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I going to do a quick chapter about her life before lie-la (also don't get on me for saying lie-la iv'e seen it done to other writers it look annoying I'm actually a terrible at spelling that why I might spell thing wrong). 

Also watch the video, and if you guess who's youtube channel the cat potion thing is from,  well good job you amazing.

P.S. is it wrong that I'm in class while writing this 

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tiki's pov :

today was a pretty normal day for marinette it was 7:25 Mari's alarm was going off and she was still sleeping. Then it became 7:45 she was still asleep after 15 alarms had gone off so I finally took action."marinette school starts in 2 minutes", I heard a crash and looked over to see a girl screaming trying to take a shower, brush her teeth, and change clothes all at the same time. "Mari your not late...yet, go take a shower and brush while I get you an outfit" 

Mari's pov :

I woke up to tiki saying that I had 2 minutes till school and I jumped up hitting my head with a crash and tried to get for school in under a minutes. Then I heard tiki say "Mari your not late...yet, go take a shower and brush while I get you an outfit". When I walked out of the bathroom feeling relaxed I really wanted to not wear the blue wig to school but I would be found out and that can't happen. So i threw on what I called Mari's goody two shoes outfit and put the horrid wig on, got my bag and went to school.

As I was walking up to school I saw Adrian getting out of a car, I still had a crush on him but it was slowly fading away. Ayala came up to me and we talked, I knew she was only my friend because she pitied (tried to spell pity-ed) and knew I had connections that she wanted. Although I knew she was a fake friend it was still nice to have some company and someone to talk to so I kept her around. Chloe was my real best friend I met her in Gotham and we instantly hit it off, when I came to live in Paris we thought it would be funny if she became a bully and I her good girl rival. It was still funny after all these years because after school we would FaceTime (Apple supporter here) and talk about all the mean things that we had said.

 Around 6pm I would start to train with my adopted mother I had to keep up the skills I learned in Gotham and learn new one from my assassin 'mother' (did I not mention that Sabine is from the league but left when she fell in love) I had learned a lot from my new family and from my Gotham family. My Gotham family taught me everything that they know. Uncle R(Riddler): Problem solving, deep thinking, riddles/Papa J (joker) scheming, how to control people with fear, and bombs/Mama (Harley Quinn)  how to get what you want from someones mind, therapy, patience, gymnastics how to shoot a gun, fighting with a bat/ aunt ivy (pretty obvious) how to talk to plants, how to make plants grow healthier and faster, and she gave Mari her gift with plants so she can control them/uncle scare (scarecrow) how to control emotions especially fear, immunity from most toxins or gasses/aunty k (cat woman) how to steal, tell how much something is worth, tell if something is fake. they are my true family and I love them but I also love Sabine and Tom like older siblings and they are my moms friends so I can trust them and I get to talk to my mom and dad once every month. so life is ok then I have to see chat when there's an akuma.

Chat really stoped helping after hero day and only came to fights to see me, flirt, and find out my identity. so I added new recruits to the team my true friends. And although everyones identities got revealed besides mine and chats I still gave some them a Miraculous full-time. (you all can go in the comments and write what you want their names to be is I can add that)


Word count: 813 

I will do a quick chapter with names for superheroes if you give me some in the comments also if you send me art that you like I will put it at the top of the page.

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