Chapter 2: PLEASE

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  • Dedicated to Gia Croos Peterson

Rook and Bree talked about how to try to convince their parents to let them go to Germany for the mission. "Alright. Lets hope our plan works". Bree said. " Yeah. Lets hope." Conner said nervously.  When they got home they went straight to their parents. Before Bree talked to them she rehearsed the things she was going to say. Rook was nervous.

Rook was nervous to ask his parents to let him go. "Mom.Dad can I talk to you guys?''Rook asked. "Yeah son. Whats on your mind?" Rooks dad asked." Well. Um I was wondering if I can go to Germany with my friend Bree to learn more for our project. Like you know for history our teacher made us partner up and learn stuff about countries. So we  are doing Germany and we want to go to Germany so we can actually be in the place. Not just read about it in a book. Oh and i got a C on my algebra test." Rook seemed less nervous saying that out loud." Well i guess for a project. SURE." Rooks mom replied. " Thanks dad. Thanks mom."

He quickly left to his room. He tried reaching Bree but it went to voice mail. He will call a different time.

After rehearsing what she was going to say, she went to her mom." Hey mom. Can I talk to you real quick?'' Bree asked her mom. " Yeah sure sweetie. What's on your mind?" Her mom answered." So my history teacher paired me up with a guy named Rook for a class project. We are supposed to do a presentation on countries. We decided to do Germany. We also thought that it would be better to be in the country itself so that we can see the real thing. We can see it from our point of view and not the book. Besides what if the book doesn't have enough information.So to the point. Can i go to Germany with Rook by myself. I can prove that I can take care of my own." She said. " Hmm. Okay you can go but i want you to be careful." Her mom answered. Bree said. " Okay" and left to tell Rook.  "Rook I can go to Germany. Can you go.?" Bree asked him when she finally got to talk to him. " Yeah". He answered.

They did it. They were going to Germany.

Hey people!!!!! Thanks for reading chapter 2. I hope you enjoyed it. Stay tuned for chapter 3. I will update soon. Next chapter 5 votes and 3 comments.  Not a lot of people have been voting. Dedication to first person I see coment. Other than my friends. Shoutout if you comment. 46 reads. Yay. Thank you all. LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!! BYE

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