Chapter 4

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Disclaimer. I do not own anything from Naruto. I own the plot and if you want to build off my story please contact me first. Thank you. Enjoy!


Haruchi was extremely glad for the cooling seal he had put in his fox mask. As much as he liked Suna, Konoha was still so much better. It had been a day's journey to get to Suna, but he was finally here. 

As he entered the village, the guards took one look at his mask and escorted him to the Kazekage. Stealing glances at Haruchi, they wondered why the hokage would send an anbu captain to Suna at this time. The two villages weren't in the best of moods towards each other but Suna hadn't done anything against Konoha either. As they were walking him to the office, Haruchi spread out his chakra and quickly pinpointed where Gaara was. He could also feel the occasional spike of Shukaku's chakra.

"Come in." They had arrived.

"Hello Kazekage-sama" said Haruchi as he entered and bowed to the village leader.

"Fox, I had just received word of your coming here not too long ago. The third hokage hasn't really specified the need to send a captain into my village."

Haruchi said, "Hokage-sama sent me to discuss diplomatic decisions that would better both of our villages. In private, please."

The Kazekage nodded and turned to his guards, "Please leave us."

As soon as the room was rid of guards, Haruchi pulled out a scroll containing the alliance details. Opening it he handed it to the Kazekage. 

"The Hokage wishes to strengthen our bond with a strong alliance. Suna would be able to ask Konoha for help and vice versa. We realize that Suna is struggling a bit with the Wind Lord sending missions to Konoha, and so we'd like to direct those missions back to Suna."

The Kazekage narrowed his eyes at Haruchi, unable to see his face with the fox mask. This seemed too good to be true.

"Why would the Hokage do this? It seems to benefit us more than Konoha."

"Well, there is one more condition."

"And what would that be?" asked the Kage, eyes drilling into Haruchi's. Here was the real test. He was sure whatever the leaf shinobi would say next would determine his answer to this alliance. 

"As I was walking, I happened to sense some very interesting chakra."

The Kazekage immediately tensed.

"The Hokage's condition is that we are to make sure your jinchuriki is stable. After all, we wouldn't want our ally to be destroyed by one of their own ninja. I am a fuinjutsu master and I will fix the obviously faulty seal."

"How can I trust you not to tamper with the seal, so that it benefits Konoha?"

"You would be able to overlook the checkup I do. Plus I'm sure you'll make your Anbu follow me around."

The Kage didn't try to deny it. He sighed before saying, "Well Fox, you may head to your hotel room now. I'm sure you need to rest and prepare for the check up. We can have it done later today. Depending on how it goes, we'll see about the alliance."

Haruchi nodded his head at the village leader to show respect. With that he left the Kazekage's office.


Haruchi decided to walk around the village and perhaps get something for Naruto. He knew first hand how little gifts the poor boy got. There weren't that many stands and merchants. No wonder Sand had become desperate enough to attack the leaf the first time. Haruchi bought some dango from a stand and walked around, slowly eating his snack. Something caught his eye out of all the little trinkets in a booth. Perfect. Naruto would like the gift. 

Haruchi started heading towards his hotel. However, before he reached his destination he stopped at the entrance of a side alleyway. Pausing for only a second, he smirked before entering the dark passageway.

"You know, it's not good to be alone all the time."

Sand seemed to stir around his feet, before shooting at him. The boy controlling the sand didn't even look up from the ball he curled himself into. Gaara. His gourd was by his side and eyes bloodshot from the inability to sleep. Gaara heard the voice but didn't recognize it. Whatever, it was just another person asking to be killed. Yet, Gaara was shocked when he felt his sand fall lifeless at his feet. He then looked to see who could do this.

Haruchi had let out an almost inaudible sigh when the sand attacked him. He stood calmly as he flared Kurama's chakra. Shukaku, recognizing the demonic chakra immediately retreated and dropped the sand. There was no way he could win against the nine-tails. But why was the kyuubi in Suna? He thought the jinchuriki was not even a genin yet.

"Ha, Shukaku knows his place. We should talk to him and Gaara in private."

Haruchi agreed, so with a burst of speed appeared in front of the boy. He reached out, grabbing him and pulling both of them into the shared mindscape of the jinchuriki. 

"Wha- Who are you? Where are we?" Gaara said as he jerked away from Haruchi as they arrived in the mindscape, the shock shaking him from his usual cold, bloodthirsty tone.

A deep, booming growl shook the floor, and Gaara turned to see both the Kyuubi and Ichibi in their full glory. A choking sound escaped his mouth and he scrambled away as both bijuu looked at him. 

"Gaara, my name's Uzukaze Haruchi. I'm a Konoha ninja and I'm also the nine-tails Jinchuriki. I am here to examine your seal and help you sleep."

"Why- You have mother's brother?"

"Shukaku... you made the boy think you're his mother? Why don't you just let the boy live peacefully?"

"The brat's seal makes my demonic chakra affect his mind. I can't help him because of the damn thing. Kurama. What happened to you? I thought your jinchuriki was that Uzumaki boy. Wait, don't tell me.... future. But how?"

"Kami sent us back. You and our brethren were gone, everyone was gone. Haruchi will help fix your seal."

"See Gaara, he isn't your mother. His name's Shukaku."

Gaara slowly nodded, he couldn't fully wrap his head around everything. But he now understood why he got all the looks of fear. Even from his siblings. Hopefully with the seal fixed, he would get some rest and be able to get closer to them.

Haruchi felt something tingling in his left hand. It was his index finger. Bringing it up to examine, he found a strange symbol on it. Something clicked in both his and Kurama's mind, it was the symbol of Kami. Haruchi brought his index finger to Gaara, focused on what he wanted, and gently poked his forehead, Uchiha style. He watched in slight shock as the bags under Gaara's eyes faded and the bloodlust in his eyes disappeared completely.

"Wh-what did you just do to me?"

"I'm pretty sure I just healed your mind from the lack of sleep and from what Shukaku's chakra has done to you. However, I still need to fix the seal or you'll eventually go back to how you were."

"Kit. That must be part of the power Kami gave us. I have that same symbol on one of my tails."

"Yeah, ok Gaara, we're going to leave the mindscape now. We were probably in there long enough."

And with that, the two jinchuriki returned to the real world. 

"Well, I suppose I'll see you later to fix the seal. Stay strong, Gaara. I'll be seeing you soon." 

Haruchi then left to go to his hotel to prepare. 

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