Chapter 36 - So much for resolving the situation quietly...

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"No!" Noah quickly realized that the other might have misunderstood, "What I meant is that I didn't recognize you because I...uh...I haven't seen you for a long time."

Teagan Peyton was shaking in outrage as he shrieked, "What the fuck do you mean you haven't seen me for a long time?!? My picture is all over the news nearly every day!" – That much was true, even Levi, who avoided socialite gatherings like the plague, could recognize Teagan Peyton on sight – "My picture was in yesterday's New-fucking-Times right next to yours!!!!"

Noah: '...Sorry, bro. I honestly didn't know.' 〒▽〒

Blackie: "Oh, then that explains why he is so pissed at you. His pic must have looked like trash when displayed next to yours." ╮(╯∀╰)╭

Noah made one final effort to right the wrong direction of this conversation, "I didn't see it... and um... I have trouble recognizing out-of-context faces that don't have any outstanding features."

That earned him another puff of laughter from his currently-not-so-helpful brother-in-law, 'Kitten, are you saying a vulgar mutt like him doesn't belong in a high-class resort or are you saying that there is nothing outstanding about him?' 😂😂😂

As soon as he heard that puff of laughter, Noah knew that his words didn't come out right, so without giving Peyton a chance to erupt in another outrage, he corrected himself, "When I said outstanding, I meant memorable, like a huge crooked nose or an ugly burn scar!"

Blackie and Levi, still dying inside from holding in their laughter: Yes, you heard that right! You are so fucking forgettable that the only way to make someone remember you is if you broke your nose in three places or burnt off half of your face! 😂

Levi finally couldn't hold it in any longer, and his chest rumbled with unsuppressed husky laughter, which made the pleasant kind of goosebumps rise on Noah's arm. However, it also made the livid Peyton turn his cannons towards him.

"And who the fuck are you, assfucker?! You think a little bitch's pet dog like you has the right to speak here?!"

One had to hand it to Peyton, one either had to be blind, death-seeking, or have balls of steel to cuss out a man with Levi's appearance. Just those piercing icy eyes could freeze one to the core, let alone the air of someone who'd just walked out alive from a 100-people last-man-standing deathmatch.

Levi, with his chest stuck out imposingly, attempted to move his tall frame in front of Noah to face off against Peyton, and shield his baby from the saliva the rabid mutt was spraying everywhere. But Noah, worried that Levi would do something rash that would come back to bite him (Levi) later, flung the box he was holding towards Trey and quickly hugged Levi's arm to his chest in a half-placating and half-restraining way.

And Levi, of course, froze in his tracks, feeling like he had been hit with another sugar attack. Ah, ah, baby hugging my arm to his chest! ❤ Feels so warm and comfy!!

Suddenly, the imposing man once again flipped to be very docile, dotingly looking at the two slender arms hugging his. How could he even have the time to care about some rabid dog barking annoyingly?

Yet this fool Peyton was really as blind as a bat, not seeing the amnesty he was given, he turned even more lived due to being disregarded. "Who do you two cocksuckers think you are?!? You think this daddy will just let you off if you stay quiet?!?"

Finally reaching the limit of his tolerance, Levi responded, "I wanted to say that the only bitch here is you, but then I realized that even rabid dogs know that if they come running to another person's house to bite the owner, they will get shot." Levi spoke languidly with his lips upturned into a mocking sneer, as if he found the mere idea of speaking to such a lowly being repulsive, "So clearly you aren't even worthy enough to be called a bitch. Tsk, even lower than a dog~"

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