Chapter One: The Notes

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  • Dedicated to Geeky_Marlene

Bree passed her algebra test. She was the smartest girl in all of her classes. Rook on the other hand wasn't. "A C. Aww man. Well at least its better than D's." He said. " YAY. Another A". Bree said. After Mr.Peters gave hem their homework they were dismissed. When they got to their lockers, they found a note that said:

Meet me at Central Park. 5 o' clock sharp. Your mission awaits.

After school they went to Central Park. They were each surprised to see each other there. "Hey aren't you the dumb guy from all my classes." Bree asked. " Yeah. And are you supposed to be Miss Smarty Pants?'' Rook asked sarcastically. "How rude! Well anyway why are you here?" Bree asked. " I got a note that said to come here." " I got one too!" Bree said. They showed each other the notes. After talking for a while a man came out of nowhere. He handed them 2 plane tickets for Germany. " Your mission starts in Germany. Once you get there, there will be a man that help you for a while. Then he will leave you on your own. Use your wits and talents. Work together to solve the clues. Watch out for any suspicious people looking at you or following you. Be careful." Once the man finished saying what he needed to say he quickly left. "I guess this is a team thing." Bree said. " Yeah. So I guess we have to try to convince our parents to let us go." Rook said. " Let's meet back here by Friday to see if we can each go. Its a team effort so we both have to be able to go. On Sunday we'll head of to Germany." Bree said. And with that said their mission had begun.

Hey Guys!! Hope you enjoyed chapter 1. There is more to come so don't worry. I will be updating daily so stay tuned. For the next chapter 2 votes. Love you all!

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