave him, with thought on how whipped they were.

Wonpil had just laughed when he pointed the fact out. "Don't worry, our deal still stands! I wonder how much rings costs though-"

And that's how he found himself going to a jewel store with the other brunette on a Saturday. Actually that was Wonpil's idea so he didn't technically kidnap his best friend from a date with his boyfriends-

After stuffing a sandwich into Wonpil's mouth to get him to shut up, both of them said goodbye to the twins and headed outside where, wow what a surprise, Taeyong cheering on Eunjeong who was trying to climb up a tree?

Turns out they wanted to save a small baby kitten and after Eunjeong ( almost ) broke his arm, they finally got it to come down. Taeyong was cradling it in his arms, smiling brightly as it nuzzled its nose against his cheek and causing the male to giggle.

He had snorted when he imagined the look on Taeyong's boyfriends faces.

School rolled by perfectly fine without any problems, accept from Yugyeom getting both of them in trouble for running in the hall towards him and BamBam amusedly watching him scold the youngest. He had lunch with all of them as usual of course, Jin grimacing and claiming how GOT6 had stolen him from them. ( The other did get him to promise to eat lunch with them next time before finally letting him go from cooking class )

It wasn't until after school when everything went down.

Youngjae had apologized to him, telling the older that he had piano lessons and couldn't walk home with him. Jinyoung had just shrugged it off and laughed half heartedly. He was going to be fine, it was not like something was going to happen anyways.

Realizing his mistake too late, he cursed himself for being so ignorant. He had been so wrong.

As fast as he left school, Jinyoung couldn't shake off the unpleasant feeling of being watched. Turning around multiple time too look, there was never anyone there.

Speeding up, he had tried to loose the feeling. It must've been his imagination, just ignore it, he told himself as he turned around the corner fast with all senses full alert. God, why did he go alone? He should have waited for Yugyeom to finish his basketball training or Mark after his class. But knowing himself, he wouldn't want to bother them anyways.

It wasn't until someone stepped on a stick behind him that made him freeze. The sound echoed in his brain, causing his heart into a frenzy. Someone was following him.

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