Three: I Promise

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Three: I Promise

- - - - - Jack - - - - - 

Dear Jack,

        My name is Elsa. Elsa Hale. This is my very first time to write to you, considering that I've been looking up to you for about two years already. No, don't think I'm some sort of psycho elementary girl who wears her "Proud to be a Frostie" shirt to ballet class. I'm pretty far from that, and I'm 18, like you, so no problem with that one.

        I'm from North Carolina, million miles away from where you are... inside an obscure town where we don't even have a Wal-mart store 'round the corner. Even the nearest McDonald's is a mile away. I feel like a loser, and so uncool... and I feel like I don't deserve you reading this letter.

        I'm utterly uninteresting. I have two sisters, Vera Lynn and Anna. A year older and two years younger than me, respectively. I love them to bits, even though they finish up the last tub of mint ice cream in the fridge. I know this isn't interesting, but I really don't have a lot to say in my very first letter. I practiced writing this note in my head for a billion times, but when I have the real chance to really do it, my mind turns into a blank space. But still, thank you for reading this.

        All I could really say is... I was enchanted to meet you. Even though I haven't really met you for real. Just in my wildest dreams, I guess. Still, I feel like I've known you all along, but yeah, I'm silly and I'm a crazy girl so just forget I even said that... or wrote that, in this case.

        I guess I have to go now, 'cause Daddy is buying ice cream and I am making sure that he buys separate tubs for all of us. Attached on to this letter is my cat, Pepper. Isn't she adorable?

        Love, Elsa

There was something in this girl... something really interesting about her. Something brand new I've never seen before.

I flipped over the page and smiled at the photo of the cat, Pepper.

Maybe I should write back to this girl... 

- - - - - Elsa - - - - - 

After finishing my letter, I looked underneath my bed... and my suitcase was gone.

"Anna!", I yelled as I raced downstairs. "Did you take my suitcase?"

"What suitcase?", she sneered at me.

"I know you have it. Who else would?", I said.

"Calm down, sis.", she raised both of her hands. "I don't have it."

"I swear, Anna. I'm seriously going to kill you."

"I don't have it!", she yelled. "What's in that stupid suitcase anyway?"

"Something that no one should ever know.", I said as I grabbed my coat, and raced for the door.

"Hey, Elsie.", Dad suddenly popped out of the bushes... seems he was gardening.

I rolled my eyes, "Not today, Dad."

Dear Jack ➳ A Jelsa FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now