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My Old Man!

"We're not sure if you'll make it, Miss L/n." Their words were stuck in your head like glue, you couldn't believe the news you received after your second visit to the hospital this year. Your heart felt heavy and you needed to relax, otherwise you'd get a huge panic attack.

You didn't want that, oh, no.

So, your only thought was to get to your boyfriend's house, Sakusa Kiyoomi. He would surely make you feel better and cheer you up, perhaps he'd even make you forget about the news you had just received.

Now, you got inside your car and drove to his house. The two of you were going to enroll into the same college together and had known each other since you were kids. You met Sakusa through Motoya, your neighbor. At the time, Sakusa wanted nothing to do with you.

In fact, he hated you for your ideals. You loved everything he despised with his entire being.

Fortunately though, the two of you slowly warmed up to each other and Sakusa began gaining feelings for you during junior high. He had the balls to ask you out during your second year of high school and you were extremely happy.

Now, you two have been together for two years, one month from hitting your three years mark.

On your way to his house, you couldn't help but wonder how he'd take the news you'd give him. You didn't know whether he'd stay with you or not. Your thoughts on that topic were not going away anytime soon, obviously.

And just thinking about Sakusa knowing about the news made your stomach do billions of flips. How would he take it? Would he not love you anymore? Would he love you even more and protect you, or would he be embarrassed and break up with you?

You didn't know and you hoped he stayed with you until the very end.

The reassurance you were giving yourself was only short-lived, however, after seeing an unfamiliar car parked at his drive through (that was your spot). Not wanting to think much of it, you continued driving towards his house and looked around for a parking spot.

You couldn't find one and instead, drove around the block to park somewhere else. After a few minutes of looking around, you had finally found a parking spot two minutes away from Sakusa's house.

So, you parked your car there and made sure to lock it. You started making your way towards Sakusa's house, your medical papers were in your bag, that was messily thrown over your shoulder, your hands were shaking and the glimmer of the ring on your finger shined brightly as it reflected light against your face everytime you'd walk.

The beautiful sun was out, it was giving rays of sunshine to the living organisms around the ecosystem of Sakusa's peaceful neighborhood, you could hear birds chirping and the sound of house pets barking or play fighting with each other.

Beautiful tan and white houses were everywhere, reminding you of a pretty color scheme that you've probably seen on someone's pinterest board online. You were right around Sakusa's house, you just needed to turn a corner and you'd be there, but someone stopped you.

"Oh! Is that you, Y/n, sweetie? Were you not at Sakusa's house just now?" An elderly woman with white hair, a few black strands of hair could be seen, bright hazel eyes and tan skin asked you as she finished picking up her daily mail.

You turn to look at the nice woman and tilt your head to the side, obvious confusion was laced on your pretty Y/E ethnic features. "Miss Hyuga, yes, it's me. I hope you've been doing well these past few weeks, especially with your daughter leaving for college across the country. And, I haven't seen Kiyoomi at all, not since yesterday.." You tell her.

"Really? That's strange. I thought that was you parked in his drive through. You know, I thought you had bought yourself a new car, but it seems that I was wrong. Perhaps it's a friend of his!" The elder says, a kind smile is displayed on her face.

The wrinkles on her face show that she's old in age, but the twinkle in her eyes show that her innocence is nothing less than a child's.

"Ah, no. Maybe it is a friend, I'll see. I'm heading over right now, anyway. Well, I have to go now, have a good day, Miss Hyuga." You almost forget about your own problems while talking to the kind woman, but they immediately resurface in your mind after a moment.

"Okay, sweetie. Thank you and you too." She nods and turns around to start heading back inside her house, you wait for her to safely get inside her house and sigh after she's finally inside. Your eyes trail over towards the corner you're supposed to turn, your E/C eyes soften a bit at the thought of your boyfriend.

"Almost there, Y/n. You got this, you could tell him." You whisper to yourself, trying to reassure yourself or encourage yourself? You didn't know which.

Your left foot moved first, then your right and so on, you almost forgot how to walk for a second.

After finally turning the corner, you spot the car that took your spot and furrow your eyebrows at the sight of it. "Where have I seen that car before?" You quietly ask yourself. The purple seats in the car surprise you and so do the eyelashes on the lights of the car.

The car's fashion sense is quite odd, you think to yourself.

You shake your head and begin walking towards the front door of your boyfriend's house, your right hand goes to turn the door knob while your left hand clutches onto your bag's strap that was thrown over your shoulder, you were shaking, badly.

"..." You furrow your eyebrows once you hear your boyfriend shout, you couldn't hear what he said, but it peaked your interest. Sakusa never yelled or shouted for that matter, so he must've been upset.

You turn the sphere shaped knob and push open the door, surely what was inside your boyfriend's house left you in complete and utter shock, because you were not expecting to see whatever this was.

This brought back unwanted memories of your old man. This is exactly why you were scared to trust anyone that wasn't your brother. Now, this made your trust issues grow.

You came here to relax and try to calm down your nerves, not make them worse. You'd never believe anyone that tried to tell you what happened here unless you saw it yourself, and even now, you didn't want to believe what you were seeing.

"Kiyoomi? Anjelica?"


     So, I'm rewriting and publishing this story after a year, I think? I wrote this when I was in my Haikyuu Phase and deeply regret it because my writing style was so trashy😕.

     Even now, I want to throw myself off a cliff by just looking at the rest of the chapters. I changed the character's name to L/n Y/n because I'm trying to get better at writing more xreader stories.

     Also, I changed the way Y/n approaches Sakusa and how they break up because the way it was before,... it was cringey af.

     I'll try to make these chapters longer, but I can't make any promises.!

THIS OLD DOG/ANOTHER ONE ➫ S. KIYOOMINơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ