Chapter 11

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"Could you please stop moving too much and wrinkling your forehead? I'll end up smudging this mask in your eyes. And why is your eye bags a bit puffier? Are you not getting enough sleep?"

Sung Kyung knew she sounded like an ajumma who owned ten cats and well she wasn't far from it as she currently got 2 and a dog. But she couldn't help it she liked precision and perfection in everything that she did and that included applying a clay mask.

"Well could you please stop talking too? It's not easy putting the mask on your face either. I'm sleeping just fine. I had a shoot that finished quite late." Hyo Seop retorted.

Well it seemed that hoobae was getting way spunkier now.

"And your hair is getting longer too." She can't let him have the upper hand.

"What's wrong with my hair? Besides you're the one with a daring red hair." He replied back.

She stopped painting his face. Now she felt conscious that colouring her hair ginger red might not be a good idea after all.

"What's wrong with my hair? It looks that bad?" She asked alarmed.

Hyo Seop stopped applying the mask to her face and placed the plastic spatula on the bowl. He then slid closer to her and adjusted the black knitted headband on her head that was matching his to keep their hairs from touching both their faces.

"I know you just want to hear me say that you look gorgeous and that the color complements your eyes isn't it?" He teased with amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Yah!" She exclaimed and slapped his leg.

He chuckled with his hands still holding the sides of her head gently making sure not to touch her face as his captivating brown eyes looked  deeply into hers.

"Whatever look you decide on you will always look beautiful to me."

Luckily they were already sitting cross legged in front of each other on his sofa because this guy was really making her weak on the knees.

"Yah, do you know that know the cosmetic company I endorse would disown me if they knew I'm using a different brand?" She suddenly said as she quickly pulled away from him as she was feeling nervous from his stares and to stop herself from shoving her mouth to his too because that would be truly awkward not to mention messy and unappealing with a clay mask all over their face.

Understanding the predicament she felt Hyo Seop followed her lead and just smirked.

"It's not like you're going to tell them and besides it's good to have options don't you think?" He pointed out while applying the mask to her face again.

She just rolled her eyes at him and did the same on his face too as there's no point in arguing with the guy as he was out to win in every single one of them. Hoobae is truly getting out of his shell more and more.

Tonight was their ritual weekend movie night and they had decided it would move from her place to his place from time to time. The movie night had also evolved to not just watching movies but sometimes they would have a jam session where they would sing and play their favorite pieces in the piano, or guitar which Hyo Seop had been teaching her and listening to Hyo Seop play the violin after several coaxing which she found truly amazing. They would also sometimes do cooking night where they would cook whatever they crave for that week and she also taught Hyo Seop to make some of his favorite dish or she would simply just cook a number of food for him to last him the whole week. They would also at times just hang out with Hyo Seop reading, Sung Kyung on her laptop watching random things and answering emails or playing with their pets who seemed to be fond of each of them.  And tonight it was testing out the clay mask he was currently endorsing.

Hanging out with Hyo Seop had been the highlight of her week that she always looked forward to. It was her sanctuary and happy place. However it wasn't easy getting here but then no smooth ride had ever been without a roadblock right?

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