Chapter 28

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I called security, and they escorted Brittany to her desk to collect her things, then out of the building. The entire floor was quiet as all the employees watched her walk out.

"Well, I think we should go out to dinner to celebrate the outcome of today." Evanna said.

"Mom, there is still so much to do..." Claire said, softly shaking her head.

"And it can all wait for tomorrow." Henry said, giving Claire a pointed look.

Claire nodded in understanding to Henry, and I went into my office to put my bag down on my desk. I looked through the messages that Vanessa had put on my desk, but there was nothing that couldn't wait. When I walked back into Claire's office, Henry and Evanna were gone, and she was sitting at her desk on her computer.

I smiled as I watched her work. Quietly walking to her beverage cart, I picked up a bottle of water and opened it for her. I put it on her desk and sat in the chair across from her.

"Thank you." She said without looking away from the screen.


"Give me like thirty minutes and we can go home to get ready for tonight." She said as she pushed off the floor making her chair roll over to the end of her desk. She dropped a piece of paper into the shredder and rolled back.

Standing up, I walked around to her side of the desk and turned her in her chair to face me. Taking her hand, I pulled her out of her chair, and into my arms.

"We're going now." I said as I kissed her.

"Stephen, I just have a few things to do..." She said.

"And it can all wait for tomorrow." I said, sending her father's words back to her.

She sighed heavily as she looked at me unimpressed. I smiled at her, knowing that I had won. Grabbing her purse off of the shelf, I took her hand, and walked to the elevator to take us down to Charlie. When he saw us coming, he got out of the car, and opened Claire's door for her.

"Thank you, Charlie." She said as she slid inside.

He closed her door, and we both walked around to the other side.

"You can have the evening off, Charlie. I'll drive us to dinner tonight." I said.

"Whatever you prefer, sir." He said as we both got into the car.


"I don't know what to wear..." Claire huffed as she flipped through her clothes in the closet.

I walked to the closet door, and leaned against the frame. I had just gotten out of the shower, and had just a towel around my waist. Claire had her hair and makeup done, and was wearing her silk robe. I watched as she reached up to look at different dresses, and her short robe would lift on one side, teasing me with what was underneath.

"Can I make a request?" I asked as my eyes stayed glued to her almost exposed ass.

Claire chuckled, "Sure."

"Wear something I haven't seen before. Something you wouldn't wear to the office." I said as I let my eyes roam her body.

"I swear you're hornier than a teenager." She said laughing.

My eyes snapped up to hers, and I pushed off the door frame. I quickly moved to her, and grabbed the back of her thighs, lifting her up into my arms.

"And you tease me constantly." I said as I pressed her back to the wall.

I reached between us and untied her robe as I kissed up her neck. As her robe fell open, I ran my hand up to her breast and took a firm hold of it. I smiled as she let out a sigh of pleasure, and sank into the feel of me. Letting my towel fall to the floor, I pushed inside of her, and I groaned at the feel of her.

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