Part 8 Sick 3

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Wynter's POV

It's dark and cold. It's dark because I have my eyes closed and cold because... well I don't know. I am awake but I cant move or open my eyes. I can hear though. I woke up around 3 minutes ago and can hear a heart monitor. I must be at a hospital. But why? Maybe I got to 105. I don't know. Someone interrupts my thoughts by walking into my room. At least I think they walked into my room all I heard was the door open and close. "Hey Wynter. I hope you are ok. I'm not supposed to be in here. Shhhh don't tell. But I wanted to make sure your ok. They wouldn't let me and the other boys besides Niall in here because we are not family. But I needed to see if you were still asleep. You have been out of it for 3 days. Niall and Adrian can't sleep and the rest of us are miserable too. Come on I know in my heart you can hear me. Just show me a sign that you can hear me. Please Wynter." That was Louis's voice.

I want to show him I'm listening so bad but I can't. I can't move my body. I hear him sit in the chair next to me and feel him hold my hand. "Come on Wynter just squeeze my hand. I need you to do it for me Wynter. I have hope in you. You got this. Everyone else thinks I'm crazy but I know your awake. You have to be. Wynter just squeeze my hand." Louis pleads. I try and try and try again and again but I just can't. Louis sighs and lets go of my hand. I want him to know I'm awake. Come on Wynter just do something! Anything! Please lord just let me do something.

I try one last time to speak and as I hear Louis open the door I let out a little soft scream if that makes sense. I hear Louis come back over to me and say "What was that baby girl? Can you do it again so I know your actually there? Please just one more time?" Louis begs me. I do it again but this time louder. Louis laughs a little and I hear him run to the door. After a little bit I hear people come into my room. I am getting some of my strength back too. I hear Louis talking and I think I hear everyone else (The boys and girls) in my room too. 

"Louis your just crazy. She is not awake. She is clearly still asleep." I hear Adrian say annoyed. "No she is awake just can't open her eyes for some reason. She can barely talk let alone move. But I told her to do something to show me that she is awake and she groaned. She is conscious guys. I know she is." Louis said convincingly. "No she's not Louis stop getting everyone's hopes up!" Niall screamed. I can't lay back and listen to Louis get screamed at anymore. "Come on baby girl just do it again for me. You got this." Louis said to me. I did it again but with a lot more force and the others gasped. I tried for a whole minute to get my eyes to open. And when I finally did I closed them again because of the bright light.

"Wynter! Oh my goodness baby are you ok? How are you feeling? Do you hurt anywhere?" Niall asked franticly. "I-" I tried to answer but just then I got hit with a wave of pain that at the time seemed endless. I hurt everywhere. Even if I didn't get this wave of pain I wouldn't have been able to answer because my throat hurt also. But most of all my head hurt a lot. It felt like someone was hammering it over and over again. "Are you ok Wynter?" Harry asked. You know how I told you that I'm good at hiding me being hurt or feeling sick. Well, I tried to say yes so I nodded. But Liam looked at me and knew I was far from ok. He shooed everyone out of the room quickly and asked me what was wrong.

I couldn't lie this time because he already knew I didn't feel good. I just looked at the piece of paper next to me on the doctor's table and found a pen too. I started writing on it because I couldn't talk for my life. "I hurt really bad Liam. And it doesn't help that I can't talk because my throat hurts so much. I don't want to hurt anymore Liam. It hurts so much that I just want to pass out again so I can't feel it." I wrote on the piece of paper. Liam read it and looked at me then went to get the boys and hopefully a doctor.

The boys came in but Riley and Chris didn't I don't know why though. I look at the boys and they just look sad but had smiles on their faces anyway.  Just then a doctor rushed into the room and started asking me questions because the boys can't answer. they hand me a piece of paper and I answer until we got to the question do you have any physical or mental problems? I froze because I do but it has nothing to do with anything so I don't think I need to say anything about it. I mean I'm not a doctor or anything but dyslexia doesn't count right? I don't want the boys to know so I shake my head. Adrian, however, decide to open up his big mouth and talk for me.

"Yes she does sir. I don't know why she shook her head." Adrian said and glared at me. All the boys looked at me and then asked. "What do you mean?" in unison. CREEPY!!! "Well I'm going to say it for her for two reasons one I know she won't say anything and two I don't think she can spell dyslexia." Adrian said and I was ready to wring his neck. He can't just decide for me to tell the boys that. Then of course Niall says "What's dyslexia?" Only Niall. "It's something that makes you not be able to read properly or spell properly." Louis explained. I sat there in silence not moving wanting to be anywhere else but here. I look at my lap and feel like crying but wont let myself. No I cant cry. I won't do it.

"I see thank you for telling me that is all." The doctor said and walked out. The boys all looked at me with confusion on their faces. "Were you going to tell us?" Niall asked, he seemed kind of hurt which is weird. I wanted to nod but that would be lying. So I shake my head. "When did you find out about it yourself?" Zayn asked. I wrote down "2nd grade." And Zayn had a sigh of relief. "Ok so have you gotten better?" I nod my head happily they all relax a bit after I say that.

"I have items that help me with it. Like my blue over lay." I write. "What's a blue over lay?" Louis asked. "Just a blue piece of plastic that she puts over her paper she is reading so she can read better." Adrian answered.  I write "you know I can speak for myself." He laughed and said "No you cant you cant even talk more then two words that's why you are writing." I started to get up and was about to walk over there when my legs gave way and I was about to fall to the ground but Harry caught me.

"Calm down princess. He's trying to get to you." Harry whispered to me. "Well it's working." I grumble it burns my throat but I don't care at this moment. "Don't think I wont knock you to the ground idiot." I shout it still hurting like heck. He laughs again and said "Harry let's go of you and you cant even stand properly." I growl at him and try to jump at him but Harry holds me tight. "Ok Adrian go outside and cool off and Wynter you stay right there and don't move." Liam said and Adrian sasses "not like she can go anywhere." And walks out of the room.

"What is his deal?" Zayn asked. "When I hurt myself and he finds out he becomes really mean to me for a while. I normally don't do anything about it and just stay quiet but today I am not in a good mood." I say annoyed. "Have you ever actually hurt him before?" Louis asked. "The only thing I have done is hit him in a place no man wants to be hit and then walked away." I explain and all of them look shocked and cover their you know what.

I giggled a little because I thought it was funny and then say "I use to live with 4 brothers. I know how to take a man down and wrestle." I say proudly my throat not hurting much anymore. "I guess we know she can defend herself one less kid to worry about." Liam said and laughed a little. "Ya I guess." I said and looked at my lap. Adrian made me feel useless. Like I am nothing without someone there to help me. Also them now knowing about my dyslexia is scary. Are they going to treat me like I'm stupid now?

"Has he ever hit you before?" Niall asked scared for the answer. "No, he would never hurt anyone unless they hurt his family or him." I shake my head while saying this. They all let out a sigh of relief. "Listen we get along great just not after I get hurt. It doesn't have to be my fault for him to get mad about it. I hate it when he does this so if I end up hitting him you cant blame me for it. He has it coming." They all nod and slightly laugh at what I say. I don't know why they are laughing because I'm not kidding. Whatever.

Liam leaves to go try and talk to Adrian. It won't work but ok. The others stay and talk with me. We laugh and talk for a few hours. When finally the doctor came in and said, "If you want you can go home." He then smiled and left the room. Me and the boys gladly get up to leave this horrible place. I mean it's fine but I don't like the vibe. We all go to the car and Adrian seems fine and Riley and Chris seem ok but I can tell in my stomach  that all 3 of them are not ok. I can tell when there is something wrong. When I am close to someone I can tell when they are upset. I haven't gotten that way with the boys just yet but we are getting close. I'm over today I'm going to go to sleep and hopefully wake up and everything be back to the way it was before.

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