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For the First Time!

Sakusa felt like shit after you had left his house. The urge to run after you was high, but he couldn't do that. As much as his heart begged him to run after you and bring you back to him, he couldn't. His brain told him that he was stupid for wanting you back so quick.

He hated the power you held over him, even now, as he believed that you had cheated on him, he hated you for it. He wants to forget you, your stupid beautiful smile that never failed to make him flush, your stupid gorgeous face that he loved, your stupidly loving personality that he enjoyed, and your entire stupid being—he wanted to forget it all.

All of it, he wanted to forget everything about you.

But he couldn't, no matter how hard he tried. Hell, he could even smash his head into a brick wall—and he believes it'd be impossible for him to forget someone like you. "Damn it." He pulled on his curls for the sixth time that day and sighed once Anjelica clung onto him—which was like the hundredth time that day. He certainly didn't like having anything to do with the woman, but it beat being with a cheater.

Or so he wanted to believe.


It's been three months since he last heard of you and Sakusa felt as if he's been missing an important piece of his life. It was strange not waking up to your messages in the morning, or walking to your job to check up on you for the day. It was weird not seeing you everyday in general.

Sakusa was currently at the grocery store, he was running out of food back at his house and needed to restock on his food supplies, so he came to the store to buy the things he needed. As he walked towards the back of the store in search of his favorite pancake mix, he spotted a familiar H/C-haired woman in the isle he was heading to.

He felt his throat close up, his hands get sweaty and his heart drop at the sight of you. Everything he believed he had gotten over came rushing to his head the second he saw you. Those kisses and hugs he shared with you resurfaced in his mind, everything he was slowly starting to get over came back.

It wasn't good for his poor heart.

Maybe it wasn't the best idea to sleep with someone that didn't like you, but if you were in his shoes, he thinks you'd probably do the same if you found out he cheated on you. You would have to understand how he felt that day, he wasn't trying to forget you because he wanted to, he was trying to forget you because he had to.

But seeing you here..

It felt like he was seeing you for the first time, again. He remembers the first day he met you, he absolutely despised you because you were everything he didn't like, but the more he hung out with you, the more he came to an understanding that he actually loved you.

In a sense, it felt refreshing to see you again.

Without you by his side, it's been simply rough to be alive. And although you weren't gone for long—or in his words, forever—there were many times it felt that way for him, that you were gone forever. He wanted to reach out to you and ask you why he wasn't good enough for you, but he knew he shouldn't.

He'd look utterly weak and he didn't want that, he had his own pride to take care of, after all. He watches as you reach to grab his favorite pancake mix with a small pout on your L/C lips, he almost chuckled at the adorable sight, but remembered that it'd probably be best if he didn't acknowledge you any further.

So, he walked towards the isle you were in and made his way towards the pancake mix section, where you were at, coincidentally. His face felt like it was melting off and he hated it, but this couldn't be avoided. How was he supposed to get over you if he can't even semi-approach you?

His hand reached up to grab the pancake mix at the same time as yours, he froze at the touch and almost immediately retracted his hand, however, he found his hand stuck on the pancake mix, above your hand.

"Erm..sorry." You mutter, Sakusa felt his face heat up at your quiet voice but couldn't help the curious expression to paint his face. You sound weak in his opinion, something rare. He never thought he'd live to see the day where you weren't happy and full of yourself. The two of you stood in the same position, not like you wanted to, but you did.

Somehow the feeling was familiar to you, so you looked at the hand that was on top of yours and freeze. You recognize that hand as if it was a prayer or chant that you kept on repeat inside your head. Your head almost immediately turned around, your heart leaped out of your chest when you made eye contact with the man that broke your heart.

With the man that didn't believe you, the man that had little to no faith in you this entire time.

"...Could you move?" You ask him, though it seems like your request went from one ear and out the other, Sakusa didn't move a muscle like you had asked him to, he just stared at you. He stared deep into your E/C eyes, almost making you feel creeped out if it weren't for him snapping out of his daze once you repeated your request.

He awkwardly cleared his throat and moved away from you, you press your lips into a tight line and turn back around, your hand reached to grab a different pancake mix, but of the same brand, and then you moved aside, letting him grab his own mix.

"Uhh..I-" Sakusa didn't have the chance to finish, as he got interrupted by someone shouting your name. The voice almost sounded familiar to him, but he couldn't exactly pinpoint who it was that was calling your beautiful name. "N/n! There you.." Sakusa felt his entire mood dampen at the sight of the former shiratorizawa setter at the front of the isle.

"It's you." Semi uttered under his breath as he glared daggers at Sakusa, leaving the spiker confused on what he did. How could Semi glare at him when he hadn't done anything wrong other than let himself get cheated on? "Did you find N/n, Semi?" Another person came towards the isle and Sakusa felt his patience run thin at the sight of Ushijima Wakatoshi.

"Are you alright, N/n?" It infuriated Sakusa to see how worried Ushijima was for you, he blatantly ignored Sakusa and walked towards you. Sakusa didn't miss seeing Semi smirk, he wanted so badly to beat it off his dumb stupid face. "I'm fine, Toshi. Where are Satori and Ohira?" You ask the ace as you walk up to him.

Ushijima hugs you and then pats your head, "They're getting their own snacks for their sleepover with Semi tonight, you know, so that we could go to that date you wanted to have." Ushijima loudly announced, Sakusa's eyebrow twitched at that. Suddenly, Ushijima looked up and met eyes with Sakusa.

"Oh, you're here too?" Ushijima asks, almost in a mocking tone that had Sakusa wanting to send him to hell. "Ushijima." Sakusa nodded, he pursed his lips and fixed his mask as he cleared his throat, "I'll see you around.." The curly-haired spiked hummed and made his way out of the isle.

"Thank you, Toshi." Your hands weakly clutch onto Ushijima's shirt, he nodded and helped you with the things in your arms, "Don't mention it, N/n."


I feel like shit cause I haven't gotten enough sleep lately. I'm also apparently going to get diagnosed for allergies tomorrow? I somehow forgot about that, but anyway, I'm kind of nervous since my allergies are unknown at the moment and for some reason, they're coming back? I need to get more medicine prescribed for me, too—which is a bummer.

It's such a drag, but I have to get this stuff done.

THIS OLD DOG/ANOTHER ONE ➫ S. KIYOOMIWhere stories live. Discover now