Jack x Sally

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~Jacks POV~

(( AN: so this is my first story and well I may get to do a chapter each day.... so yea.... Well anyways I hope you guys like the beginning so far and the full story overall once it's done))

I thank Sally for helping me on that one Christmas day. She's always been a dear friend but, the embrace on the spiral hill got me feeling different. I couldn't really put my finger on it. Could it be? Am I in love?

I was at home thinking about this same feeling. Zero looked at me as if I was crazy. I've never felt like this before. What am I supposed to do about it?

"Well Zero, what do you think I should do?" I asked him getting a simple bark back.

I sigh not knowing what to do. Then Zero starts shoving me out the room. He bites the cuffs of my black and white striped suit and pulls me into the front door. He floated through the door leaving me behind. Hitting my face on the door hurt a lot. I take a step back and open the front door. I then walk out locking it behind me. Zero bites my cuff again and pulls me to my front gate remembering to let me get through my way. As I open the gate soon shutting it I see Lock, Shock, and Barrel playing around. I return my attention to Zero.

"Zero boy, where could you possibly be taking me?"


"Well is it to see Dr. Finkelstein?"

"*barks as if saying 'no' "

"But we're heading in that direct- oh. I see you want me to talk to Sally about this?"


"Hehe ok. Only because your bothering me."

I started feeling my face get hot as we got closer. I was fine going over to see Dr. Finkelstein but going over to see Sally instead is another thing. If I were to knock on his door asking for Sally he might get suspicious. I mean Sally's great and all but I'm used to seeing her as a friend. Now that this weird feeling has taken place in my heart it's hard getting used to.

Zero has pulled me to our destination. He urges me to knock on the door. I knocked on the door to be greeted by my good friend, Dr. Finkelstein.

"Hello Dr. Finkelstein"

"Well if it isn't the well known Jack. What bring you here today? You know what, why don't we talk over some drinks?"

He gestures me to come inside as I do so. He then leads us to a room I had not seen before. The room was decorated with a couch and a couple of single seats. He then gestures me to sit. So what am I to do but sit.

"Will tea do?"

"Sure. Thank you Dr."


Sally soon come from her room.

"You called for me?"

At the sound of her voice my heart melted. This feeling was messing with me again.

"Yes Sally. Can you Make tea for Jack and I please?"

"Sure thing"

She leaves the room leaving me and the doctor.

"So what is it that you need?"

"Well I actually came to see Sally. I kind of wanted to talk to her in private."

"Oh well you can have her for the day if you'd like I have Igor to help me here. Just don't have too much fun"

"Haha ok. Thanks again."

Sally comes back with the tea. as each of us had a cup we had a short chat to catch up and such before I took Sally away from Dr. Finkelstein.

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