The band! (Intrucloceit)

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'The stars' is a rock band,They make rock covers of songs and also make their own.
Oh and High school human AU!
I don't think there's anything else-If their is correct me an I will add on!

Remus Prince-Duke (17).Brother to Roman Prince(17).The hidden drummer in 'the stars'.

Janus Hart (17).Son to Patton Hart(31)(a single father TwT). The hidden backup singer and guitarist in 'the stars'

Logan Nightshade(16). A silent kid. Hidden singer in 'the stars'

Other characters include:
Virgil Storm(18)
Emile Picani(21)
Remy Duke (19) (Remus' And Romans' step brother)

Stage names include:
The duke
Cloud (Janus)
Starlight (Logan)
Third Person POV-At school
Logan walked down the school halls.The occasional push into the locker happened ever once in a while.Roman prince called him a nerd as he walked passed as did his boyfriend Virgil who was a year above him. This was a routine for Logan.But he was getting bored of it.

Logans POV
For Fucks sake! I'm done with this shit.I swear the next person that pushed me into the fucking locker is a fuckin- I suddenly bump into someone,Janus. He apologised and smiled at me before he left. I was going to see him later today in band practice but It made my day way better seeing him.Well now to wait till I see Remus.I don't see him at school, and I'm sure you know why.

As school goes on I keep seeing Roman. Remus brother,he's really stupid.He thinks that 'mus goes to some play group-It's idiotic.
And speaking of the idiot here he comes.
"Ha nerddd!" Then he continued to take my tie.
So my wrist accidentally slipped and now Roman has a bloody nose and I have my tie back.
"Don't talk to me again you bitch,But in all honesty no one will believe you either so be a dear and don't tell anyone or I'll do it again."
There was no one around.It was a free period for us,And I guess everyone else was in the gardens.And I knew Virgil was in class. He nodded as I walked off and put my tie back on.

-After school-
"What now?"
Right into it.We has just met up at the bus stop and are now waiting for the bus.
"He probably deserved it."
"But that's not even the best part! He must of been threatened because he won't tell us who did it! He's scared of this person! I wanna meet them-"
"Wow,Romans such a pussy"
That's what I thought when I punched him.
"He's only confident around people because he's got Virgil."
"True,Also,My dads coming to practice again after work which should be in half an hour."

Finally the bus arrived.We paid and then got onto the bus.There was a little boy who started a conversation with Remus and I swear he loved this kid.(the kids text)
"Heyo young fellow!"
"You look like a super villain! Could you do a villain voice and then I be the hero!"
"Okay. *cough* Muhahahaha! My plan has been planed and now it's time to take action!"
"Nuuuu Mr Villian man! You can't take rule of my city *giggle* Mr villian man your very good at voices" *smile*
"Thanks kid! What you name Mr hero?"
"Logan! Logan Picani!"
"Are you related to Emile Picani by any chance?"
"Brober? Brober Emi!"
"Oh he's your brother?"

Soon the bus came to a hult and we got off,Logan and Emile following as they lived near the studio.Emile is the only person other then our parents that know our identities.

As we walked into the studio we were met with a sent of coffee.Remy's here.Oh-Forgot to mention Remy knows too-

As we walk to our equipment we see Remy on his phone.

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