Chapter 6: Phase Two (Part 2)

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My heart thumped rapidly, "Z...Zero?" I stammered, lost for words that he said my name. I looked at him, I could feel myself tearing up.

"Gadget..." Zero repeated, before we embraced eachother tightly, the hug was full of love and loss. I started to sob into his shoulder, and although I couldn't see Zero I know he's also crying.

"I'm so, so sorry" he sobbed, "I-I didn't mean any of this!"

"Hey, hey" I hushed him softly and rubbed his back, "It's okay, I'm here"

We stayed in a tight hug for a few minutes before we pulled away, I looked at Zero and smiled, "I missed you so much, stupid" I chuckled, wiping my tears away.

Zero chuckled, taking off his mask, "I missed you too, dork" he smirked.

"Do you...remember anything else when you were revived?" I asked as we sat down at a nearby tree.

"Sadly yes, I was alert in my mind but I had no control over my actions" Zero explained, twiddling his fingers. "I know what I've done, nobody will ever forgive me now..." he frowned.

"When they see the true you, they'll forgive you" I smiled reassuringly. "You are not a killer, Zero, show the Resistance your true colours because there's nothing more truthful than someone's true colours"

"I can't even step near that base without one of them spotting me, minding the fact that I'm being hunted by Shadow" Zero grunted, placing his head in his hand. "Now he has more valid reasons to kill me"

"We can figure that out together" I looked at him, wrapped my arm around his shoulder and pulling him close. "Shadow is just a big bully, hell, you're taller than him for Chaos' sake!" I chuckled. "Show him that you won't be dragged down, you have skill and expertise in hunting"

"Yeah, but he has chaos powers" Zero grumbled. "No one can match his powers aside from Sonic or Silver, all I have is years of experience in hunting and looting in order to survive" he shrugged. "There is nothing special about me"

"Of course there is!" I turned to him, "Come on, Zero, you have skills others don't have" I smiled. "And you can show Shadow who's boss, but that can't happen if we just sit here" I stood up.

"And the ruby?" Zero raised a brow. "I know you're trying to destroy it"

I winced, "Yeahhh...uhm..."

"It's okay, I'll be fine" Zero chuckled and stood up. "But save that for after beating the shit out of Shadow"

"Alright, we should go then"


The walk to Resistance HQ was nerve-wracking, not to mention the fear that others showed when they seen Zero. It was going to take a long time for Zero to gain their trust...

But it was something we would work on together.

Currently, we approached the large steel doors that held the entrance to the base. I could see Zero's nerves, but I held his hand to comfort him.

"If things get out of hand, we can leave it for another day okay?" I looked at Zero, I felt sick to my stomach about going in with him and how the others would react.

"Okay..." Zero gulped, he squeezed my hand softly for reassurance.

I smiled and pushed the heavy doors open, but was met with immediate glares and weapons as Zero entered the base. I pulled out my wispon and aimed it at them, "Don't shoot or I'll shoot!" I warned.

"Gadget? What are you doing?" Sonic narrowed his eyes.

"Lower your weapons, then I'll talk" I growled.

Knuckles sighed before telling everyone to lower their weapons, he walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder, "Now can you explain?" he asked.

"He remembers, this is the Zero we knew from before he died" I explained, attaching my wispon back to my belt. "This is no longer Infinite"

Zero glanced around at everyone, though avoided Shadow as best he could for he feared what would happen if he locked eyes with the dark hedgehog.

"If you're really Zero, then tell us what happened before you died" Sonic crossed his arms.

"I remember...Shadow and I fighting in the hallway, he stabbed me in my gut then you guys came and tried to help me...then I lost consciousness" Zero explained, scratching his head.

"And how do we know you're not a fake illusion?" Knuckles narrowed his eyes.

"I have skin" Zero rolled his eyes before pinching his arm. "See? Illusions don't have physical mass, they are just replicas and only consist of magic"

"We want to put things right, stop the evacuations, restore peace" I looked at Knuckles. "Then we take down Eggman"

"Sounds good to me" Sonic grinned.

"Alright, then let's get to work!"

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