Chapter 11

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The next day me and Lilith were heading for my high school where I had two weeks left before graduation. I was anxious to see all these new faces who have joined my school.

"So what is school like?" Lilith asked me excited mostly to see Alex though.

I tapped my chin trying to think of the best way to explain school to her. "It's like a busy street until the bell rings for class and then it is a traffic jam trying to get to class without being late."

Lilith laughed at my explanation. "Now it's going to be three times as bad with vampires and werewolves joining us." I mentioned.

As we pulled into the schools parking lot I hopped out grabbing my bag and leading the way to doors of the school. Lilith ran to catch up with me as I walked through the doors heading to the front office to help Lilith her her schedule.

Looking over her schedule with her I showed her to her locker and told her where her classes were before we split off. She went to find Alex while I went to my locker grabbing my books.

I headed towards the classroom as I was walking by a hallway I caught a vampire trying to feed on a human who was screaming 'stop it' 'no'. I ran over to them and pulled the vampire away warning them not to mess with the poor human girl before the vampire hugged and walked away.

"Are you okay?" I checked over the girl. She nodded her head and continued to cry.

"Thank you." She said before I walked off bowing my head to her.

When school was over I went straight to Dawn about the incident with the human girl and the vampire.

"Queen I need to discuss something with you." I spoke up. Dawn looked towards me signaling for me to continue so I did. "Today at school I came across a vampire trying to feed on a human girl crying out for her life."

"I see." She stated understanding where I was going with this. "Guards collect all the vampires and the humans we are going to hold a meeting in the park to discuss some new laws." She instructed one of her guards.

I bowed my head as I went to walk out before she stopped me. "My dear thank you fir bringing it to my attention, have you thought of accepting the queen position?"

I turned to look at her before I said anything. "I will do it but it is still a scary thing to think about for me." She smiles at me. "I'm still just so new to all of this it will take time for me to get used to it."

"That's all I can ask is that you try." She replied assuring me that I made the right decision.

I then walked out of the room to find Eli.

Later that day we were all gathered outside in the park with a makeshift stage in front of the huge crowd of vampires and humans. Dawn walked out clearing her throat as she looked around to the faces of all who were there.

"Everyone now knows vampires exist and we are all equal so there will be new laws for our kind to follow." She began continuing to look around as if she were looking for someone. "Starting with vampires will not feed on humans who are not willing to be fed upon if you do this will result in death."

All the vampires gasped I'm assuming because we just lost so many not even days ago. "No vampires will change a human without speaking to the king and queen first." Everyone continued to watch intently listening to every word she spoke.

"And in two weeks time my son Eli Chambers and His mate Destiny Slay will become your new king and queen and you shall all respect them as you did me and my mate." She finished off with while everyone began to cheer for Eli and I.


The next two weeks went by within the blink of an eye. As my classmates and I prepared ourselves for that walk across the stage to get our diplomas and start our lives. I could feel all the nerves and excitement and even some sadness that those around me felt.

"Destiny Slay." My name was called as I heard Eli and his family cheer for me I stepped across the stage shaking my principles hand and grabbing my diploma stopping for a little picture to remember I did it without my mom or dad by my side.

Once the last person was called and took their seat we all threw our caps up in the air declaring us the class of twenty-sixteen.

We all dispersed into our families and friends as I joined the Chambers' family holding Eli's hand as his mother snapped photos with a huge smile on her face. Feeling rather proud of myself I carried the same smile on my face.

I began to feel all the different emotions making me overwhelmed and Eli noticed. "Would you like to get out of here?" He asked me politely. I just nodded my head feeling it rather hard to breathe with all the emotions rolling around inside of me.

We quickly left the school and headed for a nice little restraint just Eli and I. He held my hand as we walked to our table where he pulled out my chair for me to sit.

We ordered our food and just talked about our plans for when we were crowned king and queen. I was extremely nervous about it but Eli assured me that until I was ready he would deal with all the decision making dealing with any law breakers.

When our food finally arrived my stomach was growling so loud I couldn't wait to dig into the food. Before I had the chance to take a bite of my nice steak Eli grabbed my hand getting down on one knee.

I looked to Eli tears brimming my eyes. "Will you marry me miss Slay?" The tears spilled over as I nodded my head frantically.

"Yes oh yes." I yelled. Eli put the wring on my left ring finger as I inspected how beautiful it was.

"My mother gave it to me, it's the one my father asked her with." She spoke. "It's been in my family literally for centuries."

I wrapped my arms around Eli and he spun me around planting me down softly on the ground kissing me hungrily. We then sat down to eat our food so we could get out of the restaurant and go home and tell the good news.

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