Chapter 10

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     After breakfast and the drama between Jezebel and Dawn Eli and I decided to spend a quiet day inside since I would have school tomorrow. I had two weeks before graduation and I was excited there was some sadness as I would have no family there for me.

"So what happened at breakfast, what did all that mean?" I asked Eli curious.

He sighed before he cleared out his throat to talk. "As king and queen you have the ability to wipe away someone's royal blood or give someone royal blood."

"So your mother took Jezebel's royal blood?" I questioned still confused. "So does that mean she's like all the other vampires?"

Eli nodded his head at my questions. "It's rare for a king or queen to do but sometimes things have to be done to keep peace around here."

"But want Jezebel rebel even more now?" I had so many questions.

Eli shook his head. "If she knows what's best for her she won't."

That was that Eli did not want to speak on it anymore as he sat down on his bed.

"Can I go do something with Lilith then?" I asked him annoyed that I wasn't getting all my questions answered.

He shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't care. "If you can find her."

With that I left the room fuming at the way he was acting. I wondered around looking for Lilith and then I thought up an idea and I went our secret spot.

As I approached the cemetery I spotted Lilith but she wasn't in the usual spot  so I approached her as I did I noticed she was standing over, Cassius Chambers, her father's tombstone.

"Hey." I spoke softly trying not to disturb her from her peace and quiet.

She looked to me with her lip quivering. "I miss him I never saw it coming." She cried. "I could have saved him if Scotus had just warned me."

I held her hand squeezing slightly. "Lilith this is not your fault you could not prevent it because this was how it was meant to happen."
I assured her. "You said Scotus had big plans for all of us and your father's passing was apart of that as was mine."

She nodded her head still crying as I pulled her into a hug. "What do you say we head to the mall I'll call up my friend Scarlet and the three of us can have fun and get to know each other."

Lilith sniffled as a smile appeared on her face. "That would be fun it will help me get clothes to wear to school." Excitement written on her face.

After I called Scarlet to meet us at the mall Lilith and I went to the castle to borrow a car.

"Do you even know how to drive?" I state to Lilith quizzically.

With a devious grin Lilith put the key in the ignition to start the car. "I'm only one hundred and seventy it can't be hard to figure out."

Doubt washes over my features. "So basically you never drove before?" I spoke nervously.

Lilith just nodded her head as she sped away from the castle slightly swerving the car making me super uneasy. As we zoomed through all the traffic on the road I began to calm down to some extent still keeping my edge up.

Whenever we arrived at the mall Lilith slammed into a parking space causing a squeal to escape my lips.

"We got here in one piece." She cheered stepping out of the car after turning the engine off.

I climbed out of the car kissing the ground. "How about I drive us home?" I mentioned.

Lilith just shrugged as we started to walk into the mall, as we came to the door Scarlet waved us over to the food court where she was standing with Lucas and none other than Alex.

"Oh my god." I heard Lilith whisper thanks to my new vampire hearing. I looked over to her and found her staring towards the trio where I saw Alex staring back with his mouth agape. Putting two and two together I realized what this all meant.

"Oh my god yay Lilith you found him." I cheered happy for my friend.

"What is his name?" She asked me not even turning to look my way.

We finally approached the trio where I began introductions. "Lilith meet Alex, Alex meet Lilith." They shook hands still never dropping eye contact. "Scarlet, Lucas this is Lilith."

"Hi." They said in unison wondering what was going on.

We sat down and began to explain to the three what was happening so they would understand why Lilith and Alex were acting weird.

After we ate some lunch we started to wonder around the mall I began to feel like a third wheel. The two couples wanted to go into the photo booth so I waited for them to take their photos.

It had started to get dark out by the time everyone was ready to go Alex helped Lilith carry all her bags, full of new clothes, to the car. Lilith then pulled Alex in for a passionate, long lasting kiss while I groaned breaking it up.

She then tossed me the keys and we headed back home but at a normal speed for cars. Lilith sat back falling into a daze thinking about Alex I presumed.

"He was so dreamy." She stayed to no one in particular.

I chuckled at her knowing the feeling all too well. Once I thought of Eli I felt sad. After the way he had acted that morning I was heartbroken and hesitant to go back to the castle to see him.

As we pulled into the long driveway leading up to the castle my throat began to burn without even thinking I grabbed my neck and slammed on the brakes. Lilith looked at me as my eyes went from brown to red realization washed over her as she put the car in park and pulled the keys out of the ignition.

I noticed Eli come running from the castle towards us. When he got to the car he snatched the door open and grabbed me out running back to the castle at vampire speed.

His mother put a blood bag in front of me as I clutched it to my mouth feeling my fangs protrude from my gums then drinking in the delicious smell. Once the bag was empty my fangs contracted back into my gums and my eyes shifted back to their brown color with more life.

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