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One More Love Song,

Another turn.

Sakusa groaned as he tried his best to block out the static noise in his ears. It was two in the morning and he had yet to catch a wink of sleep. Even after counting sheep and trying to maintain a sane mind, he couldn't go to sleep like he hoped.

Another shift.

He moved around his bed, the noise of his blanket ruffling against his covers made him grimace. The last dream he had was of you. The two of you were together, happy and married. It was a good dream, a dream he prayed to never wake up from.

One last kiss from her lips, He silently thought to himself, eyes closing shut as he tried to imagine you laying beside him. He tried to hallucinate your figure on the opposite side of him, smiling and reassuring him that everything would turn out to be okay.

But he knew that was a far fetch from reality. In a world like this, he knew that his dreams couldn't come true. But he tried to take advantage of his dreams as best as he could, so he finally relaxed his entire body and sighed.

He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, hoping things would turn out good. But when he slept and dreamt of you, things were horrible. He woke up in a hurry, body springing upwards as he huffed loudly.

A hand on his chest, trying to calm down his racing heart and mind. You were in his arms, but a force began taking you away from him. You were fading away from his vision, your body dissolving into thin air and it scared him to death, he prayed to wake up.

Another dream he put down.

After all this time, it turns out all he found was another image of you waiting to break his heart.

Even in his dreams, you showed no mercy and made him pay for his mistakes. So he sat there, sweating buckets and eyes wide enough to feel like they would snap in half. A single tear ran down his face as he pushed himself over to lay on his face. He dug his head into his pillow and prayed for his bed to swallow him whole.

He tried to set up all his dreams, yet they all failed as he watched them all fall apart. It wrung his heart dry of love, a horrible sensation that made him terrified.

Sakusa wondered how you were able to sleep without him by your side. He could hardly do it now and it was funny to admit, but it was worse when he slept beside Anjelica. He shouldn't be thinking about her, but at this time, all he could do was blame her.

The blame was all on her.

It was a lie he wanted to believe himself.

Truth was, they were both at fault. Her for making up such a stupid lie, and him for believing her instead of his own lover. The woman of his dreams, it's crazy how he just let you go without a fight.

But in a fight like that, he knew he stood no chance.


Ushijima wrapped his arm around you, trying his best to comfort you, despite the aching feeling in his heart as you cried in his arms. After Akaashi came over yesterday, he spilled everything to you.

From the truth that finally came to light, to the terrible guilt Sakusa felt.

He told you everything.

Part of you was relieved that Sakusa knew, but another was upset. Maybe it was because after knowing the truth, he didn't try to make contact with you or at least apologize.

Although you tried your best to hide the hurt you felt, Ushijima knew you too well and told you it was fine if you wanted to cry it all out. So as you laid in bed with him, eyes drowning in water and nose running like a QB on the field, you wanted nothing more than to shut up.

Ushijima didn't deserve to see you so weak and vulnerable over a guy you swore you were over.

You were over him, you knew that, but did he really believe that? "I'm sorry, Wakatoshi. I promise you, I'm not-"

"It's okay, Y/n." He cut you off, making you crane your head to look at him. "He was your first love and I know it must hurt you that he hasn't tried to at least reconcile with you after finding the truth out. I don't blame you for crying," He paused.

"But after this, I won't allow you to cry over him anymore, so let it all out." He told you honestly, making your eyes widen.

"I won't allow you to become depressed over him again. You don't need this negativity in your life, especially when it's already as short as it is." He scolded you, which somehow made your tears stop coming.

You payed closed attention to his words, now understanding what he was doing.

He was right, though. You had a short amount of time left to live your life and like hell you were gonna cry over a man that didn't deserve it. He whispered sweet reassuring words in your ear that made you melt in his arms.

The soft melody in the background made you sniffle softly. It reminded you of your current situation and as corny as it sounded, the lyrics were right. There was only so much control you had over the actions of other people, so you wouldn't blame yourself for them anymore.

Just one more love song, that's the last time you would allow yourself to cry over one.

Ok I'm gonna sleep now. I have work in like four hours. Sorry this one was so short, but I haven't proof read any of the chapters, so please bare with me. I'll try to edit 09-10 when I get off work later in the evening. Goodnight😊😊

THIS OLD DOG/ANOTHER ONE ➫ S. KIYOOMIDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora