Chapter 33

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Everyone went quiet as they looked back up at us on the stage. I took Claire's hand as I pulled her close to me.

"You are all very appreciated, and I hope you take what Claire has said to heart, but we cannot let her go unnoticed." I said as I looked around the room. "Many of you do not interact with her on a regular basis, so I'm here to paint you a picture. Claire is the most particular person I know. She expects things to be a certain way and will not accept anything less. We may not understand why she has all these rules and methods, but I promise you they are there for a reason. A while ago, Claire was working at her desk one day, and her mouse stopped working. Being her assistant, I told her that I would go to the supply room and get her a new one. Little did I know that it would come with a list of requirements that she wanted in a mouse. It had to be a wireless laser, and one of the thin ones, not the thick bulky ones. It had to be white to match her desk...." I said as everyone started to laugh. Claire just looked at me like I was on thin ice. I just smiled back at her.

"It all seems like a list of picky preferences from the outside. But if any of you knew how many hours a week Claire sat at her desk working on her computer, you would understand. I know I kind of have the special privilege of being able to see her all the time, but I have to celebrate tonight, how incredible she is. Even when we get home some nights, she will continue to work for several hours. Tonight, I am asking that we appreciate Claire as much as she appreciates all of us." I said as applause filled the room once again.

"Now I know I'm completely biased, and I always will be, but I have never known a more incredible woman." I said as I turned to look at her. Her eyes were brimmed with tears as she swallowed hard. "I see the fire in her eyes that I hope never goes out. I have watched her fight in both her personal life, and for this company and every single time I am in awe of her grace, and strength." I said as I looked over her beautiful face. I smiled as I turned back to the microphone. "So tonight, there is going to be a fourth promotion." I said.

I turned to completely face Claire and she was confused as to what I meant. Taking both of her hands, I gently pulled her into my chest. I kissed the side of her head as I whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too." She whispered back as I smiled at how those words made me feel.

Taking a step back I let go of her hands, and retrieved the box from my pocket. I slowly sank to one knee as I opened it, and watched as she covered her mouth in surprise, and started to cry. There were gasps coming from all around us, then silence.

"Claire, will you marry me?" I asked her.

She nodded as she tried to find her voice, and said, "Yes!" as she reached for me and pulled me back up to my feet. Once again, the room was filled with applause and cheers as I wrapped her in my arms and kissed her for the first time as my fiancé.

I took the ring, and tossed the box over my shoulder, earning several laughs from the crowd of people watching us. As I continued to kiss her, I took her left hand, and slid the ring onto her finger. I couldn't hold back my smile any longer, and broke the kiss. I lifted Claire's hand so she could see the ring on her finger and she smiled like I had never seen before. There was nothing but happiness in her eyes as she pulled me in for another kiss. 


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