Chapter 08

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     Eli stood up and looked aggravated with Jezebel. "Jeze this is not her fault and you quill stop blaming her." He demanded.

Jezebel stood her ground. "Well none of this happened before she waltzed into our lives."

"It was only a matter of time before the hunters found us." Eli fumes at his sister. "If anything you should thank her for warning us." He pointed his finger to Jezebel furious with her constant accusations. "Don't even forget she just saved our kind for eternity."

Jezebel laughed maniacally. "We are better then her and all her humans." Anger radiating off of her. "I do not agree with being equal to those weak pathetic mortals."

"JEZEBEL THAT IS ENOUGH." Dawn overpowered still with tears in her eyes. "Your father would be disappointed if he were here." She began to cry harder at the mention of her mate, the king.

Realization hit me as I looked at the family of royals. "Did we not save the vampires?"

Jezebel glared at me flaring her nostrils. "No you idiot it was too late he was slain before you two completed the marking ritual."

Eli held me against his chest as Lilith stepped forward sniffling. "Destiny there is something we need to tell you."

I looked towards them all wondering what they could possibly need to tell me. Eli grabbed my arm and pulled me into his chest as Lilith went to tell me what they had to say.

"You're father was found in the rumble with his neck snapped." I fell to my knees unable to even cry. "We are so sorry."

All I could do was shake my head 'if I don't see it then it can't be real.' I thought. Eli kneeled down holding me against him as I try to process everything.

"He cant't be dead then I have no one." I cried out in pain. "I lost my mom already I can't lose my dad."

I got up and ran for the exit to the bunker. I looked aimlessly for my father anywhere. He has to be alive he just has to be.

I felt someone come up behind me and hold me tight. "It's alright I know you feel lonely but you have me." Eli whispered soothingly in my ear.

I began to feel very tired my vision blurred from all the tears rolling down my cheeks. 'Dad please don't be dead come back.'

I could no longer hold my eyes open, my eye lids became very heavy as I finally just went into an exhausted sleep. Eli held me up bridal style before I finally could not comprehend anything anymore.

Eli walked towards the castle which still stood on the hill with little to no damage. As he opened the door some hunters bodies were found just laying all over the castle floor. He walked up the stairs heading straight for his bedroom.

Once he reached the door he opened it to find everything the way he left it. He walked towards his bed and lay Destiny down and pulled the covers over her body. He stared at her in amazement and love before he decided to go back towards all the death and destruction.

Once he got down to the lowest floor of the castle he saw his mother and sister in the throne room crying over a family portrait. They all looked up to Eli distraught.

"Mother if you do not mind I would like to start burials for all those we lost today." He declared. "Not just our kind but the hunters too."

Dawn nodded agreeing with no words being spoken as she could no longer form sentences.

"E Destiny's dad should be buried beside her mother." Lilith spoke so softly that if Eli were not a vampire he probably would not have heard her. Eli nodded his head as he headed out to assemble some people to help him.

Once they finished burying all the men, women, and even children that they would no longer see Eli walked back to the castle where he found his mother waiting for him.

"Eli we have some things we need to discuss." She spoke nervously.

Eli followed his mother to the throne room where they sat in discussion. "Eli once Destiny graduates high school I need you and her to take over as king and queen of vampires." She chocked out. "Your father would have wanted you to take over."

Eli frowned at his mother. "I can not ask her to be queen of vampires when she just became a vampire herself." He grumbled.

"Eli you have to I can be queen temporarily but without your father I'm not qualified." Dawn cried out. "Jezebel and Lilith haven't found their mates so it's all left to you and Destiny."

Eli looked to his mom  as if she were crazy. "I'll talk to her about it but I can't promise anything."

He then stood up and left the room walking upstairs to climb in the comfort of his mates arms.

Once he reached his bedroom door he smiled sleeping the sweet scent of his mate on the other side of the door. As he went to open the door Jezebel called out to him. "Eli I'm sorry about the way I've acted." She looked ashamed. "I'm just not fond of humans and you of all people know why."

Eli nodded knowing that some hunters had killed her friend when they were kids. No one else knew because only Eli had been following Jezebel when she would sneak out and head to the werewolf pack where her friend was the daughter of the alpha.

"I know Jeze but I promise you Destiny has never and will never do any harm to us." Eli promised his sister hugging her tight as she wept.

Jezebel was upset for sure. "I just miss father who will be king now?"

Eli stiffened at the mention of king. "Mother requested Destiny and I become king and queen once she graduates high school." Jezebel gasped before she turned to walk back to her room in thought.

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