Chapter Five

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The picture has no purpose in the story, I just felt like putting it there^^^
Other friends?

River's Pov:

It was now lunch time and Thomas invited me to sit with him. I accepted his invitation but told him that I would have Lui sit with us too.
I'm now on my way to find Luis. Thomas said he would save us two spots.
Where in the world could he be?
I've been wandering around the hall ways for at least five minutes now. I've checked all of the places that we would meet up at and I just can't find him.
I'll just head back to the lunch room and see if he already went there.
I made my way back. I opened the doors and scanned the room. I couldn't see him anywhere. I started to panic.
What if he got hurt somewhere?
What if he got lost?
What if he left school for some reason?
Where we supposed to be picked up early?
Am I forgetting about something?
What's Dakota gonna think if Lui turns up hurt and finds out that I didn't do anything to help!?
I can feel myself begin to shake. My breath beginning to go uneven. My eyes start to tear up as I quickly go to where Thomas is. I wrap my arms around myself and keep my head down. When I get to the table I quickly sit down next to Thomas and put my head down into my arms and try to control my breathing.
"River? What's wrong what happened!? Where's your brother?" Thomas asked with a worried voice.
"I..I can't f-fine him a..anywhere!" I say lifting my head up with tears now rolling down my face.
"Hey, it's ok! Do you want me to help you find him? My friends over here can help out too." He said rubbing my back.
"I-I I don't w..want to b..b-bother you.. I don't w-want to a burd-burden..." I said looking down at my hands in my lap. "I'm prob-probably j-just over-over reacting a..and he's probably fine... I just.. I just can't control my-my anx-anxiety... and I get super emotional.." I said now looking away, avoiding eye contact with everyone at that table.
"Um.. if..if it helps at all.. I have problems with anx..anxiety t..too.." I look up to see a boy with a black and purple hoodie looking at me. He quickly looked away as soon as we made eye contact.
"Oh! Oh! And I'm always super emotional! So there's nothing to be ashamed of kiddo!" I look over to see a boy with glasses, really fluffy hair, and a cardigan wrapped loosely around his neck. He gives me a kind smile. I give a small smile back and wipe my eyes with the backs of my hands.
"Do you want us to help you out?" Thomas asked again.
"Th-that would be great-greatly app..appreciated.." I give him a small smile as well.
He stood up and so did the others. We all walked out into the hallway.
"So. What does this brother of yours look like?" A boy with a red shirt that had a crown on it asked. He was much taller then me but seemed nice....ish..
" h..he has p-purple hair th..that fades into pink. He puts it up into a small ponytail and he usually has a green j-jacket on with a flannel wrapped around his waist. And h..he has dark blue eyes... um.. he.. he where's black eyeshadow under his eyes he does too..." I said while at the end pointing at the one with the hoodie on.
"Great so theres another emo nightmare." He said sarcastically. I looked down at the floor so that I don't punch him.
"Roman kiddo be nice."
So that's his name...
"Yes Roman. That could hurt both Virgil and River's brother's feelings as well as possible River himself. You don't want to hurt their feelings now do you?"
That's a new voice.
I looked up at the mystery person.
And a new face.
He noticed me looking at him.
"The names Dee. At your service."
"Pfft- hah! Sure! Like you could ever help anyone!" Roman started to laugh rudely at Dee.
"H-hey! St..stop being mean to h..him. H..he was just try-trying to be n..nice..." I said trying to sound intimidating but my voice got quieter as I spoke.
"Ehh... him. Nice? Never. You'd have to be a fool to fall for his tricks." Roman said crossing his arms. We turned down a new hallway still trying to find Lui.
"Th-Then I guess I'm-I'm a-a f..f..f..fool!" I said with an angry voice.
"Okay. Pump the brakes Princey we don't need you to upset River he's already having a hard day." Thomas said. Roman stayed silent and the boy with a hoodie smirked. We turned down another hall way.
Where are we..? I've never been here before...
"H..Hey Thomas... um.. w-where are we..?" I asked slightly worried.
"Um.. you know! That's a good question!" He replied.
" we..we're l..lost.."
"Yup! Seems so!" He replied again.
"B..but shouldn't class have started n-now and-and you're all go-gonna be l..late! And-and it's gonna all fault.." I started shaking. "What..what if we get so lost that we..we can't find our w..way b..b..b..back! Wh..what if school ends b-before we can find our way back? What if- what if we don't find L-Lui and..and...oh no... what if.. what if I don't make it home in time and-and... he-he he's gonna be so mad... he'll-" I covered my mouth quickly so that I wouldn't rat out father. Tears started to come again as the thoughts wouldn't stop.
"Hey Virgil. I guess there's another one of you around. Anxiety number one and number two."
"Will you shut up for once! Can't you see he's about to have a freaking panic attack!?" He yelled as he quickly ran up to me. Everyone stopped walking as I sunk to the floor. I still had my hands over my mouth as I squeezed my eyes closed.
"I..I can't... I can't breathe... it-it hurts! Please-please! M-make it stop! Make th-the thoughts go aw-away!" I yelled now cradling my head in my arms and I fell on my knees. Virgil knelt down next to me, rubbing circles on my back.
"Hey.. it's ok.. you're ok.. you're going to be ok." He said quietly. "We're going to find your brother I promise and we're going to get out of here." He continued rubbing my back and taking softly and quietly. "Am I allowed to hug you?" I nod my head a little bit. He hugged me gently. He put my ear to his chest. I counted his heart beat. My breathing was calming down and the thoughts were going away as well. "Th..thank V..Virgil..." I said quietly. I wrapped my arms around him as he held me tighter.
"No problem.." he said back. "I'll be here if you ever need help dealing with your anxiety.."
"Thank you... so much...."

Did you like it!? I hope you all did!
I promise Roman's not gonna be mean the whole time! Once he gets used to having River around he'll become a very nice person! Sorry to all of the Roman fans! I love him and I know he's just a misunderstood little baby!
Anyways! Have an amazing rest of your day or night guys, gals, and other valid human pals!!! I appreciate all of the votes and views! Thank you all so much!!!
*1328 words*

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