Chapter Seven

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Sorry that's it's taken me this long to make the seventh chapter! I've been really behind on school work so I haven't had time to work in the story! I also kind of forgot about the story... But I'm back now to finish this chapter and to post it!
(The photo is a female version of Dakota :3)

We got to auntie's house within a half an hour- 40 minutes maybe..? We quickly went up the stairs and knocked on the door.

Auntie opened the door and let us in. I could here mama crying in the kitchen.
"Hey auntie, I'm gonna go talk to mom.. Dakota can you fill auntie in on what's going on?" I knew mom probably wasn't able to to tell her.
"Of course."
"Thank you." I have him a quick hug, gave auntie a small smile and then hurried to where mom was. I got to the kitchen and saw her sitting on the floor against the cabinets with her head on her knees. I went and sat down next to her and hugged her. She soon hugged me back and I let her cry into my chest.
"M-mom I promise we'll find him. Me and Dakota won't give up until either we do find him, or dad brings him back..."
"B...but what about school? And what if he hurts him!?" She asked me with tears still pouring from her eyes.
"He's strong momma... he's much stronger than he looks. Both physically AND mentally! He's gonna be alright.." I gave her a small smile. And no, I am not happy about this! I'm panicking inside! I want to freaking scream! As loud as I possibly can. I want to curse at the sky but I have to stay strong.... or at least look like I am.

She gave a small smile back and gave be a kiss on the forehead.
"Thank you darling... I love you so much..." she hugged me again.
"I you too mom..." I replied. Dakota walked into the room with auntie.
"Hey sis.. I heard what's going on. Leah's out with Tommy (leah's father) as you already know. He told me they're gonna be at mom and dads place for a while so tell me how you would like me to help, and I'll do it! I'm not gonna stand by and let that abusive a**hole of a husband you have, take away my youngest nephew!" She said getting more upset by the end. Mom stood up and then helped me up as well. She went over by auntie and told her to keep an eye out and to be ready for if she ever calls in need of something. I just stood with my head down.
How could you let this happen River!?
You go to the same school!
You see each other all day!!!
How could you not have noticed sooner!?
You're f*cking weak! And stupid!
All you've done all day is get stuck in your head and cry!
All you ever do is cry!
And for goodness sake, get a hold of yourself and control your anxiety for once in your life!
I was snapped out of my thought by someone yelling.
"RIVER!" It was Dakota. I looked up with a blank face and wide eyes.
"Hm?" I tilted my head to the side a bit, in a confused way.
"Are you ok? I was yelling your name for about ten minutes! Mom tried too!"
"Oh sorry. I got... lost in th-thought..." I said looking down again. He took his hand and lifted my chin up again and made me look him in the eye.
"Are you okay?" He asked with a firm voice.
"I'm fine. Just stop." I said pushing his hand away. "I'm gonna go on a walk. I'll keep an eye out for them. Why don't one of you call 911 and inform them on what's going on." I said walking away. "And no Dakota you can't come with! I want to go alone!" I said knowing that he was about to ask. I walked out the front door and down the side walk.

I forgot to take my bag off so I still had it with me. I stopped for a minute to get my headphones from inside my bag. I put them on and then turned on some music in order to calm my anxiety. It didn't help much.
It should've been you.
You should be ashamed.
You're useless.
You're weak.
You're annoying.
Everyone from school knows it.
Even Thomas and his friends.
You're stupid.
Ok! You can stop now! Please! I already know everything you keep saying to me! I don't need a constant reminder when I already know!
I start walking to the park. When I got there I sat down on a bench. I put my head into my hands.
"I can't deal with this..." I sighed. I leaned back on the bench and looked up at the sky. "Why is this happening right now? Isn't life hard enough already!?"
"River..?" I shot up recognizing the voice. I don't remember his name though... I can't remember any of their names. Did they tell me their names? It was the one that the pretty boy (Roman) kept insulting (Janus/Deceit). He was with freckled glasses (Patton) and emo (Virgil).
"Y..yes?" I said more than slightly nervous that he heard me.
"What we're you talking about?"
Shoot he heard me...
"Umm... nothing! Nothing at all!" I said with a big fake smile as I rubbed the back of my neck.
"I can tell when people lie. Don't lie to me." He said surprising me.
"I-I uh I didn't lie! I don't know what you're talking about Mister... uh.. I don't know any of your names..." I said looking down at the end.
"You can just call me Dee or Jan. This guy over here with glasses is Patton-"
"Hi again kiddo!!"
"And emo over here is Virgil."
"And yes. Yes you did lie. I'm not that stupid." He said after introducing the other two and him self.
"Well ok I d-did lie but everything's fine so you don't need to worry about it!" I said with a smile. "I'm fine!"
"Kiddo... that's not what you said earlier when I asked what was going on..."Patton said.
"I... well... I don't want to talk about it okay!?" I yelled while wrapping my arms around myself and sitting down again. "It's my fault that this happened! It's always my fault when things go wrong! It's like I'm this... this terrible thing... like! Like a bad luck charm! That's exac-cly what I am!" I said now letting my emotions take over. I began to cry. Again!
You're being annoying!
They don't care about your stupid problems!
They think you're worthless just like I do!
"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!!!" I yelled, bringing my knees to my chest and my hand on my head over my ears.
"Kiddo! River you have to take a deep breath! None of what's going on is your fault! I promise you!" Patton said while grabbing onto my hands.
"The thoughts... they won't stop! They never leave me alone! I'm just an annoying crybaby!" I said shutting my eyes tightly and crying even harder. "You don't actually care! No one cares! No one ever cares! They're all fake! I can't trust you! I can't trust anyone! Everyone betrays me!"
"Hey! River I need you to take a deep breath please... I don't want you to pass out.. and Patton please back up a bit. Physical contact can make it worse." I heard Virgil say.
"I'm sorry!" Patton said in reply.
"It's fine Pops.. River. I need you to focus on something. Here.. I want to try something. Can I touch you?"
"River please answer me.."
"Thank you." Virgil said. He put his hands on my hands and pulled them off of my head. He then put his hands on my shoulders. "I need you to open your eyes."
"Ok..." I opened my eyes.
"Look at me. Focus on me and nothing else. Can you do that please..?"
"Mhm..." I didn't want to speak anymore... I focused on him.
"Just focus on me. Think of the color of my eyes. The color of my hair. How terrible my makeup is today." He said the last one with a smirk. "Just focus on me. Ignore whatever else is going on around us. Whatever's going on in your head." I nodded my head.
His eyes are a pretty blue color...
His hair is black.
It looks super soft just like Pattons.
He has freckles like Patton as well but it looks like he tried to hide them behind his makeup.
I could feel that I was beginning to calm down.
"You're doing great." Virgil said with a small smile. He could tell that I was calming down too.
"Thanks..." I said in whisper that was almost inaudible.
"Do you want to talk to us about what's going on? You don't have to but it helps sometimes to talk about your problems."
"..." I looked away from him. My eyes shoot wide open because of who I saw.

Thank you for reading this! 😁 I hope you enjoyed and I'm sorry it took me so long to upload! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day or night! Peace ✌️ guys gals and other valid human pals!
*1594 words*

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