When Spider Come to Play

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Up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the tardis it was hovering above earth at its protector and hero. Inside the box the doctor was fixing the bottom of the console out when lottie  came towards him he smiled and said while looking up at her seeing where she want to go

"so lottie  where do you want to go"

"anywhere please as long as have you anywhere fine with me "

Said lottie  as she put where she wanted to go in the tardis console, he smiled and got up and helped her and they both pulled the leaver and they travelled to their next destination. As the tardis flew of a few miles away from the tardis a spider ship stood near the moon as it waited for it next move in the ship it was as black as a black hole. The hole ship was full of corridor leading to different places in the ship, as you walk down the hall all you could hear was spider screeching and shoting to try to scare people off when they get on the ship.

A bit further down the hall was a door made out of spider webs so you go through it and wiped the web of your hair when you get to the other side. When you did that you carry on walking down the hall seeing spider scuttling across the wall moving bit of stone. As they go you grab a light from one of the wall to light you way when you see the throne room, the queen spider was sitting on it really angry about being defeated by the doctor

"well we back and this time it is the battle of earth and we will win now go to earth bring me some humans make them my slaves and this planet will bow to the godess of the spiders haha"

"yes my lady "

Said the other spider while bowing to her and they went in a cargo ship and headed to earth to make a army that would crush the doctor and the earth. As they did that on earth in London the city was bussing with people shopping and laughing through the time as children play football in the park having fun being off school for a bank holiday. A blue box was parked on the corner of the path like a statue on a plinth inside the box the doctor was getting ready to go our for their adventures smiling away, while putting his jacket on

"lottie  its time are you ready"

"yes doctor I'm here what do you think of what I'm wearing doctor "

Said lottie  while coming up the step wearing a long dress with gems at the bottom and a jacked over the top, she turned around with a smile wondering what the doctor thought of it he smiled and held out his arm for her to take

" ready my my lady our new adventure "

She smiles and they open the door and they walk out lottie  looked around to see everone having fun. But in the corner of her eye she seam to see someone walking around, she grabbed the doctor hand and they walked towards her. The doctor was very confused but she hoped she explain later as they walk towards the women lottie  tapes on her shoulder and waved

"hello can you help us what year is this"

"well 2018 London lottie , doctor it's good to see you again "

Said Charlotte as she smiled at them, the doctor looked straight into her eyes and smiled knowing he found her again

" oh Charlotte its good to see you i mist you long time no see huh "

" yes it is why you here "

Said Charlotte while hugging them both not knowing why they are here she knew all about the doctor adventure but this one seamed new to her. But she thought new adventure new momories to make and that was good enough for her, the doctor smiled and said while holding her hand happy to see his Charlotte again

"well we here for adventure"

"well oh no "

Said Charlotte as she felt her side she seamed to have pain in it but she only had that if trouble was coming and usually it's right the doctor held her worrying if she was OK he never seen this before even though he knows her power he did not know this

" you OK what wrong you hurt "

" trouble is coming be careful "

Said Charlotte while fainting, the doctor held her in his arms and looked around to see If there was any trouble but there was nothing. But when a cargo ship came down and started to beam people he knew Charlotte was right so they ran to the tardis placed her in there and ran to the cargo ship but when they got there it was gone lottie  looked at it to see what it was and who was in it

" doctor who was that who that ship belongs to"


The doctor said while running to the tardis as he recognised the ship, lottie  thought they had gone and disappeared after last time. But she was not surprised that they where back but what did they want with the people of earth well they where about to find out. Back on the ship and the humans the spiders have beamed up went through this machine that made them into human spiders the queen smiled and said in front of all her army

"this is the battle of earth let it run red with spider blood haha". 

To be contained... 


Previous the spider are back and this time they and the earth and destroy the doctor so they head to earth and beam people up and put them through the machine and turn them into spider is this the end of Earth and the doctor least find out. 

Back in London the city was bussing with people shopping and laughing through the time as children play football in the park having fun being off school for a bank holiday. A blue box was parked on the corner of the path like a statue on a plinth inside the box the doctor was sitting on the chair looking down at Charlotte who was lying on the floor

"oh my Charlotte I hope she OK and I hope we can stop the spider and I wonder what they want with people of earth"

"to be their slaves "

Said Charlotte as she opens her eyes lottie  ran to her and said while holding Charlotte hand to see if she ok

" you OK Charlotte "

" yeah I'm fine the spiders we need to go after them they in space "

Said Charlotte while standing up really fast and pulling the leaver and they travelled to the ship to destroy it before they hurt anymore people. As they did that back up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the spider ship. Inside the ship the queen spider was looking out of the window to see the tardis there she grows and orders her slaves to fight them off

" spider slaves it is time for the battel of earth do me proud"

They all bow and they head to the cargo bay and fly off to fight the doctor and destroy the world. As they flew to the tardis back in the box the doctor was flying the tardis when he heard a beeping mouse coming from the computer lottie  ran to it and said while showing him what going on

"doctor they coming the spider are coming for the battel of earth what do we do"

"destroy them Charlotte get your sonic ready "

Said the  doctor while getting his sonic out Charlotte did the same and they waited for the right moment to strike. When the cargo ship got closer the doctor and Charlotte pointed their sonic at the console and it blasted them from the sky but as the doctor turned round one of the spider grabbed lottie  and took her to their ship

"lottie  noo". 

To be contained.


Previously the spider are back and this time they want to destroy the earth and destroy the doctor, so they send a cargo ship to earth and beam up some people to be their spider slave to take earth. Destroy the doctor let the battel of earth begins, but when the doctor and lottie  go to London they meet Charlotte again who tells them of the spiders plans so they head up to space but when they fight lottie  gets taken by the spider what will the doctor do and what do the spider want with lottie  least find out. 

Back up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the tardis it was hovering above earth at its protector and hero inside the box the doctor and Charlotte where trying to rescue lottie  as she taken by the spider. But when they tried a beam of light came out of the ship towards the tardis

"destroy that box"

"doctor they going to destroy us we need to get away from it "

Said charlotte while trying to steal the tardis the doctor grabbed his sonic and tried to sonic the console but a final blast from the ship hit the tardis sending it flying towards earth

" the ships been hit my lady "

" good now take her away to the machine "

Said the queen of the spider while telling her spider servant to take lottie  away, they nod and drag her to the cells she tried to get away. But they where to strong and she was being dragged away, as they did that back on earth in Cardiff the rain was patter on the town bellow. As people where walking around the town buying food and cloths for the year ahead along the path that was covered with rain people where along the path with umbrella to protect them from the rain a few miles away from the city. Near the tower the tardis landed as hard as a rock on the ground the door opens and the doctor walked out while rubbing his head after what just happened

"ow that was a bumpy ride everone ok"

"yeah I'm OK what we going to do we got to rescue lottie"

Charlotte said  while coming out of the tardis rumbbing her head while looking at the tardis that was smiled after what just happened the doctor held her hand and said while making sure they find lottie  and save her

"I promise I save her least get this tardis fix then we fight the spider and save lottie "

Charlotte nod and they fix the tardis and hoped lottie  is ok but they where wrong as they did that. Back on the spider ship lottie  opens her eye and found herself in a cell that had a hole in the ceiling that had water dripping through it, she got up and wiped her face as some water fell on her she looked around and wonder where she was

"hello where am I hello"

There was no answer she stood up and was looking for her sonic but it was gone she looked around the cell but it was not there. She shrugged and started to find a way out but there was none so she sat down on the floor and started to cry as she thought she might not get out.

"oh doctor please save me"

"he will not come for you he is weak and he will never come "

Said the queen spider as she comes through the door lottie  looks up and see her coming through, her face shocked as she could not believe this was happening she thought they where dead after last time. But she was wrong she stood up and looked at them with angry look on her face asking what they wanted with her

"what do you want from me and the doctor always comes"

"you may think that but it will be you going to him take her to the machin and change her "

Said the queen spider while opening the cell, the spider slaves drag her to the machine and put her through it lottie  screamed and when she got through the other side. Her body was not moving the queen spider larght and said while going to her to see if she do what they say

"will you destroy the doctor and the world"

"I do "

Said lottie   as she walked off to the cargo ship and headed to earth to destroy the doctor. As she did that back in Cardiff the rain was patter on the town bellow as people where walking around the town buying food and cloths for the year ahead along the path that was covered with rain. People where along with umbrella to protect them from the rain a few miles away from the city, the tardis was still near the waterfull tower the doctor and Charlotte had just finished fixing the tardis after what happened Charlotte smiled and said while holding the doctor hand

"ah least that done now least go and save lottie "

The doctor nodded and was about to go in and fly the tardis when they heard a noise in the background, the doctor looked up to see a cargo ship coming near the tardis. The doctor and Charlotte ran to it as fast as they could to see if anyone was there. When they go there they see someone coming out it was lottie  the doctor ran to her and said while hugging her glad to see her

"I thought you where dead I'm glad you ok"

"yes I am but I will destroy you for what you done "

Said lottie  while hissing at the doctor he stood back and held nary hands as she came closer

," lottie  please don't hurt us please I love you please"

Lottid  seamed to stop when she heard that and kissed him and a flash of light covered them and lottie was back to normal

"ow what happens"

"don't worry your safe now come least go home "

Said the doctor while kissing her on the cheek she smiled and they walked hand in hand towards the tardis, as they went in Charlotte looked up in space and wondered if they see the spiralling and she was right

" till the next time doctor haha".

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