Chapter 10 (Part 2): In His Eyes

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Art Credit: MaxFord on Batim Amino!

Full editing with this one again because I believe in the saying quality over- um, time. XD
Anyway, this chapter is from Bendy/The Ink Demon's perspective. I hope you enjoy!

...I couldn't stop myself.

Just like how I can't stop myself from lashing out. In that timeline I didn't even have Drew possessing me like in some of the others, so I had more control over my emotions. It's... hell, those timelines. You would think being inside the studio alone would be hell. But having the person you hate the most influence what you say, do, hurt... fully pull you on strings again. Those timelines will forever be the ones I hate most. Where I can't stop myself. But oddly enough for once I couldn't stop... caring for someone. Even mildly.

They were starving. Curled up and shivering with tears running down that I caused. The entire way they were hiding away in terror behind those bars was because of me. I've made dozens of ink creatures cry like that and yet something about Y/N doing it reminded me... of me.

"Joey! Joey- I know ya don't wanna do this- ya told me! Ya told me before- Henry an' ya both care about me! Why should it be different when I'm real?!"

"...Yes. Henry and I. Bendy, my Devil Darling. Henry is no longer here. 'We' cared about you is different from 'I' care for you. But it's time I taught you, Bendy. About exactly how much humans can change."

You could say a bunch of metaphorical crap about those two. That Joey's soul is black and Henry's is white. But even with time adding up through loops so much that I've spent four hundred thirteen previous times trapped in the studio, I've also had four hundred thirteen previous times of remembering and re-reminding myself that Joey wasn't always dark.
Don't get me wrong here- I would
happily tear him to pieces even if I would have the tiniest hint of hesitation. But... Joey's soul wasn't always black. The gray just became so dark it turned to that, I guess. Like when Henry messes up on background shading by using up too much ink. Aside from the ink, I don't really know what Drew cared about anymore. My point is, that bastard was ruined and dragged me down with him. I saw myself too much in Y/N shivering like that because guess who used to be a terrified little demon who mostly had a light inside him, if not complete light? I couldn't even look at them struggling like that too long because of my set of memories rising up. A very large set by now.

So before they continued hurting I decided to end that. Claws slicing through a can and throwing it so they could eat what hadn't been claimed by the air and the darkness when I threw it.  And the floor of that cage. Much better than nothing, I was sure. Especially considering I had to slowly feed on ink lazily dripping down floors above years ago. Floors above from the throne room nearby.

I was sure they wouldn't ever see that place.

Regardless, I had an angel to slaughter. To ruin. To tear apart for what she did and could've done to my prophet. How to word this... ideas humans would deem sadistic came to me far easier in sepia walls and ink scars, we'll say. Ink. Yes, she was going to live so long in that abyss she would learn the taste of black blood inside it. I did make my promise to her that I would finish what I'd started on her face. Even if she was always skilled at dancing with the devil I knew best how to make her fear me.

Each dragging limp forward only gave me acceleration. And the anger boiling my ink had drowned out the pain from my leg. Even when chasing Henry I held back because of that thing. Though surprisingly enough I didn't get it all twisted because of an injury... it came out deformed like that. That really shouldn't have shocked me the first few rounds- the limp. My entire form was the definition of imperfection compared to what was wanted from my appearance. One of my arms was nearly the same way, it just didn't hurt me like how my leg ruined my ability to walk properly. ...Exactly what helped to keep me trapped in that throne room for ten years each time.

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