Chapter Thirteen: An Eventful Mission (Part 3)

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POV: Zero head

I cracked an eye open tiredly, my ears picking up on the sound of a heart monitor.


Finally opening my eyes, I got a good look at where I was; I only remember feeling tired then passing out. I was in...the Resistance's medical room?

I spotted a red ball of fluff sleeping at my bedside and smiled. My attention was then brought to a sudden dizzy spell when I rose my head, I groaned and winced.

I felt Gadget shift before he woke up, he yawned softly before finally realising that I was awake and currently looking at him.

"Oh!! You're awake!" Gadget exclaimed suddenly, blinking away the sleepiness.

"Yeah...I feel awful though" I sighed, looking down at my left hand that had a heart monitor clipped onto my index finger. "What happened?" I asked.

"Well, when you emitted an EMP blast to throw the revived mobians' away, you passed out suddenly and your heart started to pick up in pace" Gadget explained, twiddling his thumbs. "I rushed you here and Tails concluded that you had experienced some arrhythmia because of the shock of the attack you produced. Long story short, Tails told me that when you wake up you'll feel dizzy and weak, it's because of the drug he injected into you to slow your heart"

I rubbed my head, taking in the lot of information. "Wow, that's a lot to take in..." I frowned.

Gadget rubbed the back of his head, "Yeahhh...but you're awake and that's all that matters" he flashed a smile and rubbed my hand soothingly.

"What do we do now? Like, what happens with Eggman and that machine?" I asked curiously; albeit a bit concerned about Eggman escaping.

"I'm sure Sonic and the others will put him in his place, for now though we are waiting on your full recovery before we do anything drastic towards Eggman" Gadget explained. "I'm really glad to have you back, Zero"

I smiled warmly, "I'm glad that you never gave up on me"

"I'll always be here for you, you know that" Gadget chuckled brightly. "Now, I must let the others know you're awake, be back soon" he kisses my cheek before leaving his seat and the room.

A few minutes later I was surrounded by Tails, Sonic, Amy, Knuckles, Silver and of course Gadget. It was a bit uncomfortable having all those eyes on me when I'm in such a vulnerable state, but I passed it off.

"I'd recommend staying in here for the rest of the day" Tails commented while looking over my vitals. "Sudden movement may bring back that arrhythmia especially since it's only been three hours since your last episode"

I sighed, "Very well then..." I wasn't particularly happy with staying in bed all day with minimal movement allowed, I didn't like feeling powerless in any situation so this was a stretch on my own sanity.

"You're only allowed up if you need the bathroom, other than that Gadget will make sure you stay in bed" Tails walked to the door with the others. "Tomorrow, we will see how your body reacts to more movement" he smiled before leaving the room.

I frowned as they left, "Dammit..." I muttered unhappily.

"Hey, it'll be okay" Gadget held my hand. "We'll get through this"

I smiled gently at him, he was always so optimistic about everything.

I guess I should get some sleep nothing else to do.


"Gadget?" I glanced at my wolf who just returned from a search and rescue mission. I had taken an hour nap and was informed when I woke that he left and it got me seriously concerned considering the doctor was still out there, but he returned without a scratch which eased my worry.

It didn't ease something else though.

"Yes?" he sat down next to me while taking a sip of water.

I folded my ears slightly, "I need the bathroom..." I muttered.

Gadget muffled an amused chuckle before standing up, "Alright then" he smirked playfully.

"It's not funny, wolf" I grumbled softly, but there was a large hint of amusement in my own tone. I gently sat up in bed, anxious about moving too quickly. I removed the finger clip on my index finger so I was free of wires.

"I got you, just relax" Gadget smiled, taking my hands in his own as I slowly stood up from the bed. I shakily sighed before taking a few tentative steps forward, feeling Gadget's arm wrap around my side supportively. He guided me out of the medical room and down the hallway to the bathroom, I twisted the handle and entered; Gadget remained at the door for a few seconds.

"You sure you don't need my help?" he grinned and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

I blushed profusely, "Gadget!!"

"Okay, okay I'm just saying" Gadget raised his hands in defeat while smirking widely, "I'll wait outside the door"

Once I was sure he left I done my business before washing my hands - slowly as my movements were meant to be slow to not jumpstart my fragile heart. When I finished, I approached the door carefully and opened it, being face to face with a still amused Gadget.

"Dirty wolf" I chuckled before he helped me back into the medical room and onto the bed. Gadget sat beside the bed and laughed, "C'mon, we all need a laugh every now and again" he smiled.

"And your dirty suggestions will be the death of me" I rolled my eyes playfully as I clipped the monitor onto my finger and layed down.

"Can't help it when a smoking hot jackal comes into my life and messes me up in the most suggestive ways~" Gadget retaliated, flashing a lustful toothy grin.

"Your flattery is amusing, but I think it's you that took my breath away with your sweet submissive moans~" I flashed a grin at him, watching his usually tan muzzle turn a deep shade of crimson at my comment. "You could only dream of the things I will do to you when I'm out of this bed~" I continued, enjoying Gadget's flustered face.

"Sh-shut up..." Gadget grumbled, hiding his face in his hands and chuckling softly.


A/N : We're finally building up for the last lemon! Jesus, it took longer than expected or planned but here we are!

The next chapter will be the last in this sequel. Thank you all for the support! :)

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