Chapter 22

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"You're place is nice, too plain but bearable" I commented once I got the chance to look around. It's messy, lots of papers and stuff are scattered around, hindi siya maayos sa gamit. Yep, I got that.

"Don't judge Elyse, I've been really busy these past few days—"

"This looks like a month worth of pile, don't give me that 'days' bullshit. It's fine if you're messy...I'm here, I'll clean for you" I said, picking up the trashes at the sofa side, pumunta ako sa kitchen since magkalapit lang 'to at tinapon yon sa basurahan. He was watching me clean, I can feel it. I have this obsession with clean place, how things should be arrange and organize —hindi ako OC, it's just proper maintenance and of course a responsibility. Gets ko naman kapag hindi lahat katulad ko. It's's bothering me more than it should.

"Love, stop" he grip my hand, I was about to pick up the papers scattered at the coffee table and arrange them. Tinanggal ko ang hawak niya saakin at tinuloy ang pag-aayos ko. I'm nervous, isa yan sa dahilan bat' ako nag lilinis ngayon.

"I said stop."

I did not stop, pinag-patuloy ko lang ang paglilinis ko, going back and forth to the living room and kitchen, fixing everything that gives me an eyesore. He didn't push it though, he sat quietly at the couch and watched me clean.

That went on for minutes....until I'm done. I stood in front of him and gave him a sweet smile.

"There you go, you can thank me now" I said with a bright smile. I looked around and it's much pleasing to the eyes. Ang ganda kaya ng place niya! He's leaving in one of the most prestigious penthouse/condo, hindi padin kasi ako sure e, tas dudumihan niya lang? Grabe!

"Hope you're happy" he said, sarcastic and frowning while looking up to me.

"Hey" I caressed his cheeks and titled his chip up. "Look around babe" I moved his chin left and right. "It's now bearable. You have to thank me." I said in a sweet low voice. He didn't like me cleaning for him? Uh-oh....I should've asked! Silly me!

I bit my lip and faced him, apolgetic. I then realized that some people don't want their things or stuff being touched. Some even likes it messy! Cause them funtion well? How in the world could they.....uh!

"I'm sorry, I should've asked for you permission babe, do you want me to scatter all the papers back? Or do you want me to take the trashes out from the bin and throw it anywhere?" I asked continuously. Sabihin niya lang at gagawin ko!

"I get it love, I'm messy you dont have to mock me" he answered.

"What? I'm not mocking you...Maven! I'm not mocking you! I'm serious do you want me to trash your place again? I can do it—"

"We both know you can't" he stood up suddenly. Napaatras ako ng onti, he's taller than me so ako ngayon ang nakaangat ng tingin. "I'm not mad or annoyed at you for cleaning—even if it took you minutes" he said the last words with an irritated tone, and he eve rolled his eyes. "But you...hindi moko pinansin, that's the reason I'm pouting like a freaking child, okay? Not because of your cleaning obsession"

Oh, okay. I'm speechless...

"Sorry?" I said, am I even sorry?...I don't think so...not really.

"You're not sorry love. C'mon" hinila niya ako papunta sa kitchen. He sat me down at the kitchen stool. Pumunta siya sa may stove.

"What are you doing?" I asked. He faced me, putting up the pan and giving me a obvious look.

"Uh? I'm cooking for you?" He answered, in a questioning tone.

"Oh, okay...uh make me some eggs and..I don't know, just some omellet" I said. I can't just eat anything, I have to watch my weight. Tas gabi pa ngayon.

Burning Hope (Burn Series #1) [UNDER MAJOR EDITING]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon