Daleks And sontarans

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In America the rain was patter on the town bellow as people where walking around the town buying food and cloths for the year ahead. Along the path that was covered with rain people where walking along with umbrella to protect them from the rain a few miles away from the city stood a town the road was covered in sand and wagons and market stood in the town as people walk around doing their shopping for the year ahead. A you walk along a little girl who had brown hair wearing a dress was walking along the sandy path smiling as she goes she stopped outside a sheriff office she smiles and walked in to see Charlotte sitting on her own drink some tea.

"hello Charlotte my mum wanted me to give you the post"

"thank you Amy you ok "

Said Charlotte while standing up while looking through the post, Amy noded and sat on her seat looking at taking pictures of the doctor she smiled at looked up at her wonder who this was

"who this Charlotte and how did you become our sheriff again"

"that's the doctor and I told the story about five time amy but I tell you again it all started about two years ago". 

Flash back 

In the town a few miles out of the city from America the rain was patter on the town bellow as people where walking around the market buying food and cloths for the year ahead. Along the path that was covered with sand a man with black spiky  hair wearing a suite  was walking along the sand while putting his stetzen on his head while smiling at everyone as he walk along a women with red hair cane toward him and stooped to talk to him

"morning sir how are you"

"I'm good thanks polly any trouble today "

Said the man while smiling at her to see if there was any trouble, she shock her head and walked off and headed to the market. The man carried on walked to see if there was any trubble as he did that up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the dalek ship. The outside of the ship was batterd and damaged from the many attacks from other alien as you go in the dalek ship the hole place was full of corridor leading to different places. As you walk down the road and to the left was a door you go through it and you walk I to the dalek asylum the hole place was full of dalek from diffrent era of the doctor life. As you walk down the middle of the dalek a red dalek stood in front of them it had three light on its head and it said while calming them

"OK everone we are here for our final experience go and get the power of the town bellow"

They all move away and they headed to the cargo ship and they headed to the town. As they did that back in the town the man was heading back to his office when a cargo ship landed at the gates of the town the man started to walk towards it when the door opens and the dalek came out and started to destroy the town. Everyone ran to their house as the man stayed behind and headed to the dalek ship.

As he did that the dalek where coming out in a long line when they saw the man walked towards them they stopped and pointed their blaster at him

" who are you "

"I'm the sheriff of this town leave now "

Said the man while walking closer to them the dalek blasted him the man tried to get out of the way but the blast where coming to fast he thought he was done for. When Charlotte came out of nowhere and moved him out the way and blasted the dalek away and the ship. The man looked at Charlotte with a frown and stood up and shock her hand to thank her but he wanted to know who she was first

"thank you who are you"

"the blue horse sir please to meet you now I better go "

Said Charlotte while starting to walk off the man stop her and gave her his badge

" you will be our new sheriff thank you for saving us "

Charlotte smiled and put the badge on and the stezen on and walked to her office. Everyone walked out and hugeded her to welcome her to the family the man sigh and walked out of the city never to be seen again and Charlotte became the new sheriff of the town and it was safe from evil or is it. 

End of flash back 

Back in Charlotte office amy smiled and got off her chair and started to follow her to the kitchen

"so what about the doctor. Charlotte"

"I don't know amy he gone I don't know where he is or if he come back but he gone "

Said Charlotte while putting her cup on the table her face full of pain and sadness amy walked to her and held her hand while looking up at her

"your my hero Charlotte always"

"thank you Amy dear least go for a walk "

Said Charlotte while smiling down at her she gained and they walked out the door and started to walk out the door and they headed outside to go to the market. As they did that outside the gate of the city the tardis started to land two people walked towards it and said while seeing who they are

"who are you get out of the box now"

"I'm the doctor this is lottie  we mean you no harm "

Said the doctor while going outside the tardis with lottie  while putting their hands up, the two people grabbed their arms and took them to see Charlotte. As they did that near one of the market stools Charlotte was getting some fresh fruit when the two people came towards her

"ma'am we got two people to see you"

"OK look after Amy would you steave "

Said Charlotte while walking over to her office Steve smiles and gets some more fruit as he did that in Charlotte office the doctor and lottie  are tied to a chair

"oh this is grate why do we always have to get into thease situations doctor "

"sorry about Steve and Fred they protect my town sorry for this"

Said Charlotte while walking into the office while untieing them the doctor looked at her as he recognised that voice anywhere he looked up and smiled at Charlotte who smiled back


To be contained


Previous in a town in America we found out how Charlotte became the sheriff and how the dalek nearly destroyed it but now  the doctor arrived and the doctor could not believe he seen Charlotte again what will happen next least find out. 

Back in America the sun was shining like a gem in a stone the blue sky shone through the clouds onto the city below. As you walk along the sandy path everyone was talking to each other while children play in the sad running and laughing through the time. As you walk past the market stool where amy was across the path back in Charlotte office the doctor stood up and walked to her and hugeded her

"I'm glad I saw you again"

"David I'm so glad to see you to i mist  you very much what you doing here "

Said Charlotte while hugging him glad to see him again, he smiled back and held her hand and they looked into each others eyes amy came through the door and saw them together and ran to Charlotte

" Charlotte is that him the doctor "

" yea it is doctor this is Amy "

Said Charlotte while introducing her to the doctor he smiled a bit and shock her hand

" good to meet you is she your daughter "

" no she belongs with her mum who lives here "

Said Charlotte while telling him about Amy he seamed to forget she could not have children but he knew he love her forever and ever. Amy looked at him with a frown and saw into his mind and his behind Charlotte

" what wrong amy "

" he changes you he evil not a hero Charlotte come you must escape everone the doctor here he changed Charlotte he is evil "

Said Amy while pulling Charlotte away from him and took her to the town shouting for everone to come her mum ran to her and said while pulling Charlotte towards her

" you leave Charlotte alone she is our hero and you change her "

" I love her that why I did it "

Said the doctor while showing them the locket polly walked to the doctor and pulled it of and threw it on the floor

" you are no husband to Charlotte she is our hero get out of her and leave us alone "

The doctor walked over to Charlotte and kissed her on the lips as everyone watched in amazing at what was going on. And he walked out of the town towards the tardis and it disappear. Charlotte picked up the locked and looked at it and walked to her office and she cryed everyone watched with sadness as they never seen anything like it. But why was she crying was the doctor a bad guy or good one but who ever he was Charlotte loved him dearly did they really do the right thing well least find out.

As they all go home for the night a few miles away from the city a round ship stood in the sand and a sontaran came out of the ship made himself invisible and started to walk to Charlotte office as it walked back in Charlotte office. Charlotte was looking at a picture of the doctor on the wall of her office she smiled and touched it gently

"I love you matt who there hello"

She frowned and got her sonic out and scaned for any energy reading but nothing so she put her sonic back in her pocket and shrugged thinking that what ever it was it had gone she was wrong she was about to move when the sontaran appears and grabbed her arm

"sonta ha". 

To be contained...


Previous we found out how Charlotte became the sheriff and how the dalek nearly destroyed it but she saved the town and everyone in it. And she was loved by all and she told her story many time of the doctor and her but when the tardis landed one day no one knew it was the legend of the doctor. But not everyone was happy to see  him amy Charlotte friend saw Into his mind to what he done to her and they drove him out of the city. But one night a sontaran space ship was on the ground and they where headed to Charlotte office she tried to stop them but she was taken away never to be seen  again will the doctor come back or will Charlotte stay out in space forever least find out. 

The next day 

In America the rain was patter on the town bellow as people where walking around the town buying food and cloths for the year ahead along the path that was covered with rain people where walking along with umbrella to protect them from the rain. A few miles away from the city was a town with market selling thing to people as they walk around as you walk along the sandy path amy was waking along to Charlotte office she smiled and walked in to find the place in a mess with things on the floor and her locket broken into a million peaces. Amy bent down and put the locket in her pocket and started to look for Charlotte

"Charlotte are you here Charlotte oh no she gone, everyone she gone"

"what do you mean gone she been taken or just left "

Said polly who ran to her to see if she was OK amy sigh and said while showing them the locket

" she got taken we need the doctor "

They all nod and they get some money and they head on a plane to ask the doctor for help. As they did that meanwhile in Cardiff the sun was shining like a gem in a stone the blue sky shone through the clouds onto the city below near the waterfull Tower. The tardis was parked near it inside the box the doctor was sitting on the chair drinking some water when lottie  came towards him and said while holding his hand

"it's not your fault you know you did the right thing doctor"

"I changed her I get punished for it its not fair I love her "

Said the doctor while trying not to cry a bit of tear roll down his cheek into his glass and he put it down on the floor he smiled a bit a lottie  and said while wondering where she wanted to go next

" so where next lottie  "

But before she could answer there was a knock at the door, the doctor walked to it and opens it to see Amy standing there smiling at him

" what you doing here "

" Charlotte in trouble she been taken "

Said Amy while walking  in her mouth dropped to see how big the tardis was the doctor could not believe what he was hearing and he did not know what to really say to her about it

" who took her"

"it's bigger on the inside then outside, I don't know doctor she just vanished I'm sorry "

Said Amy while looking at the tardis while telling him what she knew about what happend to Charlotte. Lottie turned the screen on and they started to scan for Charlotte energy she smiled and said while showing them where she is

" she on a sontaran soace ship "

" OK least go amy you stay here with your mum and we go get Charlotte ok "

Said the doctor while taking amy outside she noded and watched as the tardis vanished from view to rescue Charlotte from the sontarans. As they did that back in the town amy was sitting on Charlotte seat when her mum came in seeing if she was ok

" you OK Amy what wrong "

" I just hope he save her "

Said Amy really worried about what she saw in the doctor mind polls walked to her and said while looking at the locket

" she loves him very I'm sure he save her come on least go home "

" I stay here mum I want to wait for Charlotte "

Said Amy while talking the locket from her, lilly noded and walked outside and headed home amy sigh and sat in the windowsill anc  looked up in the sky wondering how the doctor was getting on least find out.

Back up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the sontaran ship the ship was very round like a football. The outside was small little bits of metal protect it from danger as you go into the ship the hole place was full of corridor leading to different places in the ship. As you walk along a door was open and a light shined through it you walk in to see Charlotte ties to a chair her body not full of energy a sontaran walked to her and started to larght as they finally got Charlotte in their hands and her power will be there

"you are very strong we got no energy from you so far how long can you last week or days or even second how long can you last ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha "

" I'm a time Lord more powerful then you i can survive anything "

Said Charlotte while lifting her head up to look at the sontaran in the eye. He smiled and walked off leaving Charlotte tied to the chair she tried to get out but it was to strong she had to hold on so the doctor could save her. But she knew she could not last much longer, she was about to give up when she heard the tardis land next door to the room she was in she smiled and started to call out for the doctor

"doctor I'm in here doctor"

"Charlotte OMG you ok sorry we late we just found out you where gone what they done to you "

Said the doctor while hearing her voice, lottis  came  in and gave her the locket the doctor hand

" here your locket the doctor kept it "

" thank you lottie  and you David now least get out of here "

Said Charlotte while trying to stand but it was no good she fell over so the doctor picked her up and carried her back to the tardis. As the tardis vanished back in the town and amy was asleep when she heard the noise coming from outside she smiled and ran out and everyone came out their houses and started to walk to the box. Amy knew the doctor would do it but she thought he did not care for her as he changes her but never judge anyone by the action they done. Before she thought to herself as she ran to the tardis the door opens and Charlotte walked out and smiled

"I'm back oh amy you ok"

"I'm glad you back Charlotte I mist you "

Said amy while hugging her glad to see she was OK everone came in and hugeded her and they all walked off back to their house. As they all went Charlotte was still standing near the tardis amy looked up at her wonder what she was going to do

" you leaving "

" I'm staying here to look after you all promised didn't I go to my office I meet you there "

Said Charlotte while smiling at her she noded and ran back to the office the doctor smiled and kissed her in the cheek hoping this won't be the last time he see her

" I love you stay safe and I hope I see you again "

She noded and kissed him on the cheek and she stated to walk back to her office. The doctor smiled and walked back into the box and the tardis disappeared intill the next time he sees her.

Back at the office Charlotte was putting her locket on when Amy came from the kitchen and gave her a coffee

"here you go Charlotte I go you some coffee"

"thank amy now least carry on with keeping this town safe "

Said Charlotte while drinking her coffee while looking at the pictures of the doctor on the wall wondering if she see him again and she was right.

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