Part 6 Sick Day

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Wynter's POV

I woke up and felt horrible. Oh no that means we are all sick. If one of us is sick we are all sick. Only the others don't know that I'm sick. They will know tomorrow because they think I get sick the next day. Now you might be thinking why would they think that? Well I'll tell you. It's because I want them to think that. When we found out that this happened we were 7 years old (me and Riley were 7) our parents were all at work or not there at all (aka Riley's dad) so we had to take care of ourselves. I took that as my job. I can fake being fine when it comes to being hurt or sick. I do it all the time.

I pretend that I'm fine, take care of the others, then when I cant fake it anymore I give up and by then they are all better. It is a system that works.

I go check on everyone first Lizzy because she is kind of in the same room as me. But she is still asleep which is good because if she wasn't then she would be crying. So I leave her be and go check on Adrian. He is a drama queen when he is sick so he is sprawled out on his bed looking like he is going to die. "Hey buddy how you feeling?" I ask him. "Horrible." He groaned out. "Ok I'll get you some soup and tea." I say and leave.

Next is Chris. "Hey dude how you feeling?" I ask. He is one of those people who are just 'I'm sick and don't feel like doing anything but sleep' so he is one of the easiest people to take care of. "I'm ok I guess just my head hurts and I'm freezing basically your average fever." He tells me. "Ok I'll get you soup and tea." I say and he said "Thanks Wynter." I just nod and leave. He is also the only one of them that ever said thank you but I don't mind.

Now for the little she Deval. She is the worst. She is just... she is something. I go in and say "Hey honey how ya feeling?" All she does is glare at me. If looks could kill I would be 6 feet under. "Ok then I'll just get some soup and tea." I say and kind of run out.

I make it to the kitchen and all the boys are there. "Hey Wynter." Harry greets me. "Hey." I say back and start to make soup. "You know if you wanted soup we could have made it for you." Niall says. "I know this but I'm not going to bother you guys with it and it's not for me it's for the 4 monsters upstairs." I explain.

"They could have made it themselves if they wanted soup and tea." Louis said. "I know that but there sick so I'm making it for them." I say back. "How did all of them get sick at the same time?" They all ask. "They have this thing where if one of them get sick they all do and I just don't." I lie to them. They didn't question it though. "Ok well we will help you then." Liam said.

"If you want to you can but you don't have to." I say. "We are there dads now we should at least help them get better." Zayn said. I just nod and they get the thermometer and some medicine. We go to Adrian first. "Hey buddy I'm back." I say. "Why does he look like he is going to kick the bucket soon and you seem like its normal?" Liam asked me. "Because it is normal. He's a drama queen when he is sick." I explain. "Ohhh" was all he said.

We gave him food and tea and then we took his temp gave him medication and left. "Ok next is Chris." I announce. "Why not Riley her door is right here?" Niall asked. "Because she is the worst so we are doing her second to last because last is Lizzy; I want her to sleep as much as possible." I say. "Ok then to Chris's room." Louis said.

"Hey buddy you still feeling bad?" I ask him. "Yep but I'll be fine after I eat, take meds, and then SLEEP your not going to like this in the morning." He said. "Ok well we will do just that." I laugh. We take his temp give him medication and leave him to eat his soup and drink his tea. "Hey what did Chris mean when he said that you wouldn't like it in the morning?" Harry asked. "Oh nothing it's just after they get sick I get sick too just the next day." I explain the lie the rest of the guys think. "Ok Riley time." I groaned out. I'm not going to tell you what happened in there. It was rough. But whatever at least its done.

Me and my Family (adopted by 1D)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant