Chapter Eighteen

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OMG 100 VOTES???! I love you all sm, here's some kisses 😘😘

Btw, this chapter is in Bakugou's POV.



Bakugou smiled slightly to himself as he walked back towards the stands designated for Class 1-A. It was an unusual look for him, but for once, his scowl had disappeared. However, if anyone happened to come across him, he would immediately hide his expression with a sneer.

For the past few days, Bakugou had been unsure of where he stood with you. And he was never unsure of himself. But seeing your reaction to him after his match--your blush, your stuttering, your running away; all things that he had come to realize were out of character for you--he allowed himself to think that...

Maybe you liked him back.

Of course, what had just happened between the two of you in the empty training room made Bakugou feel more assured of your opinion of him. Just remembering the events of a few minutes ago made his body grow hotter. The saccharine taste of your lips as they moved against his...

Bakugou growled at himself. He felt like an elementary-school boy getting his first crush--not his style. If anyone but you saw him like this, he'd kick them to America. But, he couldn't deny that the feeling of giddiness in his veins was addictive. He would make an explosion ten times bigger than the one he had created in his last match if it would make you blush like that again.

He couldn't quite pinpoint when exactly his feelings for you evolved from mutual respect into something stronger. But with anyone else, Bakugou probably would've laid off after a few days. He might've called them a coward, but he would never sink to chasing after someone for their attention. However, after the first couple days spent pursuing you, Bakugou realized he was caring less and less about fighting you. He enjoyed your banter and watching you train--not caring whether he was watching. You were one of the first people that could hold your own against him, mentally and physically. You were strong and you were smart--and he respected that. And then it became more than respect.

Bakugou liked seeing you flustered when he pulled you closer. He had unconsciously shifted from his normal brash and direct speech to something more teasing around you. Never before had he let down his rough exterior around someone; he didn't care to be friendly with those extras. But the way your composure began to unravel as he playfully provoked you--he loved it.

Despite his temperament, Bakugou was normally a very strategic person. He might appear to be spontaneous, but he usually thinks things through, making sure he has a plan, before taking any action. It always seemed to surprise people, but he had the highest test scores in the class for a reason. He wasn't an idiot.

But with you, he becomes impulsive. He didn't mean to kiss you that day, but your warm cheeks and close proximity made him lose his head--not that he would ever admit it. Bakugou knew pulling something like that while your relationship was still fragile could have resulted in destroying all the progress you had made, but in the moment, he couldn't help himself.

In his head, he wanted to take things faster. He didn't want to go slow, watching you from the other side of the cafeteria until you gradually grew closer to him. He wanted you to be his. Now. Fuck "taking things slow." But he couldn't afford to lose you, so he had to be careful and slow. At least, as slow as he could be. Which amounted to finger-fucking you in a deserted training room before he had even asked you out on a date. The desire to see your eyes, hazy with pleasure, connecting with his again had almost cost him his self-control.

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