Chapter Seven

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A/N: Omg, thank you all sm! The views on this book have like tripled in the past few days, wow! I also really like seeing your comments :)

Sorry if this chapter seems a bit disjointed, I was too lazy to edit (whoops)



You finally decided to stop taking lunch in your dorm. While Bakugou was still a threat, it seemed he hadn't approached you much at school, so you weren't quite as worried as you were originally. Besides, you missed talking to your friends.

You twisted your noodles around your fork as Sakura's sharp giggles pierced through the ambient noise of the cafeteria.

"I can't believe you gave her my phone number," Aika groaned from across the table, leaning her blushing face into her arms in embarrassment.

"But she was so cute!" Sakura insisted. The brunette worked a part-time job at a nearby cafe, and, after finding out one of her co-workers was a lesbian, gave her Aika's phone number. Now, Aika was dealing with a barrage of excited texts from a girl that she had never even met.

"Urghh..." Aika's voice was muffled by her arms. "Sakura, just because you are unlucky in love doesn't mean you have to set your friends up! I'm too busy for a relationship right now anyway, what with school, work, mom's health issues, and all."

Before moving into U.A.'s dorms, Aika lived alone with her mom. However, the older woman was recently hospitalized with kidney disease. While Aika didn't like to talk about it, you knew she worked at least two jobs to keep up with the medical bills and rent. Your friend was an incredibly resilient person, and you wished you could help.

"I don't know, Aika," you said. "Maybe going on a date could be a nice breather. You just graduated high school, you deserve to have fun once in a while."

Kyoka's eyes met yours as she motioned to move on to a different topic, taking notice of the overwhelmed Aika. "Speaking of love lives," Kyoka started with a smirk. "What about you, Sakura? Any progress with your future husband?"

Sakura's eyes lit up at the mention of her favorite topic. "Not much, but I saw him outside the other day, training for the Sports Festival with your class. His hero costume looks so good! I wish the administration would let them wear their costumes during the festival." The girl sighed with a dreamy smile. "Plus, he has so much muscle and power, it's incredible to see him in action..."

As the brunette drifted off into her lovestruck imagination, you piped up. "What's so great about Bakugou anyway?"

Sakura put a mock hand on her heart in betrayal. "My own friend..." she dramatically whispered.

Kyoka looked at you in surprise. "Wow (Y/N), this is the first time you've expressed any interest in anyone in the Hero Course, even though Sakura talks about Bakugou almost every day."

Sakura giggled as you tried to quickly think up an excuse. "I'm just surprised Sakura hasn't moved on yet. Bakugou seems sort of untouchable for people like us."

Your friends seemed to accept your excuse, and Kyoka tapped her finger against her chin in thought. "Although he appears to be just an angry asshole all the time, I will admit Bakugou has some redeeming qualities now that I've spent more time around him."

A secret passion of Kyoka's was people-watching. She was a pretty quiet girl and a good listener, so she likely had stores of information gathered on her classmates under her silent demeanor. It was always impressive to hear her character analyses.

Sakura leaned in towards the raven-haired girl, excited to hear about anything relating to her celebrity crush as Kyoka continued.

"There's surprisingly more depth to him than you'd think. His aggressive appearance obscures his intelligence quite a bit. He has the top grades of the class, even in subjects like English and history. I once heard Midoriya mention even before Bakugou got his quirk, he was considered to be an intellectual genius." Sakura nodded at this, looking at you as if to persuade you that her crush was really a great role model.

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