Chapter 01

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     I woke up to the sound of the door being slammed, my father must have come home from his hunt. I looked over to my clock and saw it was almost one in the morning so I groaned and headed to the kitchen to get a glass of water. As I came down the stairs I noticed my dad's bag of hunting equipment by the door which meant he would be leaving for another hunt shortly.

As I reached the kitchen my father looked up from the table as he saw me at the doorway. "Did I wake you?" He questioned, eyebrow raised.

I shook my head, "No I was just laying in bed tossing and turning." I lied not wanting him to feel guilty.

He nodded to me as I got my glass and turned the faucet of the sink on. "I'll be leaving with a couple other hunters in a few hours so I should get some sleep." He mentioned as he got up from the table and walked to his room.

I shook my head at the mention of going out hunting with others, see my dad hunts supernatural creatures, mostly vampires. I'm against killing them but my father says it's for our safety that he has to kill them.

I walk back to my room and climb into my bed and close my eyes to try and head back to sleep. My eyes begin to get heavy as a yawn escapes my mouth and soon I am sleeping.

I'm laying in the sun and just soaking up the rays while I listen to the birds chirping in the trees. There's a figure at the edge of the trees watching me so I get up and inch closer to it. The closer I get to the figure the farther the figure is. I pick up the pace, almost running, to find out who this mysterious figure could be watching me. But no matter how hard I try to reach the figure I never seem to catch them.


I jolt out of bed as my alarm wakes me from my dreamland. It's time to get up and start my day, I'm a senior in the local high school, I hopped into the shower and washed my shoulder length brown hair. Once I got out of the shower I dried my hair, brushed my teeth as I looked in the mirror my dull brown eyes stared back at me so unfamiliar to me, then I headed into my closet picking out a nice top that insinuated my curves along with a pair of skinny jeans. Heading downstairs to the kitchen to then start some breakfast. Once I reached the kitchen I pulled out a frying pan walked towards the stove and placed it on the burner I then went to the fridge and pulled out bacon and eggs.

Once I finished cooking enough breakfast for dad and I, I then took a seat at the table and ate. Once I finished my breakfast I placed my dishes in the sink and wrote a note telling my dad I love him and there was a plate of breakfast in the microwave for him. I left the note where my father would see it then grabbing my backpack and heading on my long walk to school. As I was walking to school I replayed my dream over and over in my head, it was not the first time I had dreamt that same dream. It seemed I had the same dream every night since I was twelve.

Once I got to the school I had less than thirty minutes to grab my things out of the locker and get to class before the tardy bell. I rushed to my locker and grabbed my books for my first, second, and third period placing them in my book bag and heading for my first period. As I walked towards my class I bumped into a few students playing football in the hallway, 'stupid jocks' I thought as I pushed my way through them.

I groaned since I have math first period, I sighed as the teacher comes in and starts writing a math problem on the white board for the class to solve in their notebooks. Math is the worst class to start your day off with, I use all my brain power first thing in the morning and never have the energy for the rest of my classes.

It felt as though math was going on forever, I was about to fall asleep when the bell rang and as we all packed up and rushed out the door while the teacher proceeded to tell us not to forget our homework. As I stepped into the hallway I heard my name being called. "Destiny!" I looked around trying to find the source of my name.

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