Part 1 Meet the Boys

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Liam's POV

"Uncle Si you want us to do what?" I asked not believing what I heard come from his mouth.

"I want you boys to go and get a girl from the ages of 13 to 15." He replies. Ok that is a new one. Is he for real?

"Are you serious we can get a kid?" Louis asked. We have all wanted a kid for a while. If he is serious then this will be the best day of my life.

"Yes boys don't make me take back my offer. I know you guy have wanted a child so I'm giving you the age and gender of the kid you can have." Wow ok I say we go before he backs out of this.

"Ok see you later uncle Si." We said and ran to the door and off to the orphanage to get our very own daughter.

Wynter's POV

I woke up to the sound of screaming. I sat up straight and looked to see that people were looking outside and are... happy?!?! What is going on?

"Wynter they're here." Riley said to me. I was now beyond confused. "Who?" I ask

"You'll see in a minute but we have to go to our rooms now, bye and wear something nice you will want to be adopted this time." She said and ran out of my room. I have never and will never want to be adopted. I don't want to leave my family and let's be real no one wants 5 kids just because they want one of them.

So I get bored and take out my dance stuff. When I'm bored I just get my leggings, leotard, and ballet shoes and dance around my room. So I did just that. Got my stuff on and I wanted to be my own music so I sung a song called "Cant Blame a Girl for Trying" by Sabrina Carpenter.

I danced around my room until I finished singing the song and then I heard something I didn't want to hear. CLAPPING!!! Why is someone clapping? I pray to God that it is Riley and not one of the other girls here. I slowly turn around and then I saw 5 pairs of eyes looking at me and I was shocked seeing 1D in my room and embarrassed that I just did that in front of them.

I instantly ran in my closet and locked the door. Ms. Sunshine came to the door and talked to me "Why are you hiding?" She asked "Did you see who I just danced in front of? No way am I coming out of this closet until they are gone." "Why?" I heard someone ask.

"Because I was just doing something that I love to do and I don't want people to criticize it in anyway because then I wouldn't want to dance anymore and I love to dance. So please, no one take that from me." I said on the verge of tears. 

Louis's POV

We got to the orphanage and everything was quiet until I heard singing. It was a beautiful voice and I really wanted to see who it belonged to. I asked the boys "Do you hear that or am I going crazy?" They all nodded there heads say that they heard it.

We ask the lady who it was and she just said "Follow me and see for yourself" so we followed and came up to a door that had the name Wynter on it. I like that name I want to have a face to match it with. She opened the door and we saw a girl about 10 or 11 it seemed like. She was singing "Cant Blame a Girl for Trying" and dancing to it.

She was amazing and I hope she knows that. After a while she stopped singing and we started to clap. She turned around and saw us then immediately ran inside her closet. I was surprised that she did that and I think the others were too because we all just stared at the closet door.

"Why are you hiding?" The foster home lady asked. I was curious too. "Did you see who I just danced in front of? No way am I coming out of this closet until they are gone." Now I'm even more curious of her actions as I ask "Why?"

"Because I was just doing something that I love to do and I don't want people to criticize it in anyway because then I wouldn't want to dance anymore and I love to dance. So please, no one take that from me." She said to us sounding like she was going to cry. I was shocked of her thought process. I was going to tell her how amazing she was but now I think she doesn't need feedback she just needs us here.

Wynter's POV

I didn't want to come out of my closet. But Ms. Sunshine said "Sweetie you need to come out and talk to them they might even adopt you, wouldn't that be nice?" "No, not really you know how I feel about getting adopted." I said scared out of my mind

"Why do you not want to get adopted?" Someone asked I don't know who though. "Because my bestfriend is here with me and my brother and my besties brother and a little girl I take care of and I just cant leave them." I said about to cry.

Someone came to the closet door and said "Why don't you come out and we can talk about this. Ok?" I slowly opened the door and walked out into the room.

I'm terrified right now to be honest. They are scary people. "Do you know who we are?" Niall asked I nodded and said "My bff is obsessed with you so I know your songs and names." I said trying to make conversation.

"Oh who is her favorite?" Louis asked. "You. She has a problem." I said and they laughed a lot. We talked but then I noticed that I can't find Liam. "Hey where is Liam?" I asked "Maybe on the phone in the hall." Oh, ok then.

All of a sudden he burst in the room and said "We are adopting you." "Nope, sorry I like you guys and all but..." I kind of just stopped in the middle of my sentence. Liam continues with his though "You did not let me finish we are adopting you, Riley, Adrian, Chris, and Lizzy." I did not hear him right. Did I?

"Are you kidding or not?" I asked he just smiled and said "Of course I'm not kidding. You are amazing and I want you to be in our family." I was about to cry when I just jumped up and hugged him so tight that I thought he would be crushed. I hugged the rest of them and then went to get the others.

This is going to be an amazing and crazy ride. I love it<3

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