Aladdin's My Brother?

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After that, we all left to go get some food. We were sitting on the balcony of the hotel when Morgiana and Aladdin came in. Sinbad called them over to the table he was sitting at while me, Masrur, and Ja'afr stood next to him.

"Oh, I should introduce you to my subordinates. This is Ja'far. And this is Masrur. And of course you already know Hina." Sinbad said. "Oh and Morgiana. This may intrest you. Masrur is a Fanalis. Your one too right? Yoou both have the exact same eyes."

I looked over ans Morgiana and noticed she had a surprised look on her face. Well, who wouldn't? She looked over at Masrur who was looking at her. "Hello there."

"H-hello." Morgiana said nervously.

*********Time Skip**********

After we all ate, Ja'far and Sinbad sat down to talk about the plans for how we were gonna deal with the Fog Troup. I was on Masrur's back while he was talking to Aladin. Masrur would let me do this whenever I got bored, so he was fine with it.

"Your not as big as my friend Ugo though. Here, let me introduce him," Aladdin said as he picked up the golden flute around his neck and blew out of it. Suddenly, 2 giant blue arms came out of the flute causing Ja'far to do a spit take, Sinbad to scream, and for me to fall off Masrur's back, but he caught me before I hit the ground.

"Thanks," I said to Masrur. He nodded his head.

**********Time Skip***********

After that. we all went done to to river so that we could figure out what happened. Aladdin summoned Ugo's full body, except him head, which was replaced by the flute. Sinbad looked at Ugo for a little bit.

"So, Aladdin. You're a Magi too?" Sinbad asked Aladdin.

"Too? So there are other Magi? Do you know them?"

"Well yes. One of them I'm not on best terms with, but the other is actaully Hina."

"Yeah. I'm also a Magi." I said too the shocked Aladdin and Morgiana.

"I thought you too looked alot alike? Hina, I'm pretty sure Aladdin here may be that twin brother you've been looking for." Sinbad said.

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot about that. Do you really think so?" I looked at Aladdin. Now that I look at him closely, we do look alot alike. The only real difference is out hair, eyes, and genders. Even our clothes are the same, except mine is purple and his is blue. How could I not notice before. "Maybe we should ask Shennon."

I pulled out the small gold flute (just to let you know, Aladdin's flute and Hina's flute are not the same. Hina's is the one that you blow in horizontal, while Aladdin's is vertical. Please don't picture her using Aladdin's flute) that Shennon gave me and played a note. Instatly, Shennon came out. He was wear his usual green shirt with gold string and his brown puffy pants. Unlike Ugo, Shennon's head also appeared.

"Yo," he said as he waved at everyone. Aladdin and Morgiana once agaiin had shocked faces as they looked at Shennon. "So I see you've finally found your brother after so long."

"So, I guess you were right Sin."

"Yo, Ugo. Been awhile hasn't it," Shennon said as he noticed Ugo. "How's it been goin?" Ugo started making several strange moves. I guess he was communicating with Shennon. "Oh, I see. Now I understand." what? How was he able to understand that? Everyone just stood and watch as the two djinns had their conversation.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but what is this brother thing about?" Aladdin finally asked.

"Huh? Dude, did you not tell him about it?" Shennon asked Ugo. Ugo looked kind of worried, I think. It's kind of hard to tell. So Shennon explained to Aladdin how me and him and twins. Everyone was listening closely. Even Masrur was paying attention.

After the explanation, Aladdin looked over to me. "So that means that your my sister?" he asked me. I gave him a smile and nodded. Suddenly he hugged me. "Now I have a real family member." I hugged him back.

"Yeah. I'm happy I fially found you." We let go and Aladdin turned to Sinbad.

"So who exactly are you Mister?" Aladdin asked him. Oh yeah. I guess we never told him who Sinbad really was.

"Well, I'm Sinbad." Aladdin just had clueless look on his face. "Y-you don't know about me? You know the Adventures of Sinbad." Aladdin was still clueless. I was trying hard to hold back a laugh. Sinbad then cleared his throught. I sighed. Oh, boy. He's gonna do this again. "The mand of numerous journeys and sea voyages. Who's adventures span the Seven seas of the world. The man who captured 7 dungeons and establlished his own country. The master of seven djinns. Conqueror of the Seven Seas. That's who Sinbad is."

"C-cool. Right?" he said witha pretty clueless face on. "I don't really get it."

"Now I can see you and Hina as twins." (If your wondering what this means, when Hina first meets Sinbad, she had just about the same reaction).

"So, your both Magi." Ja'far stated.

"What exactly is a Magi?" Aladdin asked.

After that, Sinbad explained about the rukh and how Magis are loved by the rukh and so on. I had already heard this about a million time so I didn't pay attention.

"Oh, since your so powerful, why don't you help me capture the band of thieves that are causing the uproar in this country?"

"Huh?" I asked.

"Wait, Sin. Shouldn't we discuss this first?" Ja'far asked.

"Why are you so worried? Aladdin is a Magi like Hina isn't he?" I have to admit, he's got a point there. "Beside, we don't have even one metal vessel."

"And who's fault is that?"

"Uncle Sin, how can you be so calm in a situation like this?"

As we argued back and forth, Aladdin and Morgiana were talking about what Uncle Sin had said.

""I want.... to go to the dark continent. If the fog troup were defeated, then could the ships set sail?"

"That's exactly why we're here."

"We're also looking for someone. Could you ask the king to help us find him?"

"Consider it done."

"Aladdin, what do you think?"

"We'll do it. We'll vanquish the thieves."

"Sounds good. Now let's think of a strategy. And Morgiana, I would like for you to stay at the hotel."


"Look, you may be a fanalias, but I can't make a girl like you fight."

He started to push Morgiana to the hotel, but she then slammed her foot into the ground, breaking it in the process.

"I'm going to fight."

"Yes ma'am."

Sinbad had a look of shock plastered on his face. I couldn't help but chuckle when I saw it.

(A/N) I know I said in an A/N that I wasn't going to be publishing on here anymore, but I just decided that since it reallywouldn't take alot of work, I decided to just publish on both. So I'm gonna continue writing the story on here. I plan to also post the next chapter sometime tomorrow, just to let you know. So... that's it.... bye. ;3

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