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This Old Dog!

You had never expected seeing your boyfriend laying on his couch with another woman. The woman was someone that didn't like you and the both of you knew that, which is why this hurt more than it normally would've.

Sakusa whipped his head around quickly and widened his eyes when he saw you standing there at the front door of his house. He had fallen asleep after messing around with Anjelica, the girl in his arms, and completely forgot about having any kind of skinship with her, which is why he screamed before you had opened the door.

But seeing your face now, made him remember why he slept with Anjelica in the first place. His eyes narrowed in the slightest and he glared at you, which deeply confused you. "You.."

You couldn't even speak, your mouth was agape and your heart felt like it was being stabbed.

That feeling you would never wish upon someone was now something you were feeling at the moment, the feeling of heart break. The obvious tears were begging to fall down your face, but you wouldn't let them.

No, you wouldn't cry. Why would you cry for a man who cheats on someone they claimed they loved dearly? "What're you doing here? After what you've done, you decide to come here and show your face to me?" Sakusa scoffed. "I don't understand.."

"Why, Kiyoomi?" You quietly ask him. "Why? Are you fucking kidding me? You can't be serious, L/n? And it's Sakusa to you." He spoke harshly, his words felt like knives being thrown at your body, each digging deeper into your flesh than the last.

You didn't answer him, you couldn't answer him. How would you reply to his accusations if you didn't even know what he was talking about? What the fuck could you have possibly done to make him cheat on you?

"You're clueless, huh? Yeah, right." He rolled his eyes, he stood up from the couch and began walking towards his trash can, he grabbed a folder from inside the can and tossed it on the floor by your feet. You crouched down and, although you didn't want to, picked up the folder.

"If that doesn't help you refresh your memory, then you're fucking with me at this point." He mutters. All this time, Anjelica could only stare at you, she was waiting to get a reaction out of you.

After opening the folder, you stare at the contents inside the dirty tab, your eyes widened at the pictures you were looking at. "I wouldn't have believed her if she didn't have any proof, but she did. Tell me that isn't you in those pictures, L/n. Please.."

You couldn't say that wasn't you in those pictures, because that really was you, but..

"I can't.." You tell him, the pictures were clearly photoshopped because you've never cheated on Sakusa, ever. The pictures were of you and one of your great friends, Semi Eita, kissing at a cafe.

"So they're true?" Sakusa bit his bottom lip, "No, they're not." You said. "How are they not true? They're right there! They're in your face, aren't they?! You said it yourself, you can't say that this isn't you, because it is!" Sakusa shouted.

"They're not real because they're fake, Kiyoomi." Your lips formed into a tight line as your eyes were close to betraying you by letting the tears in your eyes start to fall.

"How are they fake? And I told you to not call me that! You lost that privilege after being unfaithful." He scoffed. "Can't you see? Look close-"

"Don't bother making up stupid excuses, ugly bimbo. Just admit that you cheated on Kiyoomi. He's got better things to do now, he can't waste his time on a cheater like you." Anjelica frowned, she rolled her eyes when you looked away.

THIS OLD DOG/ANOTHER ONE ➫ S. KIYOOMIWhere stories live. Discover now