Chapter 1

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^The three brothers^ (gacha version)
How you met Thomas

River's Pov:

Our parents were fighting again so Dakota took us all to the park. It's a really nice day out today! The sun is shining and there's not a storm cloud to be seen.
"Hey Bunny! Lui! Over here I found a good place to rest!" Bunny's a nickname Dakota came up with for me, I told him to stop calling me it but I guess after a while it's not that bad.
"Coming!" Lui and I yelled back. "Race ya!" Lui said before running off.
"Hey! You got a head start! No fair!" I ran after him.

We got to Dakota and sat down with him. He took some water bottles out from the bag that he brought with.
"Here," he handed us each a bottle.
"Thanks" we both said. We all drank some of our water. Just when I was gonna put the bottle down, tic, I accidentally threw it at Dakota.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Are you okay!?" I panicked, quickly getting up to make sure he was okay.
"I'm fine, it's just plastic!" He said while laughing. Lui was laughing super hard too.
"It's not funny.. I could have accidentally hurt you.." I said with a bright red face.
"You have- hahahahaha! Such!- Good aim! Hahahaha!" Lui kept laughing.
"Hmph!" I crossed my arms with a pout. Tic.
"I'm sorry" Lui said after calming down, "it was just really funny. I know you didn't mean to though he did deserve it for eating my pizza last night!"
"Hey! In my defense, you weren't eating it!" I smiled as they started their pointless bickering over a little piece of pizza. Tic. Tic. Tic.
"Ow.." I punched myself in the chest pretty hard. "Hey, I think I'm gonna go on a walk.. I'll be back in a bit."
"Do you want one of us to go with you?" Dakota asked.
"Nah it's-s f-fine." I said ticking a few times.
"Alright then stay safe!" Dakota said.
"Call us if anything happens" Lui added.
"Will d-do!" I said with a bright smile. I stood up and started my walk. I walked down the sidewalk heading towards a coffee shop that I go to almost every morning.

I got the the shop and opened the door.
"Hey River!" One of the baristas said.
"Hey Layla!" I said with a wave, slightly ticking as well. I walk up to the counter to order. Layla finished what she was doing and then came over to take my order.
"Hey love, let me guess, the frozen cookies n' cream drink?"
"Yup! Just the usual!" I said with a close eyed smile. Tic. My head jerked to the side. I have her the money for the drink. She took the money and put it in the machine.
"Alright! Coming right up!" She walked away to go make the drink while I went and sat down at a table.
I started to hum quietly while kicking my feet back and forth. I was doing this to try and keep my tics calm so that I didn't accidentally throw or drop the drink like I usually do.
"Drink for River!" Layla spoke loud enough for me to hear. I got up and walked over to the counter.
"Here you go love" she said holding the drink out to me.
"Pull the drink away for a minute." I said, her knowing very well why. She pulled the drink away right in time. Tic. I smacked the counter right below where she had the drink. I slapped it so hard that my hand started to tingle. "Thanks for the warning" she said with a smile, "I don't want to have to clean myself up again like last time" she laughed. Everyone else in the shop was staring at me with shocked or surprised looking faces. At least all those who were new costumers. The regulars already knew who I was.
"Yeah sorry about last time. I'm trying to make sure it doesn't happen again" I said with a guilty smile. She handed me the drink. We said goodbye and then I was on my way back to Dakota and Lui. I opened the door and walked back to where I came from. I pulled out my phone to send them a message to tell them I was on my way back from the coffee shop when I accidentally ran into someone. I squeaked as I fell backwards onto my butt. I spilled the drink everywhere and cracked my phone screen as well.
"Oww.. I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I going!" I said as I grabbed my phone. I looked up to see a male around my age with his hand held out to help me up. Tic. I gave him a high five instead of taking his hand...-_- really tics... you just had to.. I then grabbed his hand as he looked at me funny. He helped me up.
"Thanks and sorry again for bumping into you I-I didn't mean to I just w-wasn't paying attention." I said with a few tics. "And the twitching that you see is normal-ish I get something called tics. For me it's usually just physical twitches or jerks from my head arms or legs."
"That's actually pretty cool and it's alright. Are you alright after that fall?" The stranger asked.
"Yeah! I'm perfectly fine! But my drink and phone aren't..." I said with a pout.
"I can see you drink all over the ground, would you like me to get you a new one?"
"Oh! No! No thank you! You don't have to do that, it's fine really! I'm just being dramatic" I said with a little laugh.
"Trust me.. that is not dramatic." He said laughing, "you should meet my friend Roman, now he's dramatic!"
"Then he must be a lot of fun" I replied with a small giggle.
"He sure is. Oh! I almost forgot! My name's Thomas! What's yours?"
"Oh! My name's River! It's nice to meet you!" I said with the biggest smile I had. My phone suddenly started to ring. I looked at the screen which said "~Dakota~" "oh shoot!" I quickly answered the phone.
"River where the hell are you!?" He yelled into the phone. I had to pull the phone away from my ear.
"I was on my way back but I bumped into someone. I'm sorry.. I was gonna send you a message but I forgot..."
"Hurry, dad's been sending me a bunch of threats for if we don't get home." My eyes widened.
"I-I'm on-on my way! I-I'll be there in-in a b-bit!" I said ticking quite a bit due to the anxiety that had just suddenly come. I hung up the phone quickly putting it back in my pocket and picked up my cup. I ran to the nearest recycling bin and threw it away. I ran back to Thomas and right when I got to him, my legs ticked and I fell on my knees.
"Oh my gosh are you okay!?" He asked in a worried voice, helping me back up.
"I'm.. fine..." I said with tears in my eyes. I got back on my feet. "Thanks for the help. I have to get back to my brothers so that we can head home. It was really nice meeting you!" I said with a small smile.
"Aww well it was nice meeting you as well! Here's my number! I would love to be friends!" He said with a bright smile, handing me a small piece of paper form his pocket.
"I would love to be friends as well! I'll text you later!" I said running back to where my brothers were waiting.

I made it back to them.
"River what happened to your knees!?" Lui yelled. I looked down confused.
"Oh...shoot.." I just now realized that my knees were bleeding from my fall earlier. "I fell and didn't realize I was bleeding"
"You dummy" Dakota said flicking my forehead. He picked me up bridal style.
"Hey! Put me down you don't need to carry me!"
"Well get back faster this way so that I can bandage you up." He replied not letting me down. We all made our way back to the house knowing what was to come next: Mom no where to be seen (Probably in her room with the door locked), dad pissed, broken items everywhere, and a lot of yelling.


I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

*1437 words*

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