Chapter Eight

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A/N: Hey, guys! I was in a big writing mood yesterday so I actually wrote the next three chapters lol. I'll post a couple of them today :)

I really enjoy writing this book so expect fairly frequent updates (although classes start on Thursday for me, so hopefully that won't slow things down).

In the mean time, thanks for all your support! I know I've said this before, but seeing the comments + votes on my stories makes my day!




You heard his low voice before you had even fully stepped into the gym the following morning.

You sighed. "Yes, Bakugou?"

The blond stood a few feet away from the entrance with an intense look on his face.

"Show me your quirk."

You remembered Todoroki's words about Bakugou's extreme persistence. What he said was definitely true. And it was grating on your nerves.

"Leave me alone," you muttered, side-stepping his large body to head towards the equipment tubs.

Suddenly, you felt a long finger wrap itself around one of the fragile straps of your bra, effectively stopping you in your tracks. You yelped in surprise.


You could see his smirk in your peripheral vision as he walked up behind you.

"I told you, (Y/N). I'm getting tired." Bakugou unraveled his finger from your clothing, letting the strap snap onto your back as he let go. You could feel his breath on your shoulder, but you refused to turn around.

"I don't fight just for the sake of it. I fight to win," he murmured lowly. "You seem to think so little of my requests, but if you keep ignoring me, you'll regret it."

You could feel yourself gradually getting more and more irritated. Maybe you should've taken Todoroki up on his offer.

You jumped as Bakugou's large hands gripped your shoulders, spinning you around to face him.

"What's your quirk?" he questioned in a demanding tone. "I'm not going to let you leave until you fight me with it."

You smirked. "My quirk doesn't exactly lend itself to fighting," you said in response.

Whoops, I accidentally revealed something to him, you thought to yourself.

You used Bakugou's momentary surprise at the new knowledge to break free of his grip and start walking away.

"Hey," he barked. "Are you trying to test me, (Y/N)?"

You sighed in exasperation. "No, Bakugou," you said. "Maybe--just maybe--I don't want to fight you, hmm?"

Despite having your back turned to him, you could smell the growing scent of burning caramel. Smoke began to fill the air. Turning around, you saw the small flames licking against Bakugou's palms as his expression contorted with anger.

"Why are you even at U.A. if you won't use your quirk? If you won't fight? Hah?" he snarled. "You had Icyhot hype up your skills for what? Cowardice?" He walked towards you, flaming hands in tow.

You were beginning to feel a bit nervous. "I didn't have Todoroki do anyth--"

"What's your goddamn quirk, (Y/N)?! Stop with your little fucking secrets."

Bakugou's growing closeness made you flinch. The heat from his hands radiated into the air around him as they smoldered. This wasn't an ideal situation.

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