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A long time ago I told u I don't care what u look like.  I still don't.  But I've become super curious.  Please send me some pictures!  Even if it's only pictures of u as a kid.  I want 2 see what our babies will look like! (hahaha)

I told my mom I'm in love with u.  She said she really likes u.   She thinks u're great and I'm sure a big part of it is because u're so far away!  But she thinks we need 2 be around each other in person first b4 we can say we're in love.  Maybe she's right.  But I don't know another way 2 explain the feelings I have 4 u.

I get butterflies just thinking of u and that voice.  U r nothing like the guys at my school.  Even after the whole thing with Dimitra I still think u're the love of my life.  I can't really get mad because we didn't love each other then.  And I AM a thousand miles away.  I'm sorry 4 bringing up the cheating every time we argue.  U have 2 understand me though.  I'm all the way over here saving myself 4 u.  I'm not eager 2 have sex but I get agitated when I think of other girls even looking at u a certain way.  I can't look at u at all!

I talk 2 God every day and ask him 2 please save u 4 me.  2 watch u and bring u 2 me sometime soon.  We're going 2 live a happy life 2gether.  I know it.  We'll both teach music somewhere or if u really want 2 move 2 California that's fine.  U can be a session musician and a songwriter.  I just really don't want u in the spotlight and I know it upsets u when I say it.  U never let me explain myself though.

My dad works in the music industry.  He lives in Detroit.  I know the stories.  I know how men fight temptation.  They don't fight it at all!  And the wives eventually just become "okay with it."  I don't want 2 EVER be "okay" with my husband fooling around with other women.

And it's not only the girls.  Fame isn't all that great.  So many great people have ended up killing themselves because of it.  OR they were murdered by their puppet master.  I'm not trying 2 scare u but I don't want that 4 us.  I want us 2 live a simple life.  Somewhere in a nice house with a lot of land 4 the kids and animals 2 play.  I'll even move 2 Minneapolis.  I'll do anything 4 u.  Just please don't make me some red carpet arm candy.

I'm going 2 send u some pictures but not until u send me some will u get 2 see my face...or more of my body.

I love u, Joey Coco.

I love u, Joey Coco

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