Chapter One

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Your fist collided harshly with the hard surface of the punching bag. As it swung slightly from the impact, you lifted up your other hand to deliver a second strike.

You were alone in U.A. Academy's impressive training gym. Typically, it was reserved for the students in the hero course to use, but given the early hours at which you trained and your repeated petitioning, you were granted access.

At 5 A.M., the campus gave off an eerie quality. The usually lively walkways were empty, the high-tech security placed around the dorms and various campus buildings gave off small beams of light that cut the darkness of the morning. It was your favorite time of the day.

Without anyone around, you could be alone with your thoughts in the gym. You could take out your anger, your frustrations, your sense of imprisonment and the haunting memories from your past on the expertly-designed equipment.

"Where's daddy?" the little girl quietly questioned.

Her mother turned away from the cabinet she was rifling through. "Go back to bed, sweetheart," she said. When the kitchen lights reflected just right on her mother's face, the girl could see the gleam of tears streaming from her watery eyes. She was shaking as she maintained a smile for the girl's sake.

"Where is he?" she asked again, louder this time, feeling dampness beginning to collect in the corners of her eyes.

Her mother's smile waved as she walked over to the girl. She crouched down and rubbed her daughter's eyes gently before tightly hugging her. "Go... go back to your room," she whispered into the girl's hair.

"But... mommy..." The girl quietly began to protest. Something was wrong.

"Go," her mother repeated, sounding firmer now as she stood up. "It will all be okay in the morning."

The girl was still concerned, but plodded back to her room. She crawled under her polka-dotted covers, reaching out for her favorite stuffed animal: a brown plush teddy bear. One of its button eyes had fallen off and in some spots the stitching had begun to become undone. But the girl still held it beside her every night. It was the first and last gift her father ever gave her before he left.

No sooner had she closed her eyes than the small apartment reverberated with a bang!

The child jumped out of bed, running back to the kitchen. "Mommy!" she yelled, garnering no response. When her feet reached the kitchen, she quickly realized why.

The crimson color of blood flowed over the tiled floor. The small rivers of liquid could be traced back to a body lying haphazardly on the ground.

"Mom..." the girl whispered, unable to think anything. Her world had gone dark at the edges, the center of her vision filled with the dead body of the only parent she'd known. The small handgun grasped in her mother's palm shone in the fluorescent lighting.


"Fuck!" you shouted as you punched the swinging bag a little too hard. You clenched your fist, squeezing your other hand around the injured knuckle. Your memories flashed through your mind like a cruel film.

After the police came that day, you were placed in foster care. You found out later what had happened: when your father was finally arrested, he told the police to tell your mother he was dead. He no longer wanted your mother to cling to him; he saw both you and her as unnecessary burdens on himself.

The Puppetmaster. That's what they called him. He had the ability to manipulate liquids and used this power to bend the blood of others to his will. At his best, he could create a small army of controlled bodies. A notorious villain in America, he escaped to Japan once heroes began to narrow in on his whereabouts. In Japan, he met your mother, an unassuming woman with a useful quirk: electricity generation. She fell deeply in love with him as he used her to create you--a child with two strong opposing quirks--to take revenge on the heroes in America that had relentlessly pursued him for so long.

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