Chapter 26

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It was Sunday evening, and everyone was in our apartment again as we reviewed all the papers that were involved in the case. Mr.Rivera had the judge enforce that both companies had to hand over all documents pertaining to the ventilators. We of course obliged, and sent everything over electronically.

I'm sure Parker was the one responsible for the eight boxes of papers that were delivered to my door on Saturday morning. Of course there is nothing we can do. We asked for the files and they technically provided them. That's why we have all been together for the last two days straight trying to find anything we can to prove that we still hold the rights to the patent.

Stephen has been pacing the room with a highlighter in his hand, marking the papers that he thinks might be the most relevant to the case. Daddy is sitting at the kitchen counter, and has papers spread across it as he reads through them and sorts them out. I'm sitting on the couch with Diane as we look through the files and try to organize them. Mom has been picking up food and bringing it to us while Vanessa is constantly making coffee and keeping the place cleaned up.

"I'm going cross eyed." I heard Stephen say as he sat down next to me on the couch, and rubbed his eyes.

"Been there for a while now, even with my glasses." Daddy said as he continued to look through papers.

"Just one more box." I said as I rubbed Stephen's leg.

Diane put the files away in the box we just completed going through, and dragged the last box over to me and Stephen. He opened the box and tossed the lid over his head onto the floor behind the couch. I smiled at the youthful gesture, and watched as he grabbed yet another stack of papers from the box to read through.

I grabbed a stack of papers from the box as well, and walked them over to Daddy at the counter. I kissed his cheek before walking back to the couch, and sitting by Stephen again. Taking my own stack, I started to flip through the pages in the quiet of the big apartment. Pusing and looking around, I realized that this place has been full of people more lately than ever before. Smiling to myself, I looked back down to the papers.


It was past ten, and I grabbed the last few files from the box to look through. I leaned back into Stephen's chest, and we looked through the pages together. As we read, he started to run his hand over my stomach. It has been several days since we have had sex, and we were both craving each other. I chewed the inside of my cheek as I tried to focus on the words in front of me, and not make it obvious to the other people in the room that he was turning me on.

Flipping the page, I saw the document that was presented to the judge in court the other day. Instantly feeling pissed off I moved it over to the pile of already cleared papers. As I sat back, my eyes dropped to the bottom of the page. It was time stamped.

Quickly grabbing the paper back, I looked closely at it. The document presented to the court wasn't time stamped, but this one was dated the day before court. Stephen's finger moved to the bottom of the page, pointing to it.

"Is that what I think it is?" He asked.

I turned to look at him, "Daddy, come here." I said trying to keep my voice steady.

He stood from his chair and walked over, taking the paper from me. I pointed to the bottom, in silent anticipation.

"Hmmm." He said as he looked at it. "It's not much. This could just be the last time the document was saved, but I think it's enough to provide doubt. Maybe we can ask the judge to order for the document edit history to be looked at on the computer."

"That's all we need really." Stephen said with a shrug. "If they can see the date the document was created, then we will know if it was authentic or not.

"This had to have been a clerical error to have it time stamped. Parker is smarter than that. He would know that it would provide doubt." I said.

"Yeah, I agree." Daddy said.

Stephen put the paper in my leather portfolio for court in the morning, and we finished putting all the papers back in the boxes. Once they were all stacked neatly in the corner, we said goodbye to everyone, and I locked the door, and shut off the lights in the apartment.

As soon as I walked into the bedroom, I lifted my shirt over my head, and unclasped my bra, letting it fall to the floor. As I pushed my pants down and off my hips, Stephen walked out of the closet in just his briefs, ready to get in bed. As soon as he saw me, he stopped, and stared unashamed, at my breasts.

Smiling at him, I hooked my finger into the waistband of his briefs, and pulled him with me as I backed up to the bed. I laid back across the comforter and reached up over my head as I arched my back. Stephen's hand ran over my stomach as he watched me move. I closed my eyes at the feel of his warm hand. Lowering my arms, I let my hands run over my shoulders, and then my chest, finally settling and cupping each breast. Just as I started to toy with my nipples, Stephen's hand moved to my side, and gripped me tightly as he pushed into me.

Letting out a loud moan, I arched my back even further as my head moved back. Stephen hooked his arm around my lower back as he started to move, holding me in that exact position. I slowly opened my eyes to see his closed, and soft moans coming from him too. I loved hearing that. The sound of him being pleasured by my body so intensely that he can't keep quiet.

Gripping his arm, I pulled myself up to his chest, and kissed over it. I slowly moved to his neck as I ran my teeth over the tattoos that made him so much sexier. Moving to his ear, I whispered, "Fuck me harder."

His arm immediately moved from around me, making me fall back to the bed. His eyes were black as a slow smile pulled at his lips. Grabbing one thigh, he flipped me over onto my stomach, and climbed on top of me. My legs were pressed together as he straddled me. He lifted my hips slightly, and pushed back into me from behind. Leaning over me, he moved one hand under my arm, and up to my neck. Holding it carefully, I felt his breath on my ear.

"Be careful what you wish for." He said in a voice so deep I haven't heard it before.

I immediately felt myself clench around his dick as he started to move. He got faster and faster to the point that I could barely breathe through the panting and moaning. Lifting me up by his arm pressed against my chest, and the hand wrapped around my neck, he pressed my back to his chest. Slowly, he started to pull out and slam back into me as far as he could. I had to hold onto his arm with both hands.

His other hand moved to my hip and he held me firmly in place as he moved as fast as he could, while still sinking all the way into me. Losing all strength, I melted into him, as I came harder than I think I ever have. A moment later, he was cumming too. He held me in place as he kissed over my shoulder and up my neck. His hands moved to my breasts, and he held them easily in his large hands as he rolled my nipples.

"I swear to god woman..." He said with a small chuckle.

I smiled and reached behind me and held the back of his head as I kissed him slowly. 

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