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The pic is of Wynter

Hey... My name is Wynter Lily and I don't really have a last name because I'm an orphan. But I'm getting ahead of myself. This is how I became an orphan.


"Baby girl, calm down" I said to the beautiful baby in my arms.

"Shhhhh it's ok shhhh." I was trying to calm her down, key word TRYING. The reason she is crying is because of the car crash. I was helping watch Lizzy when the hospital called saying the parents got in a car crash and have died. My mom babysits kids and this one is my favorite kid.

I don't know why she is but she is. So when it was time for Lizzy's parents to come get her they never came. She has now understood that because out of nowhere she started crying and screaming "MAMA!!! DADA!!!"

I feel so bad for her, if my parents died I don't know what I'd do. But anyway we took her in and are raising her as if she is my sister. (P.S I have 5 siblings so it doesn't matter if we add one more just the fact that I never had a younger sibling before.)

Flashback over

She came to live with us for a week then something I will never forget happened...


Me, Adrian (my youngest brother but still older then me by 10 and a half months), my mom, my dad, and Lizzy all went to the mall to get school supplies. When people came in the mall with guns. We quickly ducked under a counter. I was shaking more then you will ever know. I'm sure Lizzy felt like she was in a massage chair. But then I think she noticed that I was scared.

She started to cry. I tried to make her quite but she was too scared for her to stop and I was too late. The shooters came around the counter and pulled my mom to her feet. He said "Do you have anything to say to your kids before your history?" She looked at me and said calmly, which sacred me "Please take care of Lizzy, and Adrian take care of you sister please." And with that he shot her in the head, my dad screamed and cried until the shooter's got annoyed and shot him too.

They let me and my brother go but they were about to take Lizzy when I snapped. "ARE YOU SERIOUS YOUR GOING TO TRY AND TAKE HER FROM ME AFTER MY MOM TOLD ME HER DIEING WISH WAS FOR ME TO WATCH HER! YOURE INSANE!" I screamed I handed Lizzy to Adrian (That was the last time I have ever let someone hold Lizzy) and went off. By that I mean went to the guy and took the gun out of his hand while he was still in shock from me screaming.

The cops came and took the guys away but not before they screamed at me "I'll get you back for this!" Pfft I doubt it, idiot.

Flashback over

So you see that still isn't how I'm an orphan. After that I moved in with my bestfriend, Riley. The reason is because my other family didn't want us, and all my siblings beside Adrian are over 18 so they didn't have to come along. Me and Adrian are 14 and 15. So me, Adrian, and Lizzy all moved in with Riley.


"We are moving and it wont be in this state." My besties mom tells us. She said we are moving because she doesn't like Florida anymore. Whatever as long as my bff is there I don't care. "Ok where are we moving to?" I ask genuinely curious. "Its a surprise" she said and walked off.

A week later

We are moving today which is fine I guess. I got in the car and we went to the airport. I was so lost I thought we would like move to another state but when we got there we got tickets to Doncaster. Ok this will be fun. "OMG we are going to be in the same city as LOUIS TOMLINSON!!! Maybe we will see him at the store or something."

"You are way too obsessed with 1D aren't you?" I asked. She talks about them all the time I listen to there music and know the words but I'm not like her, she knows there blood types. Creepy. "No, I'm just the right amount of obsessed with them." She said while huffing.

"Ohhh really what are there blood types?" I asked knowing she knows the answer "I will not be answering that. I PLED THE FIFTH!" Great now people are looking at us weird. "Calm down before I make you calm down." I said and she just looked out the window of the airport, pouting.

Flashback over

We got there and it was normal for a month. We had fun and all (and we did not see Louis Tomlinson anywhere. Good thing because I don't want to have to deal with Riley passing out because she would)

The world hates me though, because a month after we got to Doncaster Riley's mom died in a car crash. What is up with car crashes, people need to learn to drive. That is how we ended up in an orphanage and by we I mean Me, Riley, Adrian, Lizzy, and Riley's little brother Chris.

It is just an orphanage. Plan as plan can be. At the orphanage I take care of Lizzy and treat her like she is my kid. Adrian doesn't let people be around him because he is broken on the inside. Riley try's to ignore the problem and if people bring it up she snaps. And Chris is always talking about how he wants to get adopted but that makes Riley snap, Adrian hid away in his room, and the baby want her mama or dada because she is still not over that, but I don't blame her I'm not exactly happy go lucky either.

So that is how this started but let's see how this ends, shall we?

Me and my Family (adopted by 1D)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon