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Miss Yvette,

I just read a letter Kamille wrote me a few days ago.

I won't say 2 much.  Just know I'm torn.  And I can't explain myself because that'll just make it seem like I'm making excuses.

Just please tell ur daughter it was never a game.  It's important 4 her 2 know that. 

I will always love her & regret a lot but I will respect the space she's asking 4.  I won't call or write.  What good would it do at this point anyway?  When God says it's cool, he'll find a way.

  And please thank her 4 what she wrote.  I needed 2 hear it.

I'm sorry 2 u & ur family as well.

Until life pulls us back again,

Until life pulls us back again,

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P.S.  Tell Kamille she didn't have 2 pretend 2 give the ring back.  

The End

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