What Now?

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((AN: hey guys sorry I went to Main Event and go-cart racing :) then I went to sleep over at my friends place so yea then I got busy all week ;-; sorry guys...it was fun but here is this chapter. hope you guys enjoy))

~Jack's POV~

I woke up the next morning. I was tired but I didn't have any plans for today. I want to go see Sally again but, would it be too soon? I saw her helping Dr. Finkelstein with his experiment so, would she be busy. I don't want to be alone. I want to spend all the time that I can with her, but I also need to prepare for Halloween. It'd be mean of me to not help the Mayor.

As I got out of bed I was greeted Zero.

"Good morning Zero."


I smile at him then fixed myself up a bit. I thought about going over for a visit then go see the Mayor. I've made up my mind.

I prepare to leave off to see Sally. Once I do I see the Mayor. He quickly pulls me off with him to discuss the plans for this Halloween. I'm excited for this Halloween but, I wanted to spend time with Sally as well. I wonder what she's doing right now. As we set the plans out on a work table in town hall we discuss them.

"So Jack I was thinking, what if we replaced the mouse traps for heads?"

"What a terrific idea. How many more days until Halloween?"

"We have 360 days Jack how can you forgot??? We need to make this Halloween better than the last."

"I like your spirit keep it up. I know we can make it better than the last."

"Thanks Jack."

I give him a smile as we discussed the rest of the plans for Halloween. As we continued to talk about the plans I forgot about Sally but, as we discussed some things the Mayor brought up Dr. Finkelstein. As he said Dr. Finkelstein I was automatically thinking of Sally. The Mayor wanted me to go visit Dr. Finkelstein to see how the building of walking skeletons was going.

The Mayor sent me off and I was on my was to see Sally I MEAN DR. FINKELSTEIN. Well as I walked over to the laboratory I started to get nervous.

Jack x SallyWhere stories live. Discover now