ch 31.

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Pharm was very nervous. It was very dangerous for them (Omegas).

Heat is a process in which Omegas attract alphas who are unmated. But it has a thing that they won't get pregnant by them in heat. As the omegas who are unmated or rejected ones attract the alphas. The mated ones are safe they will only get their mates they won't attract other alphas.

They were afraid that alphas will mark them.

Yes alphas can mark many Omegas at once.

It was very bad and people like Boon Nam always do things like this.

Pharm was very hurt on that factor that their mate is getting married next month.


Pharm, Team and In was in their room when they heard Boon Nam calling them.

"So I called you all to make an announcement that is this that my grandchildren will get married in month." Said Boon Nam.

They saw three girls standing there.

They saw three girls standing there

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For win

For Dean

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For Dean

For Dean

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For korn

They were beautiful.

End of flackback.

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