Part 7 Sick 2

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Zayn's POV

We have given all the kids there soup, tea, meds, and taken all there temps. They all had fevers. Most of them are only 102° or 102.5°. Something in that range. All of them except Wynter. Hers is still 104.7°. I'm getting worried. She should have gone down by now. We have put an ice pack on her head. It's not working.

She is cold and we have a lot of blankets on her but she is still shivering. We ask her if she is cold and she said says no but we all know she's lying. I am putting some of her pajamas in the dryer to help her warm up a bit. I also put my hoodie in there for her to use. I hope she gets better soon. I'm really starting to get scared for her.

I go to her room to bring her the pajamas and hoodie and she is shaking so much she could be in a massage chair. "Hey baby girl I have some warm pajamas and a hoodie for you to use." I tell her. "Oh t-t-thanks." She stutters out. "I'll leave to let you get changed." I say and was about to leave when I here her ask "Wait can you stay in here and I go change in the bathroom?" "Ok but why am I staying?" I asked her.

"I'll explain when I get back." She said and went to change. She came back and looked still cold but I think she is shivering less. "Come over here please." She ask but also commanded in a nice way if that makes since. I go over to her bed and she pats the spot next to her. I sit down and it's now her in the middle of me and Lizzy. "Why?" I ask her.

"Because I want to cuddle and you were the one in the room." She smiles at me. "Ok then." I say and lay down next to her and she cuddles up next to me with the baby now laying in between us. The baby is fast asleep and I think Wynter is about to crash too. I hear her light snore and know she is out like a light.

I'm now trapped so I just take this as an opportunity to take a little nap. I close my eyes and let the darkness take over me.

"They are so cute." I hear someone say but I just ignore it.

"Yep but Zayn has to get up we have to go get more medicine." Harry said.

"Who wants to wake him up?" I think Liam asked.

"I will!" Louis screamed and I fell out of the bed and I hear laughter. "You are going to get it Tomlinson." I growl at him. He looks at me and then runs out the door so fast it was like his life depends on it (maybe because it does).

"I was having a great nap. What was the need to wake me up?" I asked them as Louis comes back into the room. "You and Liam need to go get medicine." Louis said.

"Ok, Ok I'm up now if we are going then let's go." I say but then look over at the still sleeping angel on the bed. She was pale. Like really pale. "We need to take her temp again." Harry said and pulled the thermometer out of no where. Like where did he get that? Whatever.

Harry puts the thermometer in her mouth then after a minute he takes it out. He looks at it and gasped. He showed Liam and he became pale out of fear. What is it? Harry showed the rest of us and it was 105°. Oh no we need to take her to the hospital.

"Ok let's go right now." Niall said now getting very serious and that is not normal for him. But this is the kid he adopted so I can see why he would be serious about her health. "But we need to take care of the others too." I remind them. "Ok well they're just going to have to come along. Adrian would flip his top if we didn't take him anyway." Liam said.

"Ok we will go get everyone else and you take her the the car and start it." I tell Niall. "Ok." Was all he said. I rush out of the room and go to Chris first. He is asleep, I quickly wake him up and say "Hey we have to go to the hospital... like right now." I said that and he got up very quickly. "Who's hurt?" He asked. "Wynter her fever is 105° so hospital time. Yay." I say sarcastically.

"Ok I'll get Adrian and you get Riley." I tell the others. They nod and run off. I go to Adrian's room and see him sitting there looking better then before. "Hey what's up?" He asked. "We are taking your sister to the hospital. Now let's go." I just say and we run out of his room. "Why what's wrong?" Adrian asked. "She has a fever of 105° and she isn't going down." I explain.

After that he ran to the car. He went as fast as his legs could carry him.

Adrian's POV

Oh no no no. This cant be happening. Why couldn't she have just stayed in bed in the first place. Maybe this wouldn't have happened. I love her. I don't want her to be hurt. I get to the car and see her in the car looking really pale and just like she is going to die and she isn't like me where she overreacts and all that. If she looks like she is close to death, she might be.

"Is she awake?" I ask anyone around. "No she is asleep." Niall answered. "Who is going to hold Lizzy? She still doesn't have a car seat and Wynter trusts no one with that kid. Who and when was the last time someone held her anyway?" Harry asked. "I'll do it and to answer your question the last time someone held Liz was me and it was when Wynter took the gun from the shooter. It was because she didn't want Lizzy to get shot." I explain.

"Oh wow. Ok then anyway everyone get in." Liam said shocked. We all got in the car and we decided that we should try to wake Wynter to see how she is feeling. "Hey Wynter. Wynter get up. Hey! Wynter why wont you get up? Come on it's  Adrian get up!" I try frantically to get her to open her eyes. Nothing works. Oh no. Come on wake up. I shake her harder and still nothing is working. "She isn't waking up guys!" I shout at them. All of them look back at her except for Liam because he is driving. "You might want to drive faster Liam!" Zayn says and Liam goes faster.

We finally make it to the hospital and we bolt out of the car. Niall is carrying Wynter and I have Liz. Liam is parking the car and the rest just follow me and Niall. I am scared for my sisters life right now. I mean this isn't the first time Wynter has gone to the hospital. I have sent her to the hospital on multiple occasions. I didn't do it on purpose but it still happened. She ended up being fine and just left with a scare on her eyebrow for one of them. and the other she pasted out and had a seizure. She was fine by the end of it. And I still feel guilty about it to this day.

We run to the front desk and talk to the lady sitting there. I don't listen to what her and Niall talk about. I just look at my sister in Niall's arms. She is pale and weak. Before I could understand what I'm doing I just start crying, sobbing actually. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look who it is. I can see through blurry eyes that it was Harry and Riley staring at me. I don't cry much so that is probably why Riley is looking at me like that. But why is Harry comforting me? Then I do something I didn't think I would ever do. I just side hug him. He is surprised but then hugs me back. I think that made him happy because he was smiling like crazy until he looked at Wynter again.

Niall stops talking to the lady and says to everyone "Only family is allowed in for right now so me and Adrian will go then we will tell you when you guys can come in." he said and ran to the room that they took Wynter to. I hope Wynter is ok. She has to be. Right?!?!

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