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On the Level,

Sakusa laid in bed, wondering if he should skip another day of practice. His phone had been abused by calls and texts from Atsumu the previous day and he wasn't sure if he wanted to relive that again.

He hasn't showered since Monday and it was now Thursday. His motivation to stay clean had been slowly chipped away, for his sanitary habits were now diminished to nothing.

Beautiful curls, they were oily and unkept.

He remembered someone who once adored playing with them. Sakusa rolled over, groaning at his stupid memory for thinking back to the old days.

Sakusa needed motivation to get out of bed, not more reasons to stay in bed. He kept his gaze on the nightstand before his bed, eyes moving to the clock resting on top of it, he sighed. Besides the clock was his phone, which he put on do not disturb for obvious reasons.

He grabbed it and unlocked it. Almost immediately, his phone was flooded with thousands of notifications. "Stupid Miya..." he grumbled.

The electronic device in his hand continued buzzing for a whole ten minutes before going quiet again.

Sakusa contemplated his options.

Should he just ignore the texts and calls?

He shook his head and tapped on a "missed call from Miya" notification. A new call began not a second later, making him grimace. He waited a couple seconds until Atsumu finally answered on the fourth ring.

"Kiyoomi!!!" Came Atsumu's aggravating voice, earning him an instant hang up from Sakusa. He tried to call Atsumu again and sighed when Atsumu apologized to him. "I thought you died. Why didn't you come to practice yesterday?"

"Dunno," Sakusa muttered.

"Have you not gotten out of bed yet?" Atsumu asked, making Sakusa wince. "Do you know what time it is? It's two in the afternoon!" Atsumu groaned.

"I'm aware, Miya. I have an alarm clock." He deadpanned, now unsure if it was a good idea to call Atsumu back. "Well get a new one, cause it clearly isn't doing its job." He sassed.

"I didn't call you back to hear your annoying input, Miya." He grumbled quietly, "whatever."

"Why'd you call me back, then?" Atsumu asked, slightly irritated at his friend's remarks. But he understood that the wing spiked had to heal first.

Even so, he had to pull himself together.

"I know I'm being difficult right now, so thank you for putting up with me." Sakusa muttered. "You'd do the same for me.." Atsumu shrugged it off, making Sakusa scoff. "Hell no I wouldn't. You're better than me, I would've left you alone."

"Why're you so mean to me?!" Atsumu whined, but he knew his friend meant well. Sakusa never showed his true emotions, and luckily, Atsumu was already used to his antics, so he knew when Sakusa was being genuine.

There was a moment of silence.

"So are you coming to practice?" The blonde questioned, earning himself an incoherent response from the curly haired man. "Huh?"

"I don't know, I don't think I can face Shoyo. He's probably still mad at me." He said, making Atsumu hum. "You're right." He nodded, almost making Sakusa hang up. "But why should that stop you from doing something you love?"

"Stand up like a man, even from the shame you feel."

"And come see me eye to eye. Then we'll figure out the rest from there." Atsumu said, which made Sakusa nod his head. He couldn't believe how smart Atsumu was, for he believed the blonde was a nut job.

"Before you come to practice," He paused, "Take a shower, you probably look like shit." Atsumu said and quickly hung up. Sakusa rolled his eyes and slowly sit up from his laying position.

He couldn't believe he was admitting it, but Atsumu was right. He shouldn't be mulling over this because it was now out of his control.

Sakusa shook his head, he needed to pick himself up.


You look over at Ushijima and shake your head, making him chuckle. "I'll only be gone for a week, N/n. I promise." He says.

But you weren't convinced.

"I don't know.." You mutter, "One week is long."

He snickers, "You'll be fine." "How do you know that? I'm going to decompose by the time you're back." You joke, but he doesn't find it funny. "Then come with me." He sighs.

Months before this, he had tried to convince you to travel to the states with him, but you've refused every single time. You were scared of leaving your country and that was because you didn't want to be away from your home.

Also, you didn't want to die aboard, for it would never allow you to rest in peace. You believed it would be best to stay and although Ushijima didn't think it would be the best idea, he respected your decision.

Still, he didn't mind letting you know that you could always come with him if you changed your mind.

"But I know you don't want to go there." He interrupts you, making you nod. "I'll call you every day, alright? If you need something, call me." He instructs you, earning himself a smile from you. He smiled back and kissed your lips.

"Final call for the last flight."

He felt you frown against his lips, "I promise we'll be fine. I'll come back as fast as I can." He says, trying to reassure you. "I know," You nodded.

You knew he would come back within a week, but after your least break up, you gained severe separation issues. Ushijima leaving you was doing more damage to you than you had originally thought.

Ushijima felt just as bad, if not worse. He didn't have a choice, he had to leave to the states. If he could, then he would stay here with you, but he couldn't. If he had the chance, he would never leave your side.

But he didn't have a voice in this matter.

This trip was urgent and needed, his career demanded it to happen. He looks down at you and hugs you one last time, "I'll miss you." The two of you say at the same time, making you guys smile. "I'll be back."

"I know you will."

He left you shortly after and got on his seat in the airplane. He pulled out his phone and resumed his music from earlier. The soft melody playing in his ears made him relax, he slowly sunk back into his seat and closed his eyes.

The burden he had to carry was too much for him, but he carried it ever since he was a kid. The burden of living up to his father's expectations and name, he hated it, but as his son, Ushijima wanted nothing more than to make him proud.

If going to a trip abroad would help better his relationship with his father, then he would withstand it for a week. Even though he had to leave the girl he loves for a whole week, he would suck it up and try to get recognition from his father.

It's all he's ever wanted.

A/n: Next update will probably be tmr or next week? I don't know yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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