The Feelings Sink In

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~Jacks POV~

As I took her hand to help her I up I gave her a quick smile. I let go of her hand as I started to walk down the hill. Looking back I saw Sally following. After our chat I still felt nervous. Should I hold her hand? Will she even let me? In the end I kept my hands to myself. Every now and then I look over at her hoping she doesn't notice me. There was a small breeze in the night air. My bones began to chill. I looked at Sally seeing if she was cold. She seemed fine to me I couldn't tell. She always had a smile on her face. Whether it was big or small it was always there.

After a while of silent walking we reach the laboratory. Sally walked up to the door. Before she went in I gave her a smile. Then I turned around to leave but, my hand was grabbed which made me turn around. She then gave me a hug in which I hugged her back. I didn't want to let her go but I had to eventually. She began to draw her arms back like mine. We then said our 'Good night's' and she disappeared into the laboratory.

I started to walk home as Zero joined by my side once again. I hugged myself trying to keep warm as the night grew colder. I smiled at Zero thinking I'm glad I went through with this.

I soon get home quickly getting inside. Then I go to my room and lay down on my bed. Today  was tiring but enjoyable. Sally had been on my mind ever since I left her at her door step. As I continue to think about her I end up drifting away into a deep sleep.

~Sallys POV~

As Jack left I went to go see if Dr. Finkelstein was still awake. I saw him asleep on his work table. I left to go get a blanket. I soon returned and covered him then leaving him to rest. I slowly walk to my room still thinking about Jack.

Reaching my room I go to lay in bed. I wanted to show him how munched I cared for him. I wanted to be an item with him. Now that I know how he feels about me I can't try to become an item with him. Would that be bad of me? I'll just wait instead. I get comfortable in my bed and go to sleep.

((AN: sorry for the sort chapter I was a bit brain dead today so yea but I hope you still enjoy))

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