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The morning light invaded your eyes as you yawned yourself awake. You stretched in your bed, trying to make yourself alive, though your body rejected the idea completely.

In a desperate attempt to wake up, you walked to the bathroom to splash cold water on your face, yet it had no affect. You sighed in defeat, but accepted the fact that it's unlikely you were going to fully wake up. So, you did what any logical person would do. You went back to sleep. It was a Sunday after all.

Fatal error on your part.

It, in fact, was not a Sunday. It was a Monday, which also happens to be the day that you start your adventure at U.A High School, one of the most prestigious quirk schools in Japan.

You yourself weren't exactly sure how you got in, but your sister reassured you that everything was handled.

Oh, and speak of the devil...


You either toned out, or didn't understand her words due to just waking up, but either way, she wasn't going to have it.


"Okay, okay. I get it." You groaned, rubbing your eyes after you finally mustered up enough energy to listen. Three all-nighters before school starts was not a good idea, contrary to your prior beliefs. "Why are you even making me get up?" You asked

"Because, your first day of school dumbass-"

"-is tomorrow." You finished, and she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Unless tomorrow is today, then no. It's not."

"This isn't a very funny prank you know."

"Glad it's not a prank then." You scoffed at her in response, not believing her antics, that was until she pulled out her phone.

Sure enough, the date said,

Monday, 6 August.

(that's when i'm writing this and i'm not creative so yeah)

Your sister was actually right about a date for once, but she also had to be right on the most unfortunate day.

"SHIT-" You yelled, cutting yourself off as you abruptly stood up, going Tenya Iida speed to get all your belongings prepared for school.

Your sister chuckled and walked out of the room, not forgetting to add as she leaves, "Be downstairs in five minutes or I'll beat your ass like a teenage boy beats his meat." She smiled as you looked up at her in fear, pausing what you were doing.

"How the fuck did you come up with that, and why?"

She shrugged and answered, "It's a gift."

You continued staring at her as she left, shaking your head to get thought out of your mind.

Long story short, if you weren't eating breakfast in five minutes, your ass was going to get whooped.

So, in record time, all your belongings were packed and ready, and you had finished doing your hair. With relative confidence from completing your task on time, you strolled downstairs.

Your sister looked you up and down, shaking her head in disapproval, and simply pointed to a full body mirror. You fake gasped at her rudeness, and went over to the mirror to see what she was talking about, and sure enough, you were still wearing your pajamas. You groaned at your stupidity, and trudged back upstairs to change into your uniform.

The uniform, though boring, hugged your curves nicely, making you feel the last bit of confidence you needed. You couldn't figure out how to tie the tie though, so you ditched it completely. It was a stupid accessory anyway.

After doing so, you make your way back downstairs, seeing your sister nod in approval this time, and you smiled in response.

You glanced at the clock in the wall, deciding that their wasn't enough time for breakfast.

"Bye bitch!" You yelled to your sister as you ran out the door, ignoring her annoyed yells in response.

Saying you were exciting was a huge understatement, you were ecstatic. You were the first ever quirkless student to get into U.A since they had changed the rule. You had done the Entrance Exam of course, but you just hit the off switches on some robots, and saved a couple of kids. You really didn't expect to get in, to be honest, you really just did it because your friends dared you to.

Speaking of your friends, your phone shook in your pocket with all the notifications. You sighed at your friends spam, but decided to respond anyway. After all, they did deserve to know why you had suddenly ditched them and every plan you all had to go to school together.

you: ayo
you: wassup whores?

daddy 🥴: just missing you 😩
daddy 🥴: nah but fr where tf are you

princess peach: Yeah Y/N! We're all waiting at the gate for you!

you: so about that 👀
you: i kinda got into u.a lmao

mommy 😮‍💨: so we're all just waiting outside for nothing? really y/n?

daddy 🥴: i love how that's the part ur worried about and not how they're literally going to die lol

mommy 😮‍💨: they'll be fine.

you: what's this? kamiji having faith in me???

emo duck: hurry up y/n

fuckface: backread shit head

emo duck: fuck off dude

you: k well imma try not to get run over
you: talk after school ig

daddy 🥴: ight luv you

you: luv you too, bye gays :)

You look back up, sighing at the vast road ahead of you, both literally and figuratively. You knew the U.A was going to be a challenge. The question was, were you as ready for it as you thought you were?

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