Chapter 1

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I let out a heavy sigh as I massaged my temples. It's been a really long fucking week, and I didn't need it to end this way. I pressed speed dial 7 on my phone and listened to it ring.

"Miss.Fox, how can I help you?"

"Diane, bring me all past applicants for my assistant position." I said and hung up the phone.

I tapped my fingers on my desk as I waited. Several minutes later, there was a soft knock on my office door.

"Come in." I said.

"Here are all the former applicants." Diane said as she set the folders on my desk.

"Post that there is an opening for the position of my assistant. I want all the applications that are submitted over the weekend waiting on my desk for me Monday morning." I said.

"Is Margaret no longer your assistant?" Diane asked, looking heartbroken.

I just looked at her as I rested my chin in my palm. "No." I said as I picked up the folders and started to look through them. "I was apparently too mean and demanding for her delicate little soul." I looked at the first applicant, and immediately dropped the folder in the trash. "You're dismissed." I said to Diane.

I watched as she walked out of my office. I stood up and walked to the bar and poured a glass of vodka, I cut a twist of lemon, and dropped it in the drink. I walked back to my desk, and picked up the folders before stepping out of my shoes and walking to one of the chairs on the other side of the room and sitting down. 


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Monday morning seemed to come far too quickly. Not that I didn't work over the weekend, but working at home offers a level of comfort and far less irritation than the office does. I walked into my office and set my purse on the shelf behind my desk. I sat down to a fresh stack of applicants, just as Diane brought me my coffee and a bottle of water.

I flipped open the first folder to find a nineteen year old girl whose only job history is babysitting. Needless to say It went straight to the trash.

"In the future, Diane, make sure the applicants are worth looking at." I said as I looked up at her, before opening the next folder. She quietly left my office.

I rolled my eyes as I looked at a twenty one year old girl who has had seven low end retail jobs in the last eighteen months, and her biggest accomplishment was that she became 'Manager of Shoes'. I pushed my chair and rolled to the side of my desk dropping that one in the shredder.

Picking up my coffee and taking a sip, I halfway contemplated pouring in a little something extra to make this all more bearable. The third folder hit the trash as soon as I saw 'Beauty Expert' and 'Instagram Sensation'.

Unwilling to waste more time, I flipped open the folders one at a time, and if nothing caught my eye in the first two seconds it was gone. Needless to say, every single one went into the trash. I opened the final folder, and as I already began moving it to the trash, I stopped.

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